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Skewed & Reviewed

125 games reviewed
76.4 average score
80 median score
92.0% of games recommended

Skewed & Reviewed's Reviews

Jun 22, 2023

While it is been popular some players and local community boards have been vocal about criticism for the game which I believe has varied from nitpicking to valid but I can honestly say I enjoyed this game significantly more than Diablo 3 and for me, Diablo IV is one of the best releases of the year and has been an enjoyable gaming experience throughout despite some frustrations along the way.

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May 30, 2023

Developers Dramatic Labs and Bruner House are clearly fans of the source material and very clearly did their research to provide a highly-satisfying and enjoyable Star Trek adventure for both fans and casual fans alike.

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May 20, 2023

There is the framework of a decent game buried in the mix but Redfall is going to require some serious TLC in the form of patches and updates to get it to where the developers and gamers had hoped for it to be. As it stands now, it is an interesting idea that fails to connect both goals and expectations.

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Despite my navigation and tool manipulation issues which were infrequent, the game is lots of fun and is a very engaging and deeply immersive Star Wars adventure that is not to be missed and without a doubt is a must-own title for any PSVR2 Owner.

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The graphics and sounds in the game are sharp and immersive and the game does a good job of setting a chilling atmosphere and engaging players. My only regret was not having a multiplayer option and that at times some of the later stages became a bit frustrating trying to shoot and reload when enemies kept coming but in the end, the game delivered and I highly recommend it to any horror fan and the game actually worked well when we had guests over as the family enjoyed taking a turn or watching the mayhem.

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Mar 9, 2023

If you are looking for a Real-time strategy game that checks all the boxes, then Company of Heroes 3 deserves a look. The Italy campaign is roughly 20-30 hours’ worth of gameplay along with another 6 or so hours playing through the Africa campaign. While it may not be the grand strategy game in the likes of the Total War and Hearts of Iron series, it’s still an approachable and fun game in its own right.

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Mar 5, 2023

In the end, the game is enjoyable for those willing to be patient and accept the game for what it is and hopefully, with a few more updates the full potential of the game will be achieved. The game is available on the Microsoft Game Pass and is worth a look.

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Feb 4, 2023

The mix of creatures is as deadly and menacing as ever and there are multiple skill levels including a story mode where players can experience the game without the frequent deaths the game is famous for. There are already rumors that Dead Space 2 is next in line for an upgrade and while I would welcome this, I would love to see a fourth chapter in the main series as it would be nice to have a new release every few years to carry the franchise forward.

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Feb 4, 2023

I enjoyed the game and the visuals as I found the look and story very engaging but I did have abundant frustration with the slow controls and combat which caused some segments to be replayed more than I wanted.

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Dec 3, 2022

In the end, the game while looking good and having a solid concept is hampered by the camera issues and the control system as well as a fairly short campaign. The game is good for what it is but could have been and should have been so much better than we got.

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The game is fun to play but does have graphics that are on the dated side but that is quickly overlooked during the fun as taking down the ghosts is always a fun experience. The biggest issue that I had was a lack of maps as after a few hours of play the game does seem a bit redundant and my upgrades really did not impact my gameplay greatly.  The storyline seemed short and ended rather abruptly so hopefully more will be coming in a future update.

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Regardless of which direction future content takes until the release of the next game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II gives fans of the franchise what they expect and despite some bugs, is one of the more engaging and enjoyable releases for the franchise.

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Nov 3, 2022

Gotham Knights was for me a very enjoyable adventure despite some flaws and one that I think DC fans will enjoy if they are patient and willing to overlook some of the shortcomings of the game to focus on the things it does well.

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Oct 3, 2022

Metal: Hellsinger is an extremely addictive game, and its easy to complete it in one or a few gaming sessions. However, it’s also addicting enough that once you complete it you are happy to jump right back into the mix.

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The updated graphics look good but the limitations of the gameplay of the era do show as it would be nice to have a bit more options with the movement of the Saucer during missions.

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Jun 27, 2022

It will be interesting to see where the franchise goes next but for now, Worldslayer has pulled me back into the Outriders universe and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

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Jun 11, 2022

In the end, The Quarry is a triumph of interactive storytelling and is an engaging and compelling tale with a strong cast. It will be interesting to see what Supermassive will do next but The Quarry is a game well worth your time.

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Jun 1, 2022

The game is a fun diversion and fun in groups and gives fans of the series the action and nostalgia they have come to expect. Some may cite a lack of initial depth to the gameplay and maps but I am sure as time goes on and more updates arrive, the game will continue to grow.

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May 20, 2022

To sum it all up, Kombinera is an excellent platform puzzler with a steady increase in challenges that will keep you coming back for more.

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May 9, 2022

The lack of story and setup, and the weird nuances with some of the controls and parts of the game (like the flashlight turning on after puzzles) are really holding back this game from being great.

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