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Life is Xbox

203 games reviewed
77.4 average score
80 median score
82.8% of games recommended

Life is Xbox's Reviews

55% - Spheroids
Feb 14, 2017

At the core, Spheroids is a fun game that everyone can play and I really believe that developer Eclipse has the talent to make something great but Spheroids only shows fragments of that talent. Too many things break the fun part of the game, resulting in a fun experience albeit some rough mediocre parts.

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68 / 100 - 8Days
Feb 7, 2017

I had a little bit too much annoying feelings while playing 8DAYS but I’m sure some gamers will absolutely adore this game. The visuals and sound are a pure joy but for me gameplay was fun but also frustrating and unfairly difficult.

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91 / 100 - Aqua Kitty UDX
Feb 2, 2017

Developer Tikipod can be damn proud for making this cat diving shooter.

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Jan 31, 2017

The Sun and Moon is a splendid platform game that is crazy difficult and addictive. The gameplay and controls feel right and making progress is really fulfilling. This is simply a must have game for speedrunners and gamers that like a great challenge.

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81 / 100 - Dead Effect 2
Jan 24, 2017

Dead Effect 2 has so many light elements from so many genres and brings it together into something pretty special.

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Jan 22, 2017

Overall I can only recommend this game for genre-lovers and fans from RWBY.

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84 / 100 - Final Fantasy XV
Jan 1, 2017

Some negative parts prevent me from giving it a higher score but each and every RPG-fan should buy Final Fantasy XV.

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Sep 26, 2016

Pro Evolution Soccer 17 is a big milestone and Konami can be very proud. I sincerely hope that more football-fans go out and buy this, it’s totally worth it.

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84 / 100 - FIFA 17
Sep 22, 2016

Fifa 17 surprised me with the excellent The Journey game mode. It feels and looks better than ever with Frostbite but the actual gameplay took a minor yellow card. That said, I know ill still be playing this game for many, many hours and you should too.

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83 / 100 - Virginia
Sep 21, 2016

Saying that Virginia is unique is an understatement, there is nothing like it on any Xbox-console. The storytelling and music are sublime making the game an easy game to recommend.

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Sep 20, 2016

mily Wants To Play is a perfect game for gamers that enjoy scary experience. Your heart rate will reach high momentum when playing this game, with some excellent jump-scares.

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78 / 100 - Dead Rising HD
Sep 18, 2016

If you have never played Dead Rising before I can highly recommend getting this game for only €20 (Or buy the triple-pack) For me, Dead Rising is a memorable game that changed the gaming industry when it came out in 2006. It was a blast playing it again on Xbox One with improved performance, I suggest you try it too.

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95 / 100 - The Witness
Sep 15, 2016

The Witness is a fantastic experience that everyone should play and love. Great looking graphics are walking hand in hand with fun and challenging puzzle gameplay.

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71 / 100 - Perfect Woman
Sep 14, 2016

Perfect Woman can shock some gamers with the graphical content but the creative freedom and well designed hand drawn style makes the game stand out. Blowing away the stereotypes for womans, making people laugh and providing fun although repetitive gameplay.

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67 / 100 - Armikrog
Sep 12, 2016

Developer Pencil Test put so many time making a unique and beautiful game that other parts are a little neglected. Armikrog is a game that gamers can and will love, you just have to live with the few shortcomings.

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Sep 8, 2016

Playing Awesomenauts Assemble with a friend is a wonderful experience. Finally Xbox One gamers can play this ridiculously fun MOBA inspirated game with some of the most wacky characters you'll find on the console.

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54 / 100 - Assetto Corsa
Sep 7, 2016

I'm left with a disappointing feeling, the console version for Assetto Corsa is not what I was expecting. The terrible frame rate issues and AI mistakes completely ruin what a racing simulation game should be.

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I truly enjoyed Oceanhorn in a way I haven't enjoyed a game in a long time. Besides the lack of a real challenge the game is pretty much perfect for me.

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Sep 1, 2016

The Final Station has many things going on at the same time, and not all of them are successful. The overall experience is a fun one though and I can easily recommend getting this game, just make sure to be spare with bullets and medkits!

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90 / 100 - The Turing Test
Aug 28, 2016

Special credits for the sound dev’s and the voice actors, they turn The Turing Test into something better than good. They really learned from the feedback from Pneuma and delivered something really outstanding.

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