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Life is Xbox

203 games reviewed
77.4 average score
80 median score
82.8% of games recommended

Life is Xbox's Reviews

90 / 100 - Tekken 7
Jun 5, 2017

Tekken 7 is a tremendous game that players will love for many years to come.

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94 / 100 - Injustice 2
May 28, 2017

Injustice 2 is a must have game for fighting fans, for DC fans and in general for each and every Xbox One gamer. A beautiful game with so many content for single player and online players. Go buy it now and find your favorite fighter!

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91 / 100 - RiME
May 25, 2017

Marvelous! No other adjective describes the quality of RiME more appropriately. It may seem a little slow paced for those who are searching for an adventure with more adrenaline and action, but for those searching for a different, emotional, beautiful (graphically and musically speaking), with a great story, you’ll have a great time with RiME. It’s going to be a journey you’ll remember for a long time.

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83 / 100 - Prey
May 21, 2017

Arkane Studios made an excellent game, Prey is a pretty fun game to play in the dark. Taking the best from a couple famous games and adding something unique into the mix. In short, buying and playing Prey is something you won’t regret!

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Apr 30, 2017

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 lacks a level of polish that you could expect at this price. You can’t help but notice some issues that really need to patched. However, stopping at that would take away from the enjoyable sniping there is to be found in the game. If you enjoy this genre, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 can still offer many hours of single player excitement, as long as you can get past the technical issues.

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Apr 20, 2017

Voodoo Vince is a clear example that the original Xbox had some fantastic games. The remaster is a great platformer for Xbox One and still feels fresh after all these years. Beep Games…start your sequel please!

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61 / 100 - Yooka Laylee
Apr 12, 2017

Fundamentally Yooka-Laylee is a good game, but it’s a shame that Playtonic failed to bring an undeniable great game. The potential was extremely high but they left me a little disappointed. Wonky controls, bad camera work, annoying voice dialogue and issues with performance make Yooka-Laylee nothing more than an average game. It could have been so much more …

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96 / 100 - Aaero
Apr 9, 2017

The two developers from Mad Fellows have a lovely quote on their website: Purveyors of the finest video games. It totally fits them, Aaero is a fantastic genre-defining game with a wonderful licensed soundtrack. I wish I could demand Xbox gamers to buy it, each and every gamer should play Aaero. Oh… and Mad Fellows, prepare for a lot of I want Aaero 2 requests!

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Apr 4, 2017

Despite a few flaws Mass Effect: Andromeda is still a wonderful science fiction story with some memorable moments. It is without a doubt one of the best single player experiences on Xbox One. That said, it would be a mistake to overlook the online mode because the frantic shootings with friends is a great thing to do!

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Apr 4, 2017

Blackwood Crossing is a really interesting and rather unique game that is seriously hampered by its lack of content, both in physical size and playing time. Still, the production quality for an indie studio is undeniable and mostly due to the emotive tale I do feel that the whole is greater than just the sum of its parts.

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23 / 100 - Verdun
Mar 14, 2017

Error screen, error screen and error screen, that’s almost everything that you’ll see while playing Verdun. If you manage to finally get into a game you’ll face some annoying bugs that totally destroy any kind of immersion or fun. Seriously, Verdun is a massive failure on Xbox.

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47 / 100 - Vaccine
Mar 14, 2017

While I applaud the effort considering this was made by a one man studio, I feel the game is lacking in many ways. The procedural generation is interesting, but has limited effect on the actual overall experience. If only the combat or pathfinding was a little more interesting this game could have offered genuine replay value. Unfortunately that is not the case. Unless you spend your days wishing all 3D survival horror games looked and played like they did in the 90s, but without an actual story, this game does not have much to offer in terms of entertainment value.

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Mar 9, 2017

Table Top Racing: World Tour is a fun, challenging toy car racer that plays it a little too safe. the lack of local multiplayer is very odd but the online modes almost make up for it.

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Ubisoft nailed it again, with a truly fantastic, believable world and exquisite gameplay!

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Feb 26, 2017

The developers can happily drink some Dwarven ale, We Are The Dwarves is a one-of-a-kind game that provides gamers with some great visuals and addictive and varied gameplay. I’m willing to forgive all the bad sections because they truly made something special.

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Feb 23, 2017

Is Riptide GP: Renegade perfect? Hell no, but it has been a long time since I had so much fun with an arcade racing game. Gameplay and fun is the main reason why the game has such a high rating, the visual richness, high customization options and many multiplayer options are others reasons why Renegade is insanely good. Vector Unit has made me forget Hydro Thunder Hurricane and that alone was an extraordinary task.

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88 / 100 - Zombie Vikings
Feb 21, 2017

Zombie Vikings is one tremendous game, one of the main pillars is the visual design and perfectly made characters. Everything is overflown by incredible humor, making it a funny and fun experience for all players. Zombie Vikings is a must have game for co-op players, you simply need it in your game collection!

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81 / 100 - Shift Happens
Feb 20, 2017

Klonk Games have made a co-op game that can proudly stand next to Overcooked, it might not be the most original game but they have tried hard to make it an enjoyable experience.

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69 / 100 - Halo Wars 2
Feb 19, 2017

Each hour is filled with bugs or online disconnects, making it a frustrating experience. I can only hope that Creative Assembly and 343 Industries can fix the game so it can shine like it deserves.

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90% - For Honor
Feb 15, 2017

Yes, Ubisoft did it again. Another brand new IP that is good enough to hopefully find a big enough audience. You have to respect the publisher for bringing so many brand new experiences, something that other big publishers fail to do. For Honor redefines the hack and slash genre with a tactical combat system and addictive online play.

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