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Life is Xbox

203 games reviewed
77.4 average score
80 median score
82.8% of games recommended

Life is Xbox's Reviews

7.2 / 10.0 - Pinstripe
Feb 7, 2018

Fantastic sound and visuals but the most important thing was a little forgotten, Gameplay. While Pinstripe is surely a game I can recommend to play, the potential was astonishing and Armor Games didn’t reach that high level. One thing is for sure though, I won’t easily forget Mr. Pinstripe.. what a haunting character!

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Feb 6, 2018

Available for the first time on Xbox and I’m jumping in joy because of it. This is a game that will be played for months and months alone or with friends. It is a massive and beautiful game that challenges every gamer. Please buy, okay?

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7.8 / 10.0 - Marooners
Feb 5, 2018

With easy and fun gameplay, M2H brought us a party game suited for all ages. It offers local and online multiplayer and a good amount of content for the asking price. It has some small issues, but you will surely ignore them. The colorful island will suck you in and put your friendship at test with greedy and chaotic minigames. Your gaming nights have just got even better with Marooners!

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2.5 / 10.0 - Hello Neighbor
Jan 17, 2018

As much as I looked forward to this title, I haven’t been this disappointed with a game in a very long time.

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90% - Beholder
Jan 15, 2018

Every choice you make has a consequence and every consequence takes you to one of many conclusions. Great stuff!

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Jan 15, 2018

The accessible gameplay for newcomers and hardcore players is pretty spot on with what I expect from an arcade air combat game.

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8 / 10.0 - N++
Oct 8, 2017

With all this simplicity, N++ is a masterpiece in its genre: I can’t remember any another platformer that’s so challenging without being unfair to you. It has that ‘just one more level’ feeling that shall keep you busy for months or, at least, visiting it at least once a day. If you’ve never tried this game before, now you’ll have the chance to enjoy one of the most challenging and engaging platformer ever made. Now grab your copy of the game and follow your way to become the ultimate ninja master.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Bulb Boy
Oct 8, 2017

A small game, but worth your time. An audiovisual package that many games aim for but never reach, Bulb Boy is a fine example for great creative talent. It is a shame that the game hurts itself a little by being a little light on content.

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Oct 8, 2017

Inversus is a simple but exciting game. It offers original and fun gameplay suited for quick gaming sessions. However, I would only recommend picking it up if you have one or more friends to play it with.

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Oct 5, 2017

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite’s Infinity Stones powered gameplay is truly remarkable, gamers will absolutely love the fast and highly controllable battle engine. Not all is great, it is a big shame that the visuals look undercooked and that the presentation is extremely dull.

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8.3 / 10.0 - FIFA 18
Oct 3, 2017

ifa 18 left me with a little bitter taste, while the game is really enjoyable to play the defending could have been much better. The atmosphere, visuals and sound are outstanding and the online play is unmatched and really fun.

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Oct 3, 2017

The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game (whew!) is a fun game that is well worth your time if you enjoyed the previous Lego titles. Personally, I wish they had based it on the series and not the new movie, both look and lore-wise. However, any fan of the Lego Ninjago universe should definitely check this one out.

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9.8 / 10.0 - Forza Motorsport 7
Oct 1, 2017

Forza Motorsport 7 is the best racing game that you can buy, no question about that. Mind-blowing gorgeous and the amount of work that Turn 10 did for the fantastic audio… crazy! If you love racing games, you need to buy Forza 7 right now!

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9.5 / 10.0 - Cuphead
Sep 28, 2017

This defining 2D platformer is fun to play, but will awaken some long-forgotten prehistoric rage, the trial and error gameplay isn’t for everyone. At the same time, every respectful gamer should try Cuphead. The two brothers: Chad and Jared Moldenhauer from StudioMDHR did great, no… FANTASTIC work. They single-handedly gave gamers a reason to buy the Xbox-consoles

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Sep 17, 2017

Konami has done it again, they made a perfect football game even more perfect. The ball control feels even more accurate, animations are the best in the gaming scene, visually the game looks really beautiful and the overall presentation has been improved too. Football fans that like tactical and realistic play should buy PES 2018 IMMEDIATELY!

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6 / 10.0 - Agents of Mayhem
Aug 17, 2017

Agents of Mayhem needed more cooking time in the oven, more polish and it would have been a much better game. The different characters is what keeps the game floating, everything else, like the performance and the open world are disappointing. Shooter fans will still have a lot of fun but don’t expect too much before diving in.

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Jul 16, 2017

Cars 3: Driven to Win is not your typical movie inspired videogame, far from perfect but it’s actually a fun racing experience for everyone.

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3.9 / 10.0 - AereA
Jul 4, 2017

Not even the great music and musical background can save AereA, a shame because it has huge potential to become something entirely different. Still worth buying if you want to play an easy game in the local co-op mode but for most gamers just buy the epic soundtrack and leave the game unheard.

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93 / 100 - DiRT 4
Jun 19, 2017

Codemasters is one of the most respected racing developers, with reason! DiRT 4 is a fantastic racing experience for newcomers and hardcore fans. It has so much content, you will be playing this for months and months!

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MXGP3 offers a surprisingly good and enjoyable on track motocross experience, but the lack of features and proper game modes keeps it from being truly great. Still, if you’re interested in motocross and are only concerned with the actual bike riding on authentic tracks, you should definitely consider picking this one up.

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