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Geeks Under Grace

1134 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
71.0% of games recommended

Geeks Under Grace's Reviews

6 / 10.0 - Anthem
Feb 26, 2019

Anthem is like playing in a mud puddle. It's a mess, but it's fun. It features fun third-person shooter combat with likable characters. Unfortunately, the rest of the experience is marred by technical bugs, bad design decisions, and poor pacing. You'll have a good time when all the gears are turning, but the downtime may cause death by a thousand papercuts.

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8 / 10.0 - Killer7
Feb 25, 2019

Killer7 is a unique third-person shooter with serviceable game play, a well-realized art style that remains fresh and unique, and a compelling story.

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Feb 22, 2019

While it has several problems, Kingdom Hearts III is pure fan service and is an overall great game. I do not recommend it for those unfamiliar with the series, for even if you watch or read a summary of the story, it will not mean as much.

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Feb 21, 2019

As boundless is the cosmos where alternate realities and selves may reside, so too is YIIK immeasurably unfun to play. This should have been a visual novel.

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Geeks Under Grace
Danny Martin
9 / 10.0 - Resident Evil 2
Feb 20, 2019

RE2 strikes the right balance between respecting the source material and bringing the game into 2019. Returning fans and brand-newbs alike will not be disappointed.

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7 / 10.0 - Tangledeep
Feb 19, 2019

With a new take on turn based combat, Tangledeep makes old feel new again. What I can only describe as Superhot in Final Fantasy, Tangledeep is one to download sooner rather than later. Be warned, the loot and inventory are not as robust or rewarding as Diablo.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Apex Legends
Feb 18, 2019

Apex Legends is a great squad based battle royale game for groups who may already be playing other battle royale games, but if your playing solo you'll get stuck with random players. Overall, Apex Legends is worth trying at the free to play price point.

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9 / 10.0 - Until Dawn
Feb 14, 2019

Until Dawn is a narrative game for the ages. Rarely is horror done so effectively that you feel you can not pull your eyes from the screen. You know that something is coming and there is nothing you can do but be shocked at you have just done.

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Feb 13, 2019

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is the kind of game where developer The Bearded Lady's excellent writing and prudent choice of genre preserve this game as one worthy of purchase and play despite its borrowing from a variety of sci-fi sources.

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Feb 12, 2019

A fun top-down shooter, The Hong Kong Massacre is a mirror for the action films it's inspired by. Entertaining, bloody, and fun, but lacking in depth and story. If John Woo is your favorite director, this is an easy recommendation. Everyone else will still find a perfectly fun and serviceable shooter, but your mileage may vary.

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The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is easy to pick up with a relatively quick campaign. The art and music complement one another to pull you into this storybook world. Most importantly, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince tells a powerful, relatable story that hit me to my core. Don't let this game pass you by.

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Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes is a unique arcade-style hack-and-slash with sub-standard, repetitive combat and an interesting narrative for hardcore Suda fans, but offers little else for players who are not.

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Geeks Under Grace
Derek Thompson

I now know why Radiant Historia is on so many "Best JRPGs of All Time" lists. It's a true classic, and Perfect Chronology has only made it better. Before you say goodbye to your 3DS, make sure you play this one.

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6 / 10.0 - Rehtona
Feb 5, 2019

Rehtona is a puzzle game for puzzle gamers, but may turn casual gamers away with the frustratingly hard levels.

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Geeks Under Grace
Andrew Borck
9 / 10.0 - Sunless Skies
Feb 1, 2019

If you're a fan of Sunless Sea, Lovecraftian Horror, or Firefly, you'll probably love this game. If you don't like reading, dying in-game, or making new characters, you might enjoy it less.

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8 / 10.0 - Ashen
Jan 30, 2019

Ashen copies some of the best aspects of Dark Souls' gameplay, and takes an interesting—if imperfect—approach to cooperative multiplayer. If you're up for a challenge, this game is a treat.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Smash Hit Plunder
Jan 21, 2019

Smash Hit Plunder is another fun and enjoyable VR experience that would have benefited from a more varied approach to how the gameplay is implemented. Still, it is worth purchasing if you need a game in VR where you just break stuff.

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Geeks Under Grace
Andrew Feistner
Jan 16, 2019

Just when you thought Toys to Life was dead, Starlink: Battle for Atlas cleans the mud off for a grand old space adventure. Even the Star Fox story doesn't feel forced or cringe-inducing. But if you want to save money, buy the $80 edition.

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Geeks Under Grace
Andrew Borck
7.5 / 10.0 - BELOW
Jan 14, 2019

Below is a long-awaited game that for the most part delivers on what it set out to do 6 years ago. The biggest hurdle awaiting players besides the difficulty will be finding that sweet spot of discovery and wonder that keeps pulling you on and making you want to find out more.

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Jan 11, 2019

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a high-budget AAA game whose production values sometimes supersede fun.

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