GearNuke's Reviews
Final Fantasy VII Remake is a fan's wet dream come true. It takes everything that has made the original game memorable and expands on it beautifully. It has the potential to become the best Final Fantasy game released this generation, but it is not exactly flawless.
Resident Evil 3 Remake is incredibly ambitious but some of the creative decisions made for this Remake do make this one feel like a slight step back from its predecessor. Regardless, it is a great Resident Evil game on its own and should satisfy the thirst of fans who wanted to see the series go back to action.
Langrisser I & II are fairly solid RPGs and you can tell that the game inspired a lot of what the industry considers genre standards.
My Hero One's Justice 2 is a disappointing game as a follow-up to its predecessor. There was plenty of room to make improvements but sadly it is just another repetitive arena brawler capitalizing on fan-service.
Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection offers a refreshing set of games with an interconnected story and exciting gameplay segments. This collection is best suited for dedicated fans as it is deep-rooted in the Mega Man lore, but the gameplay itself should be enjoyable for anyone who loves platforming and difficult boss fights.
This is not the best Mystery Dungeon game in the genre if you are carving for one, but for Pokémon fans, it is worth a visit especially if they have enjoyed the previous Mystery Dungeon games in the series.
Ultimately, how we judge this One Punch Man game depends on our own expectations. It is not the most pleasant experience but if you can get over the flaws, it is not a terrible game overall.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is an excellent addition to the Nintendo Switch's RPG catalog that impressively brings together two of the most historic JRPG franchises in a creative new setting.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has its obvious flaws, however, I feel it's a welcome addition in the Dragon Ball games portfolio due to the fact that Bandai Namco is finally willing to take drastic risks with the franchise.
While it is nice to see a brand new SaGa game after the franchise laid dormant for years, it is still struggling to find common ground and the experimental nature of the gameplay means this is not meant for everyone.
With Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Capcom has delivered a faithful port of the console experience, but those looking to do even better will find plenty of key features that enhance the overall experience for PC users.
I was trying to go into Pokemon Sword & Shield with low expectation due to the realization that I wasn't going to get the huge reboot-like change that I've been waiting for so long, however, the game does feature enough new additions that I ended up actually putting in around 50 hours into it.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is quite fun if you play the game with friends as its essentially a party game at its core. Certainly recommended you try the game out if you play local multiplayer often on your Switch.
Star Ocean: First Departure R attempts to stick closer to its origins and doesn't deviate much from it. The new additions are slim but it is still one of the better Star Ocean games.
Tokyo Ghoul: re [CALL to EXIST] is one of the weakest efforts to bring a manga adaptation to a video game. It suffers from repetitive gameplay and lackluster presentation.
This is a faithful recreation of Romancing Saga 3 bringing back this classic JRPG to modern platforms. There are some additional features but the most appealing part of this port is that the game is now officially playable with English localization.
Disgaea 4 Complete+ is a pretty solid Disgaea entry in its own right but amplifies its enjoyment over the PS4 original by being on the Nintendo Switch.
After a series of bad games, the Need for Speed franchise is back on the right track. It offers gorgeous visuals, beautiful car customization and solid gameplay mechanics in an open world.
While keeping most of the series traditions, Atelier Ryza manages to stay fresh by making just enough changes to its gameplay that it doesn't outstay its welcome. This might not be the best game in the series, but it is one of the most enjoyable ones.
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition is an extremely good value bundle for the two games that you get, so if you haven't played the games and own a Switch then this Pokemon alternative is certainly worth investing in.