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701 games reviewed
78.5 average score
80 median score
61.1% of games recommended's Reviews

Nov 2, 2017

36 Fragments of Midnight is a short procedurally generated adventure that is a budget release for Nintendo Switch. It offers us an option for our younger family members to have a crack at a platformer they can easily understand and complete with some trial and error here and there. If you have young ones below the age of six in your family, then this might be a good option.

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Nov 1, 2017

Overall Transcripted is a very fun and highly addictive game that does a great job at mixing two different gameplay mechanics into a good looking and entertaining release. This one does not include a Platinum trophy, which is a bummer, but it's something that shouldn't get in the way of your enjoyment.

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The game is still very compelling and does a great job of creating an overall package. Check this game out as it's worth your attention.

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PSN Price (PlayStation 4): $49.99

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The main issue is lack of of modes, variety and repetitiveness, question is is it worth the $60 price tag? Well i would only recommend the game to hardcore Touhou fans, who know what to expect and could get far more enjoyment that a non fan would. That aside the game is flawless, no bugs and glitches, i don't think i've seen any problems in past NISA games as far as i can remember so that is a big bonus!

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Oct 26, 2017

With multiple endings on offer, you can go back and replay the game to find out all variations of the story but, to be honest, there's very little impetus to do so.

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Oct 25, 2017

Overall, Dreambreak is not a bad adventure game, but it is a short one with some flaws that might hinder your enjoyment. It features a great-looking art style but the way it is animated and how the gameplay works might not be for everyone.

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50% - Morphite
Oct 24, 2017

It's a shame that the overall experience is what it currently is, because Morphite certainly had potential. It ultimately fails to realize said potential, and leaves you feeling as though the game's somewhat unfinished. Hopefully the game can be patched soon to improve the overall experience.

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75% - Splasher
Oct 23, 2017

Splasher is a very fun action platformer with lots of fast-paced action and a great and colorful painting/washing away gameplay mechanics.

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75% - INK
Oct 20, 2017

Overall, INK is a fun and fast-paced minimalist platformer that is fun on PlayStation 4. Due to the game's nature, there's a lot of trial and error involved, but you'll get better and better the more you play. It's a great effort from ZackBellGames with a nice twist to platforming that keeps it feeling fresh until the end, and I look forward to checking out the dev's next game!

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Oct 19, 2017

Neurovoider is a very fun arcade-style twin-stick shooter with plenty of things to enjoy. The separate main builds play differently, and the customization and upgrade options for every one thanks to all the loot you can get will make each run feel a bit different. It's roguelike nature, and randomization might not be for everyone, but if you give this one a go on Nintendo Switch, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

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80% - Forma.8
Oct 18, 2017

forma.8 is game worth playing, with great graphics, fun gameplay and a solid adventure. The game is a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch due to the consoles nature, playing at home or on the go without any interruption. It's a short adventure that will take you roughly 6-7 hours to complete, but it's all good with no unnecessary content to increase the number of time spent on a game for no reason.

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I liked Eventide 2: Sorcerer's Mirror. The first one was one of my favorite from the developer because of the story and this one does not disappoint. I'm also glad to see the gameplay evolving which is alwasy necessary especially with how many games are coming out from the company with the same engine. I like those new items in the game play. The CGI was much better this time around, but some voicework still fall flat. I would love to see them open up there game in that regard.

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Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is a great visual novel with trial elements, and is fun to play through. Given its style, it will definitively not be for everyone, but if you give it a try, I'm sure you'll be in for a treat as this offers dozens of hours of gameplay – not to mention very long trials to take on each potential murderer!

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70% - Ruiner
Oct 13, 2017

It's quite a slick and accomplished title that won't win any awards for its visual aesthetic, story or the way the game plays, but it does deliver exactly what it says on the tin, and doesn't apologize for the difficulty setting that's thrown at you.

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Oct 12, 2017

If you're looking for an MLB game with a more arcadey feel, while still getting access to all 30 Major League Baseball teams and over 1,000 real players, then this could be the one for you. But if you're looking for a game that offers a deep seem-like experience, this one is probably not going to win you over.

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80% - Hob
Oct 11, 2017

Hob is a genuinely beautiful game, as you'd expect from the very talented people at Runic Games, the developer of Torchlight, but I do feel that there could've been, at times in the game, a bit more detail about the world the game's set within, what has happened and why, as wel as more information on Hob himself!

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Oct 9, 2017

I highly recommend you get Culdcept Revolt on Nintendo 3DS, and I very much look forward to playing a sequel soon!

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Oct 5, 2017

Demon's Crystals offers a fast-paced arcade experience for some mindless fun. You're always on the move as you try to stay alive, making the most of the weapons and power-ups you find. The game is a budget release at only $4.99, so it's definitely worth your time and money, especially if you have three friends who want to join in on the fun.

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Oct 4, 2017

Sylvio is an interesting indie release that tries something different and succeeds. The graphics might not be the best out there, but they get the job done. There are many secrets to find during your search for the truth in this creepy, abandoned park, and I definitely had fun. If after checking the game's trailer and reading this review you feel the game isn't for you, then that's probably how you'll feel from playing it.

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