Videospielkombinat's Reviews
It's not easy to recommend a multiplayer only game with basically no one to play against. Even one of the best combat systems on the market doesn't make Mirage: Arcane Warfare worth buying with a player base that small.
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N++ comes packed with an insane amount of official content. In addition to that, many thousand user created levels, a simple to understand editor and well designed menus make an already really good jump ‘n’ run even better. If you enjoyed the classic N and can’t get enough of the thrilling gameplay, N++ is the right choice.
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Dishonored 2 improves the strengths of its predecessor and introduces new concepts and fresh ideas everywhere while you unveil the somewhat foreseeable story. It is a must-have for all fans of the series and a game to definitely keep an eye on for everyone else. Players who love freedom of choice in every situation surely will enjoy it.
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Blackwood Crossing tells an interesting story about family, relationships and loss. Sadly it's not easy to enjoy most of the slow and sometimes frustrating gameplay.
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Shift Happens is a very well polished coop adventure. A suitable designed learning curve, the minimalistic graphic and sound design and cool gameplay ideas all fit together perfectly and offer many unforgettable moments of jumping and running.
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Mirror's Edge Catalyst tries to improve on the good parts of its predecessor. Most of the time it fails to do so. The open world city is way to repetitive in many areas and fighting enemies just doesn't feel right.
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Putting many unanswered questions aside, The Witness is one of the most interesting games of the last decade. The world is designed beautifully and with an incredible amount of hidden details. Although the riddles can become annoying at some points, you definitely should visit the mysterious island.
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A Normal Lost Phone is a unique experience. You aren't just passively watching a story go by, but you as the player are a part of it. Finding a smartphone and discovering who the owner was through carefully studying images, texts and mails is highly entertaining and sometimes makes you feel really uncomfortable.
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Abzu is not a game for everyone. You need to take your time to enjoy the scenery and all the beautifully designed and colorful animals and vegetation. Abzu looks more like an interactive screensaver than a real game. If you're okay with mediocre gameplay mechanics and like to take a slow dive into the deep ocean, Abzu will be very calming and relaxing.
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Star Wars Battlefront nails the epic battle atmosphere with great visuals and authentic sound design.The gameplay on the other hand is somewhat shallow. The environments, whilst offering amazing graphics, aren't the best designed ones either. Star Wars Battlefront is most enjoyable in short sessions and should be acquired through the Origin Access subscription.
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Planet Coaster is a perfect amusement park building simulator. If you miss the glorious days of RollerCoaster Tycoon, Planet Coaster is the right game for you.
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Reigns is funny, intriguing and the perfect game for in-between.
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Octodad looks like it is made for kids, but the gameplay can be very hard and frustrating at times. It will reward you with dozens of laughable moments nevertheless. We recommend buying it in a sale.
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Unravel has great visuals but falls short on the gameplay side. Many unfair parts and the same riddles through the whole game degrade Unravel to a mediocre experience.
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Boid offers short and highly entertaining multiplayer RTS battles with great Steam integration. Try it out, it's free!
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Tales from the Borderlands is one of the most interesting games from Telltale Games. It's comedic, has a bunch of cool characters and the soundtrack is simply wonderful. If you're into Borderlands and looking for a deeper story, Tales from the Borderlands will fulfill your dreams.
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Heart of Stone continues the greatness of Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Well written dialogues, memorable characters and a much needed return to one of the best role playing games out there.
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Rocket League is easy to learn but hard to master. Even after dozends of hours you'll still find ways to improve your play style. Fair matchmaking, regular updates with new items, maps and gameplay changes all combine to a great gaming experience - especially with friends!
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is easily one of the best role playing games ever made. The world and characters are designed with incredible detail and the story will drag you into an amazing and unforgetable journey. You just need to play it.
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Obliteracers is a great game for intense multiplayer battles. Grab some friends and throw yourself into this chaotic racing experience full of action. You won't regret it.
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