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Gamers Heroes

1031 games reviewed
64.5 average score
70 median score
47.2% of games recommended

Gamers Heroes's Reviews

Unscored - Lethal League
May 11, 2017

Packing a unique hook, a high skill ceiling, and oodles of style, Lethal League is a worthy addition to the competitive gaming scene. It may not have tons of characters or stages, but what is here will keep players smashing away for years to come.

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10 / 100 - Cosmic Zephyr DX
Jan 31, 2021

Cosmic Zephyr DX is unplayable. Between the nonexistent AI, the unpredictable mechanics, and the lack of polish nothing works as it should.

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Random humor has its place in media, but A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing fails to captivate its audience by shotgunning the bizarre and seeing what sticks.

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Nov 18, 2019

All those hoping to get a taste of Timmy's Cooking Show will leave with a bad taste in their mouth. The food is bad, the pacing is poor, and the gameplay is nonexistent.

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Jul 25, 2019

Unsubscribed: The Game completely and utterly fails at everything it sets out to do. It fails at horror, it fails at gameplay, and it fails at entertaining the player in any sort of way.

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Real Life Battle Royal is an obnoxious affair full of in-jokes to amuse the developers and make a quick buck.

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Feb 7, 2019

Life is Pointless lives up to its title by being an absolutely pointless affair. Though players can hit any key to progress, the only two buttons worth pressing are Alt and F4.

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Nov 20, 2018

Factory of Monsters is a broken game that will waste the time of all those who stumble across it. Don't bother playing this one, even for a laugh – this is one dud of a release.

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Nov 8, 2018

When the game launcher has a typo in it, you just know that you have a broken, buggy mess on your hands. Playing Freebot: Battle for FreeWeb is an experience in the worst way possible, and is without a doubt the worst title released this year.

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1 / 10 - mr. Vegan
Sep 12, 2018

mr. Vegan is an exercise in patience. Collecting endless amounts of fruits and vegetables amidst a backdrop of nothing makes its levels stretch out to an eternity.

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1 / 10 - NickProject
May 10, 2018

There's not much to NickProject. The lack of effort that went into everything from the gameplay to the graphics is blatantly apparent, making it an easy pass for even the most diehard fan of top-down shooters.

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May 3, 2018

So Long Grandma is a broken game with an absolutely horrible premise. This is yet another ironic Steam game that decides to push the envelope in lieu of good gameplay or any semblance of taste.

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Apr 5, 2018

Absolutely zero effort went into Toddler Simulator. This is a sad excuse for a game, and is more annoying than a baby's scream.

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Mar 27, 2018

Aidsmoji: The Forbidden Fruit is a scam. If you want to see a group of friends dick around with a camera and make fools of themselves, you're better off hitting up YouTube for free.

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Mar 5, 2018

So much is wrong with ShineG in the SeaFight that it's a wonder it even got the greenlight on Steam. Forget about any semblance of strategy or logic – this is one broken game.

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Feb 23, 2018

Van Darkholme deserves better than his portrayal in Deep Dark Fight. This is a sloppy excuse for a game, and the broken physics will make you curse more than Van himself.

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There Is A Genie In My Szechuan Sauce is one of those "ironic" meme games in which people gush about it on Steam and tell their friends about how it's "so bad it's good." However, the joke is on you if you play this poorly acted, poorly constructed mess of a game.

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Oct 31, 2017

We didn't think it was possible, but ShineG in the Zombies beats out One Way Trip as the worst game Gamers Heroes has played this year. Save your money and don't believe Steam's lies – this game is awful.

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20 / 100 - Clown for Speed
Nov 3, 2022

Clown for Speed will only make you feel like a clown. The drifting is simple and the cars fun, but everything in this package feels like the circus is in town.

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20 / 100 - Vacuum Story
Aug 19, 2022

Cleaning garbage in a video game is about as fun as it sounds, and Vacuum Story doesn’t make a compelling case to pay for the privilege. Not even its vague story can hide how dreadfully dull the whole affair actually is.

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