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Despite a couple of gripes, I’d still say this is probably going to be the best version of Beyond Good & Evil. It at least has the strongest intersection between accessibility and quality. The game runs and looks quite good on the system, with the handful of framerate dips not really detracting from the overall experience. I’ll admit, the brilliant quality of Beyond Good & Evil is doing a lot of the heavy lifting here. The remaster overall is quite good, with this Nintendo Switch version just being solid, I’d say. This is a good way to play one of the coolest games from the sixth gen, but there are definitely better places to play this version. If you’re used to concessions made with these kinds of ports though, you’ll probably have as great of a time as I did. While I’m sure Nintendo’s handheld won’t be able to run the second game whenever that resurfaces, I’m certainly a lot more interested in giving it a go than I was before.
I’ll be honest, when Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition was first revealed it felt like the sort of ‘backup’ announcement you’d expect to see toward the tail end of a console’s life, doing the job of filling a gap during the quieter summer months in a rather unspectacular fashion. How wrong I was. Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition is a wonderfully put-together package, its 150 challenges so addictive to play, its presentation slick and implementation of multiplayer a surprise hit. Sure, we’ve seen these games repackaged over and over to the point of delirium, but when they’re done so in such a fascinating and entertaining manner… well… bring on Nintendo World Championships: SNES Edition is all I can say.
SaGa Emerald Beyond is a peculiar game. It aimed to streamline a lot of Scarlet Grace, but they might have maybe gone a bit too far. At the same time, I wouldn’t call it safe either. The cast and setting are wonderfully bizarre, reminding me of SaGa Frontier in the best of ways. I had hoped this would have strived to be more of an evolution, and in reality, it’s more of an iteration. I say all of this and acknowledge all these complaints, but I still genuinely love this latest take on SaGa. It is iterating on gold, and there’s so much I either haven’t been able to figure out yet or just didn’t have time to delve into. These systems with a higher budget in presentation? You’d have an all-timer. I adore this series and think this is a great entry point for anyone looking for a systems-driven RPG that strives to be different. It’s ironic that the upcoming Romancing SaGa 2 remake is looking to be a step forward in what this series is capable of, but for all we know Emerald Beyond is a final hurrah for this style of SaGa game. I’m not going to complain about two SaGa games in one year, either.
I’m not exactly sure why Luigi’s Mansion 2 was chosen for an HD remaster over the original, but after all is said and done I’m glad this game got another chance at life. Outside of the mission structure (which I even grew to like at the end), I never felt this carried over any of the negative connotations with it being a 3DS conversion. The gameplay feels fresh, and the controls rarely gave me any issues. Having a second thumbstick goes a long way in making this feel leagues better to play than the original. They haven’t really added anything substantial, so people who have played the original won’t be met with any new surprises. I had fun revisiting this charming ghost adventure, but I can’t say it’ll be worth it for every player given the steep cost. It does have me wanting to dust off my 3DS for the remake of the original and redownload Luigi’s Mansion 3. I’m back in a Luigi’s Mansion mood, and hope we get to see a fourth game on Nintendo’s next console.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble is the best entry in the series since the original GameCube games with its spin dash move working amazingly well, 200 inventive stages that get truly challenging later on, a visual look so pleasing on the eye and the option to play any of its modes online.
Outside of egg farming being annoying, I’d say nothing about Monster Hunter Stories is inherently “offensive” but rarely is it truly amazing. The simplicity gets in the way of that, but I’d still argue that isn’t an issue. If you could only afford one of the two Stories games, I’d probably recommend its sequel. It’s quite impressive though to see how much they got right on the first go, and it shows just how flexible the Monster Hunter franchise can really be. If you have a younger sibling or child interested to start checking out family-friendly games in this genre outside of Pokémon, you won’t find one with as much polish as this one.
This is a great companion piece to the story they got to tell, exploring the ideologies of the cast further in fascinating ways that change up a lot of dynamics. It really does feel like they addressed most of the common complaints with the original, while not losing sight of the general tone that the fans appreciated. I’m left overwhelmed by all the little new things they added on top of the Shin Megami Tensei V I already loved. This simply tries to fill in the gaps of that game, and they did so to great effect. With a ton of new content available, especially for completionists, this is more than just being the definitive edition of Shin Megami Tensei V. Vengeance feels confident and strives to lock in the original game’s previously uncertain identity.
It’s been almost impossible to put stitch. down, its addictive grid-filling puzzles perfect for filling a spare ten minutes or winding down for bed or (as has often been the case) losing a good hour, determined to get that final 10% on an XXL-sized pattern. Not only a fun time but an important part of my day-to-day, providing a productive form of entertainment but also relief during those rougher periods, an outlet to ease the mind and refocus when I’ve needed something to get me back on track. Quite simply stitch. is personally an important game, the kind I hope Nintendo Switch (and its successor) continue to see more of.
Picross S Namco Legendary Edition is more Picross with a Namco skin and that’s totally fine with me. Still fun. Still challenging. Still rewarding. Long may Jupiter’s output of Picross continue and here’s hoping we see a Nintendo or Capcom-themed edition next.
With fourth-wall-breaking gags, a riotous storyline and a thrilling turn-based combat system, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has it all. This fan-favourite GameCube classic has long deserved a second chance to take to the stage, and this is the perfect opportunity to marvel at its quirky treasure hunt – whether you’re returning to Rogueport or searching for the Crystal Stars for the first time.
Endless Ocean Luminous is worth the plunge, and, along with other experiences like Nintendo Labo and Game Builder Garage, demonstrates a commitment to broadening what Nintendo Switch can offer beyond simply being a “games” console. It’s a welcome change of pace from the regular bustle of modern-day gaming experiences, offering a relaxing underwater diversion that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Calling El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron “weird” doesn’t give it nearly enough credit. I think it was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, because the rise of indie games and uniquely told video game experiences has made titles like this a lot more common. We have an expectation for linear experiences, but El Shaddai’s take on action games still makes it stand out. While I wish combat could have more bells and whistles to it, I appreciate how easy it is for most people to jump into. I struggled to decide if I was sad to see its combat not evolve meaningfully after the three weapons are established, but I equally appreciate it locking in its core mechanics so early. This is something you experience, and while the performance issues take away from that I don’t think they hamper it too much. And who knows, they could even get addressed in a patch. This feels like a definitive title in the seventh console generation and is definitely worth a play if you want to experience a bit of gaming history.
This small feature, something easily missable, is emblematic of Front Mission 2 Remake. The art is gone now, and the beautiful contrast of disparate elements with it. It’s all homogenized, safe in a way where love cannot bloom.
Quite frankly, it’s a miracle I’ve even managed to finish writing this review, my past week or so dominated by Balatro. When I’ve been playing it, I’m absolutely absorbed in its clever and satisfying gameplay. When I’m not playing it, I’m thinking about my next run. When I’m with friends, I’m excited to talk about Balatro and their winning combinations of Jokers. Put simply, Balatro is an incredible experience and one of the best (if not the best) game 2024 has seen so far.
After her scene-stealing role in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, it was about time that the Mushroom Kingdom’s royal star had the spotlight placed on her own heroic prowess for a change. Princess Peach Showtime is more often a box office hit than a flop in delivering the experience it sets out to achieve, and, just like the best shows, it had us applauding for an encore as the curtain fell.
Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster is a fantastic remaster of an all-time classic FPS, but I think mileage will vary. I find games like this to be fascinating time capsules of a foundational era of the industry. While there is a good amount of content in this package, and the classic visuals have been preserved beautifully, the price is also pretty steep. If you’re more of a Star Wars fan than a classic shooter fan I’d say maybe give DOOM or DOOM 2 a shot, which also have solid ports on the Nintendo Switch. While I think this gameplay is more approachable than those two games in some ways, it’ll give you a good idea of how they play and if you’ll like this kind of design. I’m not as much of a Star Wars fan as I used to be, but this ended up being exactly what I wanted out of the franchise right now. I have qualms with the game, but they’re minor and overshadowed by all of the love put into the remaster. I’d love to see a modern port of Dark Forces II, which is apparently a bit notoriously difficult to run on modern machines. I’ll at the very least take a look at the Kyle Katarn games currently available, because this left a great first impression.
While I’m happy gaming has become more accessible, I also miss its more obtuse era where games were willing to let players sink to learn how to swim. The depths of Hitman: Blood Money – Reprisal are immense and it took me quite a while to find my footing, but the game design is so strong I’d say this is worth taking a look at some point. It has already hooked me on this kind of game, and I’d be very interested to see if more of the classic titles ever make their way over to Nintendo Switch.
As a kid, I used to adore the likes of Where’s Wally? and Hidden Through Time 2: Myths and Magic fills me with those same warm and cosy feelings I had all those years ago scanning busy scenes and gleefully checking off another tough find. A perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch and a perfect game for those looking for something far more chill.
Even 20 years on, Mario vs. Donkey Kong’s ingenuity in its puzzle design shines through – its Toy Box delightfully crammed with surprising gameplay elements that I haven’t seen in the puzzle genre since. Now that Mini-Marios are a hot ticket product once more, we can only hope that we won’t have to wait so long for another fun-packed puzzling adventure for the whole family.
I think some of the hardest games to review are ones that speak for themselves, but those are so often the easiest to play and enjoy. I wouldn’t say the original Star Ocean 2 falls in that category, but it is a game so massive in scope for a PS1 RPG that I couldn’t help but respect it despite my disinterest. Star Ocean: The Second Story R attempts to smooth out the experience in so many subtle ways that it turns it into a modern classic. I don’t think remakes need to follow any particular rules, but for faithful ones this is a new standard. It encourages players to indulge in side content by signposting it all so well, which is great. I think the story is a bit predictable and the cast is far from my favorites, but the gameplay itself is so engaging that it smooths over these issues. This is perhaps the best rerelease I’ve seen from Square Enix, and even if I don’t think it makes the original a perfect game it is so full of love for the source material that it’s beyond commendable.