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218 games reviewed
84.6 average score
85 median score
95.0% of games recommended's Reviews

8.5 / 10.0 - The Banner Saga 2
Jul 9, 2018

Banner Saga 2 is another strategy tactics RPG that feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch. It improves on the great framework of the first game adding in some tweaks to the game-play mechanic’s and further polishing the visual’s since the first game. While it does begin to get repetitive towards the end of the game and it’s ending seemingly come’s out of nowhere, leaving much unresolved it does have me interested on jumping into the final entry in the trilogy when it launches later this month.

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Jul 4, 2018

Mario Tennis Aces is another great arcade tennis game in the Mario Tennis franchise. It’s an absolute joy to play and it’s gameplay feels fun, rewarding and has a good balance of accessible fun and challenging difficulty, for the most part. While I would have loved a longer single player campaign and more to do after I had finished it, it’s multiplayer mode will offer near endless enjoyment for those that enjoy playing online whether that be casually or competitively. Fingers crossed we get some new characters, courts and rackets to unlock down the line.

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8.5 / 10.0 - The Banner Saga
Jun 19, 2018

If you’re a fan of tactical, strategy RPG’s then Banner Saga should definitely be on your radar, if it hasn’t been already in the last 4 years. It’s illustrated art style combined with it’s incredible story and soundtrack come together to create one of the best strategy RPG’s you can own on the Nintendo Switch. And while the game has been ported to mobile devices before, it’s here that the game feel’s most at home when you’re not at home.

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Jun 6, 2018

There’s never been a better time to jump in and play the original Dark Souls. Whether you’ve played it before and want to re-explore the expertly crafted world of Lordran or experience it for the first time. It’s hard to improve on something that was already so praised but with some visual, performance and quality of life improvements the team at QLOC that handled the remaster have managed to do so while still remaining faithful to what made the game great in the first place. While some of the in game assets are beginning to show their age and there isn’t anything new in the game content-wise for those that have already played through the game (possibly numerous times) it seems the true goal for this release was to make it accessible to those with current generation consoles and improve the performance. And that they’ve well and truly nailed.

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May 29, 2018

If you’re looking for a fun, thought provoking platformer and don’t mind dealing with some unsettling scares, Little Nightmares: Complete Edition will be a welcome addition to your Switch. The game’s dialogue free, environmental storytelling will have you thinking about it long after you put it down. It captures a sense of horror currently not found in other game’s for the system. Never giving you a chance to feel safe, never knowing if the next room will lead to an encounter with it’s creatures. And with all the DLC bundled in, it’s the best way to enjoy the full Little Nightmares experience.

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While it may not be the perfect jumping on point for those unfamiliar with the Little Witch Academia series and it is noticeably let down by clunky controls and some performance problems, if you can look past that there is a good game here in the Chamber of Time. It has an engaging original story, great customisation options to craft the party to your liking and addicting loot based dungeons. The game seems to be targeted towards those that are already fans of the series and if that’s you I think you’ll have a positive experience with Chamber of Time.

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May 24, 2018

Quantic Dream have given us a game that is engaging, packed full of emotion, has brilliant acting performances and carries a very powerful message. It’s almost infinitely repayable without ever having the exact same experience twice because they’ve delivered on their promise of a massive branching storyline, with each chapter having numerous possible outcomes each with a ripple effect that impacts the remaining game. It does have some minor noticeable lip sync issues that I noticed and the camera can be the cause of some frustration, but not to the point that it takes away from the cinematic experience or makes the game unplayable at all.

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If you’re not a fan of the Musou genre, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 isn’t going to change your mind. It is first and foremost a massive scale beat em up just set in the One Piece universe. But if you a fan of the Musou genre and either love One Piece or want to see what One Piece is about then you’re going to have a great time with this game. It’s welcoming to newcomers and there’s a ton of content here already to keep you entertained and levelling up your characters for hours on end but the Switch Deluxe Edition comes with that extra cherry on top with the bundled in DLC.

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Nintendo 3DS titles are few and far between these days. But if you’re still enjoying the system and are looking for a mature, dungeon crawler JRPG then Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux is definitely worth your time (and you’ll be using a lot of it here). Even if you’ve played through Strange Journey in the past, the amount of new content jammed into this remaster justifies another play-through alone. If you’re a newcomer to the Shin Megami Tensei series, Strange Journey Redux is a great jumping on point and will likely get you invested in other games in the series.

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Whether you’re a Naruto fan or newcomer, if you want to experience a great set of fighting games on the go the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy is well worth your time.

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10 / 10.0 - God of War
May 9, 2018

If you own a PS4 and are a fan of narrative driven single player experiences God Of War is an absolute must play title. It’s action packed main narrative and extensive side quests will keep you addicted for around 40 hours. The highly developed world and characters backed by incredible writing cements the team at Sony Santa Monica as one of Sony’s top first party studio’s. This game could easily be the best first party game released this generation. It’s likely pretty far away but I can not wait to see what they have in store for us next.

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8.5 / 10.0 - SUPERHOT (VR)
Apr 16, 2018

The SUPERHOT Team have done an incredible job making you feel like an absolute badass and the star of your own action film. While it can get frustrating at times if the PSVR camera loses track of you or your move wands the game’s smart use of colour, unique time mechanic and replay-ability options make it one of the best action PSVR titles available.

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Apr 12, 2018

The 25th Ward: The Silver Case is not without some flaws. But the twisting story, puzzle design and its cast of characters make it a title worth playing, especially if you have played The Silver Case. It’s limited gameplay choices feel dated and the whole game lacks voice acting which for this modern remake holds it back from being a great game from the mind of a great writer.

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Mar 21, 2018

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is a fantastic RPG filled with enough deep systems and a heartwarming narrative that will have you entertained and addicted for many hours. It’s also a perfectly fine jumping on point for the series even if you haven’t played the first game.

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Mar 15, 2018

Omega Force have managed to capture the look and feel of the Attack on Titan universe incredibly well here in Attack on Titan 2. Its a great jumping on point for anyone interested in the franchise even those that haven’t experienced the first game.

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9 / 10.0 - Moss
Mar 4, 2018

If you own a PSVR it’s a no-brainer, Moss is an absolute must play title. It may very well be the highest quality, most polished game available on the platform. It makes smart use of the PSVR system and it’s characters, combat and cleverly designed puzzles will leave you craving more when the credits begin to roll.

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Mar 1, 2018

Developer Dimps have used their industry experience combined with the capabilities of Unreal Engine 4 to create what is arguably the best Sword Art Online game to date. Although a little bit grindy in the later half of the game, it does have an addicting shoot n loot gameplay loop that will keep you addicted for some time.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Secret of Mana HD
Feb 25, 2018

Secret of Mana remake is a faithful recreation of a highly beloved classic, that Square Enix has modernised visually to get it in the hands of as many new generation gamers that may have missed the original 1993 release.

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Feb 11, 2018

I had a great time playing through The Invisible Hours. It was an interesting way to tell a murder mystery story and was done in a way where you can experience the plot twists from many different perspectives. With the initial experience being fairly short it caters to those that are only able to experience VR in short bursts but can always jump back in to experience the story from another angle.

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia is an incredibly fun, addicting and fast paced action brawler that fans of the anime series will really enjoy. If you enjoyed how the Naruto Ninja Storm or Dragon Ball Budokai games played you’ll feel right at home with this game. While it is let down by it’s visual quality at times and you may find yourself struggling with the camera during a battle it still had me returning over and over again to try and unlock that next rune to make my favourite characters even better.

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