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218 games reviewed
84.6 average score
85 median score
95.0% of games recommended's Reviews

Oct 16, 2020

It was a long 22 year wait, but it has been worth it to finally get a true sequel to the Crash games of the past. It’s something I didn’t think we’d ever get, but I’m incredibly glad we did as Toys for Bob have nailed the look and feel of Crash Bandicoot. The fun is there, the challenge is definitely there and I hope it means positive things for the future of the Crash Bandicoot franchise in the coming years.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Marvel's Avengers
Oct 1, 2020

I’m keen to see how Avengers continues to evolve and change in future updates and after implementing player feedback. Right now it’s hard to recommend the game based on the multiplayer component alone, but the full single player campaign was a welcome surprise, and if you’re a comic book fan and want to come along for the ride to see what Avengers will evolve into as updates roll out it’s certainly worth checking out to see if it’s for you.

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9 / 10.0 - Röki
Aug 14, 2020

Röki certainly sits up there with some of the best point and click adventure games I’ve played thanks to its deep narrative, clever puzzle design and it’s eye catching and beautiful art style. As mentioned in the review, I think Röki will be a game that will be played and talked about for years to come. And with it soon to hit a number of other platforms, I’m excited to see more players get their hands on the game and to see what Polygon Treehouse will come out with next.

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Aug 14, 2020

Sucker Punch have sent the PS4 off with a bang with Ghost of Tsushima. They’ve shown again they are the masters of open world and quest design, further pushing the things they nailed in the Infamous franchise to deliver a game that is just so fun and satisfying to play. With open world games being more prominent than ever, I can definitely see other developers adapting aspects in their game’s going forward when it comes to HUD’s and world design. Sucker Punch have proved again what they can do with Sony’s hardware and I truly hope it’s not another 5 years until we get to see what they’re cooking up for the PS5.

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7 / 10.0 - FAIRY TAIL
Aug 7, 2020

Fairy Tail is a good first video game entry if you’re already a fan of the series but it’s flaws hold it back from being a great one. I’d be keen to see what GUST Studios decide to do if given the opportunity of working on a follow up game. Fingers crossed things are taken back to the very beginning, opening the doors to the franchise for everyone and hopefully driving new audiences of people to check out this great series.

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8 / 10.0 - Death Come True
Aug 3, 2020

I’ve loved the resurgence of FMV games in recent years. It’s really refreshing to play a quality game with engaging story that can be enjoyed and completed in just a few hours. If you like ‘choose your own adventure’ style stories and tales full of twists and turns, I highly recommend you check out Death Come True. For the price of going to the movies, you can enjoy Kazutaka Kodaka’s over and over from your own home. Death Comes True certainly has me excited to see what will come next from TooKyo Games, as we know they have a number of projects in the works.

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7 / 10.0 - Iron Man VR
Jul 10, 2020

Marvel’s Iron Man VR delivers on the main thing I love VR games for. Immersion. The game is incredibly immersive and let’s you feel what it would be like to live as a superhero zooming through the city. It truly let’s you feel what it would be like to be Iron Man, so in that regard the game is a resounding success. Plenty of video games these days have you playing as superheroes, but never until now have I felt like THE superhero. Even with a number of flaws and repetitive elements, it’s still a must play for anyone with a PSVR headset and an interest in superhero stories.

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Jul 2, 2020

The Last of Us Part 2, like the first game is a masterpiece. Naughty Dog are mostly unmatched when it comes to storytelling, animation, music and visual fidelity and that is very much still the case here. The story is heavy, dark and full of twists and certainly feels like ‘Part 2’ of the events setup in the first game. It’s a shame we likely won’t get another Naughty Dog title for another 5 years, because I can’t wait to see what they’re brewing up next.

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Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated is a fun 3D platformer that is a faithful recreation of its original game. It’s visually eye catching and full of the quirky, clever writing fans or Spongebob come to expect but due to the design of platformers coming so far since 2003, the game does feel dated at times and should have implemented some quality of life improvements.

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Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition definitely provides value for money. The main story alone will take around 70 hours to complete, but there’s easily over 100 hours of gameplay on offer here for those players that want to spend more time completing the many side quests, building character affinities and of course completing the new Future Connected epilogue. I can’t commend the effort Monolith Soft have put into this release of the game. Not only has it been graphically overhauled and had it’s soundtrack remastered, it’s packed full of quality of life improvements that make it such a joy to play and also comes life’s with a brand new epilogue story, making sure even long time veterans of the game have something brand new to jump into and enjoy.

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May 13, 2020

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has re-envisioned the classic game, delivering a much expanded upon but faithful adaptation of the Midgar portion of the Final Fantasy 7 story. Providing brand new twists and turns to the narrative and plenty of great character development. It’s likely still years away, but I truly can’t wait to see what Square Enix have in store for us in the next entry in this multi part remake of one of the greatest games of all time.

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9 / 10.0 - Resident Evil 3
Apr 3, 2020

Resident Evil 3 utilises a lot of components from last year’s Resident Evil 2 but provides some new mechanics and fresh twists to the story to make it feel like it’s own thing. It’s a great third person horror experience that tells the story it wants to tell and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. While I would have loved if the fear of the Nemesis was maintained for the whole experience and that the game strayed into the action shooter genre at times rather than the kind of horror experienced in Resident Evil 2 I still had a blast with the game and if you like zombie based horror games, I think you will too.

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9.5 / 10.0 - DOOM Eternal
Apr 2, 2020

DOOM Eternal is the perfect example of a great video game sequel. It remains true to what makes the series great, but knows where to implement new tweaks to it’s systems to keep things fresh and interesting. The combination of it’s fast paced combat, satisfying weapons and fantastic musical score makes it one of the most rewarding games of recent years and continues to be fun even on consecutive playthroughs. If the series does receive a third entry I would love to see a slight changeup to both it’s platforming sections and it’s story telling, but even with things the way they are, DOOM Eternal is still one of the best first person shooter games on the market now.

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Mar 30, 2020

My Hero One’s Justice 2 is a solid sequel and will resonate well with existing fans of the series. It has a much expanded roster of characters and it’s new modes help break up the repetitive structure of the fights. I would have loved an English dub option as I feel the series fully deserves it though. Based on the structure of it’s storytelling, it is hard to give the game an all-round recommendation, but for those that have some knowledge of the franchise’s story and characters, One’s Justice 2 will provide you with an enjoyable experience.

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10 / 10.0 - Persona 5 Royal
Mar 25, 2020

Whether you’re a newcomer to the Persona series or have had a lot of experience playing through the games in the past, I can’t recommend Persona 5 Royal enough. It’s story, while very long is packed full of rewarding moments, complex characters and fantastic music. So much so that right after sinking in 100 hours into the game you’ll likely want to dive right back in and experience it again with the game’s new game+ mode. While it’s length may put some people off, and that’s completely ok, those that stick with it are in for a great time and will realise why I consider Persona 5 to be one of my favourite games of all time. Well done ATLUS, this is how ‘complete editions’ of game’s should be handled.

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Mar 10, 2020

One Punch Man’s first foray into video games is a mostly fun experience. The customisation options featured in One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows allow you to create some truly wacky fighters that no matter how strange, would probably fit right in with the OPM universe. It’s definitely a game that will resonate more with existing fans of the anime or manga series, as it’s issues do hold it back from being highly recommendable to those that aren’t. I’m excited to see where Spike Chunsoft might evolve and take the series next after enhancing what already worked here and taking on player feedback.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Dreams
Feb 27, 2020

Whether you’re making a first jump into the world of game development, looking for a new way to get your ideas prototyped and up and running really rapidly or just wanting to enjoy the fascinating creations others have made, Dreams has a lot to offer you. Media Molecule have once again brought together a community of like minded creators and given them some powerful tools to show off their creative side. Dreams has a big future and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what future updates hold for the game and the kinds of things the very talented community will build in the coming years.

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Feb 10, 2020

Kingdom Hearts 3’s Re:Mind DLC features everything I look for when looking to purchase an expansion pack. More story mode content, further fleshing out a story or world I already loved, more challenges to jump into and test my skills with now that I had already reached the endgame of the base game as well as various quality of life improvements that improve upon the game I already enjoyed so much.

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Feb 7, 2020

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a fresh way to experience the fantastic and lengthy tale of Dragon Ball Z. Providing you the opportunity to traverse many of the key environments from the show, experience new points of view and has a shared focus when it comes to its lead playable characters. It’s not without some flaws but if you’re looking for a new way to experience the story and the idea of a Dragon Ball game with customisable RPG mechanics has you interested, then there’s a lot for you to like here with Kakarot.

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Feb 4, 2020

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is the second breath of life this underappreciated game needed. It shows that mashup titles can work effectively if implemented with care and has a great story with a fantastic depiction of Tokyo. It’s new additional content does feel like a bit of an afterthought but if you haven’t previously played through the game then there is no better way to enjoy it than right here on the Switch.

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