ZEFGame.ru's Reviews
To my surprise, the game is in the TOP10 personal purchases on the Nintendo Switch this year about the game I didn't hear quite smoothly until news of the forthcoming release on our website, and I think it only played into the hands of the project. Embers of Mirrim turned self-sufficient, interesting and most importantly original platformer, in which is conceived mechanics and cute main character makes you empathize with him, even in the relatively quiet moments of the game, the game is not Russian language, but the text in the game, that is, all the scenes which see the players do not have dialogues. Embers of Mirrim deserve whatever it drew the attention, indeed, so good and kind of projects is less.
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The developers at Team17 in spite of the many years, continue to maintain the reputation of the project, Worms with the W. M. D all slightly different, they gave me back my 2000, only in the new world, with new visuals and gameplay elements, the only difference is that now I play Worms anywhere and with anyone, not spat the basement that is 17 years ago.
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The game is worth buying, due to the fact that the developers have worked on the physics of water made exciting gameplay, worked for the track for racing with the script changes, including the arrival of the police. Riptide GP: Renegade is a game where you can compete with other players in the ability to perform tricks, and with your friends on the same console to a sea fan.
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If you take into account past projects of the Studio iFun4All, review of which is on our website, then it is safe to say that Serial Cleaner is a huge leap forward, the idea is interesting, but the implementation does not disappoint, the only significant disadvantage is a certain monotony of action, the benefit is a smooth variety of circumstances.
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Best gameplay in the series, running side by side with the fresh story of the possible, in this whole Fire Emblem Warriors.The game was not lucky to leave in one month with Mario Odyssey, which she passed in the shadow of big releases. Therefore, if You are not worried about trite and predictable plot, then You will be able to have a great time, marveling at how deep may be the mechanics of Warriors, she only needs to take the right direction!
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Actually this is a review of the first game, I think you can finish, I tried to describe all the gameplay that awaits players. Red Game a strange game in a strange style of steampunk as a game for a smartphone that would get stuck for 10 minutes - 15 thing is a complete project for Nintendo Switch, albeit indie, unknown, I guess I will remain unconvinced that the taste and color, and then, everyone decides for himself, is worth buying this game or not.
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Mantis Burn Racing breaks into Nintendo Switch and does it at a better time, as representatives of the genre on the platform of the Japanese a little, and fans are only growing, on the one hand we have in the eshop counterpart in the face Rock'n Roll Racing, but is it as good as Mantis Burn Racing? If you are a fan of this genre, if you like isometric arcade racing, if you are keen on such projects and you like what just read the review, then hop in your buggy and dusty forward, to snatch the victory.
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Stick it to the Man was a good project that can be, unfortunately, once the puzzle is simple, but running is not tiring only because the game can be completed in 3 hours, Yes, there are interesting moments, but they are too few opponents are stupid, but looking at their appearance, know what they thought, as a platformer with light elements of the quest, Stick it to the Man is fully justified, well I was not anything.
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Rive was a project that miss fans of such action, automatically equates to mortal sin, despite the fact that the game is not very big in length, it manages not to get bored, and the constant change of game situations and mechanic, nullify the above drawback, besides, if the game is a bit more, it could be boring, but... Oh who am I kidding, Rive got a great project in which, well everything, without exception.
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The Count Lucanor was a project that the commercials are unlikely to impress, but it is necessary to run the game and releases it only after completing, while leaving the aftertaste is really a holistic project that is not ashamed to show fan of horror games, I'm all love this genre and can confidently say that the adventure of Hans, became for me a small opening, unfortunately, at three hours, because that is how much is the full game walkthrough.
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Game does not bring something new to the genre, and the fact that it has already been in many games, for example, in me, when that love LEGO Island 2 (2001) - although she was also a very controversial project. If You have nothing to do, You 9 years and You didn't buy a new Mario, you can see the Unbox.
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Beat the Super Sport for sure is to buy the number one, for fans of rhythm games, especially if you have a few friends with whom to play, but if not friends, for the purchase of the game should be more substantial arguments, such as whether to play one? Answer, not so interesting, like a girlfriend, boyfriend or dog. The game supports motion control to play with such control is a pleasure. Again, if you are a big fan of rhythm games, and they are now in short supply, then you can take the game and immerse yourself in this musical extravaganza.
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Form-factor Nintendo Switch, This is the Police revealed the full extent of the operation is optimized for games with joycon and games on the touch screen, a sort of slowness pales against the portability of the device, and tasks that the developers have come up with humor that will make smile even the most repulsed of the melancholic, all of the above says only one thing, control of the police station interesting, and the plot tries to keep you in suspense, the only question remaining is who in the childhood did not dream to become a police officer?
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The developers at Crescent Moon Games, We're Five Games and Blowfish Studios promised the game AAA-class, and if Morphite can be called such, especially on mobile devices, then the console acts gradation of quality and class at budget. As an indie game, Morphite shows excellent bar implementation as a spiritual successor to the failed project, Morphite maximum tries not to step on the same rake, and oddly enough the game does it. In the game there are ambiguous moments, because of the scarcity of simulation of life, monotonous and boring flights between planets screen saver in which it is impossible to miss as well, sometimes boring content worlds, but the above-described disadvantages do not exclude the fact, that the Morphite was a good project a decent review.
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Tally Wheels of Aurelia was the most difficult summary that I have ever written, in my head I had the idea, for whom this game? She gives the player? Is it worth it to buy it to fans of graphic novels? But, upon further reflection, I realized that the Wheels of Aurelia does not give the players anything. The entire journey is reduced to a simple trip with a disgusting physics, where the car felt like iron on the ice. The trip, which does not carry anything unusual, the dialogue simplistic, and the story of the characters uninteresting.
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Violett is a beautiful game, from the point of view of artistic style, but under the beauty of art, hiding typical for such projects gameplay that not gives players new experiences. I could recommend the game to fans of the genre, as such projects are in principle rare, and on the platform Nintendo Switch and did infrequent visitors. The good thing is that in spite of all, developers continue to support this genre and personally, I would love to Point-and-Click came out a little more often.
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Moon Hunters is ambiguous, on the one hand players get, interesting style of storytelling to the wonderful sound, and the other too short a story, a story which repeats itself over and over again, bringing a few new details that do not particularly affect it, Yes, the game certainly knows how to tighten, especially in your accidental, which hits a character, after all, as he of them will be selected depends directly from the player and his choice.
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Splasher is perceived as a distinctive product, which although takes mechanics from other projects, but presents them in a new light, showing from the most advantageous side, the lack of a timer in normal mode, more happy than not, and the confusion and madness happening on the screen, leaves the tranquility not for a minute. Undoubtedly, the latest project of Romain Claude, is a worthy representative of the genre, which brings to the genre, something new.
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WayForward once again showed how to do a platformer, despite the fact that the game was created by movie universe, the developers tell their story of what is happening, The Mummy Demastered does not suffer from the syndrome game adaptation, which undoubtedly is a huge plus for fans as a great game, and for fans of movie universe Mummy.
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Don't Knock Twice happened what happened, it is possible that someone will say that the game unworthy of purchase, but not if You are a fan of this genre and You have platform Nintendo Switch, and an extra 700 rubles, then you are welcome. Despite common implementation, this game is more suitable for VR, actually, and dive better. At the moment, Don't Knock Twice simply has no parallel on this platform, which is an advantage both for the developer and for the game itself.
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