Red Game Without A Great Name

WeakRed Game Without A Great Name header image

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Nintendo Life
5 / 10
God is a Geek
7 / 10
35 / 100
We Got This Covered
4 / 5
2.5 / 5
5 / 10
7 / 10
7 / 10
Creators: iFun4all Ltd.
Release Date: Dec 9, 2015 - PC
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Critic Reviews for Red Game Without A Great Name

There is no shortage of quality games to play - covering a wide range of genres, styles and just about any other criteria you could ask for - in the Switch eShop library. Red Game Without a Great Name ends up being disappointing, then, as you'll likely become frustrated with its occasionally inconsistent touch-based controls, along with its initially cool but repetitive mechanic and devilish level design. It attempts to hide its flaws behind some stylish yet derivative silhouette designs and some pretty cool jazz tunes. In the end, though, we have an average game with a bad name.

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While I'd recommend picking them up on iOS or something, they serve their purpose well. I just hope they patch the icons soon.

Your bird's inability to remain at a standstill without shoving his face into a wall is a pathetic attempt to engage the player with meaningful gameplay.

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Red Game Without A Great Name has a deceptively simple mechanic at its core, the exact sort that benefits from top-notch level design. Thankfully, the game also has plenty of that, alongside a dynamic "silhouetted" visual style heavily influenced by steampunk.

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Despite the fact that Red Game likely works better in its original mobile form, it still offers some fun. The frustration may require some patience to overcome if you want to break through all 60 of the game's artistically-presented levels, it may well still live up to the $4.

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Red Game Without a Great Name and Green Game: TimeSwapper present concepts which are welcome in the gameplay mechanics found in titles of the Nintendo Switch catalogue. This does not mean they are free from flaws, as their repetitiveness and frustration quickly show, aggravated by a less-than-helpful control system which does not contribute to a more enjoyable experience and ends up creating unnecessary difficulties.

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7 / 10

The unique visuals are complemented by a great soundtrack… the electro swing beats will often do the great task of calming you down after a bad level where you died 20 or more times

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All said, for the price of admission, Red Game Without a Great Name has more to offer than its lacking title would imply. With the likely frustration factor as you get further in it seems mostly suited to playing in shorter bursts, the levels are generally very quick to either complete or fail at before it takes you right back into the action again. If you enjoy some challenge and undoubtedly some aggravation in your gaming, it's not a bad budget title to check out.

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