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Switch Player

190 games reviewed
67.7 average score
70 median score
75.3% of games recommended

Switch Player's Reviews

Dec 5, 2017

Stick It To The Man is a perfectly functional but forgettable experience due to the tedious elements of the game. The Tim Burton-esque visual style and black humour fails to catch up to its influencers, but offers just enough to be worthwhile to those who share these interests.

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Dec 5, 2017

Kid Tripp is a somewhat fun auto-runner game light on content but looks great and is priced generously. It has its frustrating moments, but there's certainly worse games lingering out there on the eShop.

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Dec 4, 2017

Teslagrad is another great addition to the Switch's eShop library. It may be a difficult sell for folks who have already experienced it over the past few years, but with some truly clever puzzles and gorgeous visuals, newcomers are in for a treat.

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Dec 4, 2017

Crimsonland offers some good twin-stick shooter fun that you'll really enjoy blasting your way through. It's great and addictive when trying to polish off the levels, but it is a little simplistic - that's ultimately what separates it from the likes of Doom.

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Dec 4, 2017

Mantis Burn Racing delivers on what it sets out to do: It's a fun, satisfying racing game with plenty of multiplayer options to keep your interest. The circuits have their own characteristics and the different race modes and classes of vehicle keep the game changing just enough to keep you coming back for more. It's top-down racing at its best and being on the Nintendo Switch fits the game like a driving glove.

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Dec 1, 2017

It's not treading any new ground, but Antiquia Lost does have a nice story to follow through. RPG hardcore fans will perhaps want to look elsewhere for something more meaty, but at just over a tenner, it's not one which will break the bank if you want to give it a try.

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Nov 30, 2017

Although not original when it comes to the use the rogue-like template, Tallowmere could have taken form as an enjoyable 2D platform game if it wasn’t for its messy layout choices and poor art style.

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It's all become a bit "paint by numbers" with LEGO styled games, but what's on offer in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is enjoyable. There's plenty of content and Marvel fans young and old will no doubt enjoy it.

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Nov 30, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the true successor to the original. Monolith has once again demonstrated how refining and innovating RPG elements in a world crafted with quality can continue to push the genre. Like previous entries, a potentially steep learning curve may put off some onlookers, but even the tutorials are welcoming and improved. Not to mention it has one of the greatest soundtracks out there. I would highly recommend this game to anyone regardless of whether they own a Switch or not.

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Nov 30, 2017

Gear.Club Unlimited is never going to cut it if you're in the market for a portable Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo, but if treated like an arcade racer which you can pick up and put down liberally, you'll absolutely find some lasting enjoyment with Eden's racer. With lots of variety on tracks, championships, cars and upgrades, the value of the overall package becomes more desirable every time you boot it up.

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Letter Quest Remastered is a fun twist on the traditional word puzzle game by introducing RPG elements, although the game begins to run out of fresh ideas, the foundation of this game was such fun that it was still a blast to play through. The game needs a chance to flesh out its ideas more but in the mean time I suggest you get the dictionary out and play this game.

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- Lumo
Nov 29, 2017

Lumo is a wonderful little platformer that celebrates its heritage without relying on it too much. Players of any ability will find plenty to enjoy here, and slight issues with the perspective does little to diminish such a charming, engaging experience.

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Nov 28, 2017

Everyone's played enough of this type of game by now in order to know what to expect. You're going to be ducking and diving in amongst enemy fire as you tear down waves of enemies coming from the top of the screen. There's just not quite enough here to make Xenoraid memorable.

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Nov 28, 2017

Monster Jam: Crush It! is a disappointment that takes many inspirations from great games yet doesn't quite nail any of them, resulting in an unsatisfying experience with monstrous control.

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Nov 27, 2017

Ittle Dew 2+ is a fantastic 2D Zelda style experience and is a well worth your time, puzzle solving can be difficult at times but the charm and presentation will be enough to keep you going until the fantastic conclusion.

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Nov 24, 2017

Worms W.M.D. isn't the most original entry in the series. Rather, it's a modernised version of the earlier games. It may not be the best single player game either, but couple it with the portability and various multiplayer options of the Switch, Worms brings a fun and frantic game that is always best shared.

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Nov 24, 2017

While Maria the Witch seems slightly more complicated than your typical game, a better button outlay may have made it a lot less frustrating. I just wanted to be in control, or to feel in control, of Maria far more than I did. Now to go and lie down before I have nightmares of flying my broomstick into yet another wall...

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Nov 23, 2017

It's Rocket League, and it's incredibly entertaining. Static screens do not do this game justice; yes it's a little rough visually but you will hardly notice because you will be having so much fun. It's brilliant. If you love fun, football and/or racing you'll love this.

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Nov 23, 2017

Green Game is a let down with its badly implemented 'time' mechanic. Conceptually interesting on paper, but it just doesn't deliver on its promises. But if you desire counter-intuitive touchscreen controls and really want to punish yourself, you may as well do it with some catchy jazz.

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Nov 23, 2017

10tons' spelling RPG-lite is good fun in short bursts, but the grind will grate after a while. While I wouldn't recommend Spellspire to the majority of Nintendo Switch owners, if you are a fan of mental puzzle games then you will find something to enjoy here.

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