HomepageNerdburglars's Reviews
The artistic style and theme of Contrast helps push it out there and sets it apart from other games of a similar budget. Technical issues do get in the way of the fun and sometimes hurt the puzzle solving process, but not to a degree that completely spoils the game. There is a lot here to work with, but it wasn't fully utilized. I think there is a lot of potential in the future for a second game which could definitely work out to be an impressive title.
Stick it to the Man is a really enjoyable game that gives plenty of laughs and will bring out a creative side in your brain. The game is really pretty and has a great sense of humor! It’s unfortunate that the game is so short because there is very little enjoyment to be gained from playing the game a second time. The first time you play this game will most likely be the only time you play this game so make the most of it while it lasts. Stick to the Man is well polished and is worth every penny.
For me this game was a massively unexpected experience that I have a long bus journey to thank. I absolutely loved Virtues Last Reward and I would say that you should not judge this book by it's cover. Virtues Last Reward is an amazing puzzle game that has an incredible story that really sucked me in. I found it hard to put the Vita down as I really wanted to know what was going to happen next.
Surge deluxe is fun to play In bursts when you have a short amount of time to kill. After a while the game becomes quite redundant and looses a lot of excitement. There are no real goals to keep you playing. You play for the high score and nothing more. A leveling system that unlocks weapons or powers that you can use in game would give you a better incentive to keep playing, but unfortunately this doesn’t exist. There is very little to keep you playing once you loose interest in getting the high score. This would be a good game to pick up in a sale for cheap. It’s nice to have a game that you can quickly play and not have to commit large amounts of time to. I enjoyed the game and I will probably keep it on my Vita as a handy game to play now and then, but don’t buy this game expecting to burn large amounts of game time.
The decisions on whether to buy this game is based on one thing. Do you like the TV show? If you love South Park then you Will love this game. The game has everything that people love about the TV show and doesn’t deviate from the shows successful formula at all. If you hate the TV show then you will hate this game, it’s as simple as that! It takes about 15 hours to complete the main quest and there are plenty of side quests that give you additional play time. This might be short when compared to other RPGs, but I don’t think they could have done a better job. The writers threw everything they had at this game and the resulting product is one of the funniest games I have ever played and one of the funniest south park stories too. The Stick of Truth is a must have for all south park fans!
Doki-Doki Universe is a fun and happy game to play, but I got bored of it very quickly. After a while the quests became more of a chore. If you have the object you summon it, if you don’t you go to the next world to do whatever quests you can and just keep looping around. This isn’t really exciting to begin with and since it is the foundation of the game you don’t have anything else to keep you interested. While Doki-Doki Universe might not be a fun game for adults to play it is definitely a game that children can enjoy. It’s simple, light hearted and relatively long. There are plenty of worlds to visit and plenty of quests to keep a child occupied for a long time. The game is well made with sharp visuals and a fun story. If you are looking a game to keep a kid occupied, Doki-Doki Universe will be a good choice.
There is very little on offer here. Multiple missions that reuse the exact same level over and over. While it does give us a good taste of what is to come in the full game, it feels like I was cheated out of my money by even paying for this. Ground Zeroes is a large demo and is not worth the crazy price they are charging for it. I am a big fan of MGS, but this was a cheap move to squeeze money out of fans who were desperately waiting for the release of MGS5. My advice would be to wait for 5 to come out, or at least wait until you see this game in the bargain bin.
Teslagrad offers a visually appealing platformer that has solid performance and fun game mechanics. Unfortunately it falls very short in terms of story and logic making the game feel more like an awesome tech demo rather than a full on game.
Zombi is an all round good zombie game. It doesn’t stand out above the rest as being a “must play” game, but if you are a zombie fan, you should most definitely check this game out. It wont be the best zombie game you ever played, but it’s fun. Good zombies, good survival, not a bad story and best of all it’s cheap!
Hardware: Rivals is a good game, but it feels more like a beta than a finished product. There isn’t nearly enough content in this game to keep you going. I’m sure this will change over the next few months with some new DLC, but you shouldn’t have to pay for DLC on top of the cost of the game just to get a “complete game”. The fact is that right now, there Hardware: Rivals is an incomplete game without much of a replay factor and any reason to continue to playing after a few hours of playing.
As a complete package, Advanced Warfare was a really good installment into the Call of Duty series. The story was gripping and incredibly dramatic. Filled with action from start to finish with strong voice acting, beautiful cut scenes, flawless controls and really cool weapons. The campaign is one of the best in the series. The multiplayer also delivers a lot of entertainment, but it feels like the game has been mutated too much. The developer has gone too far trying to balance all of the weapons, perks and kill streaks to the point where there is no real advantage to using anything anymore. There is a lot of entertainment to be had online, but it isn’t as fun as it has been in past games.
Until Dawn is a really impressive game. While I wasn’t the biggest fan of the typical teen horror genre, I still found this game seriously enjoyable. I would love to see more developers create games like this. The lack of guns, platforming and any other standard game play elements didn’t bother me at all. It was a fresh break away from the norm that was very welcome. The visuals were strong and it was backed up by great animation and acting. The level of polish here was very high. The story is very subjective and some people may absolutely love it. By the end of the game I loved it, but like all teen horrors you will be left wondering “why the hell are they splitting up!” and all the other typical stupid mistakes than teenagers make in these movies. If you are looking for a scare, pick this game up! It will scare the crap out of you.
I don't feel the game worked very well as a 2d platformer when compared to games like Ninja Gaiden. There were too many times where the lack of a 3rd dimension made dodging attacks near impossible and the camera in general just got in the way of things. Strider is a good attempt at making a 2d game similar to the modern Ninja Gaiden games and would have been quite good had it not have been a 2D game.
As far as DLC goes, First Light is a fantastic piece of work. If you enjoyed Second Son then this game is a must buy. The experience is short, but overall I was very happy with the purchase. With such a big shortage of good quality games on the consoles at the moment, First Light is a welcome addition to the games library.
Middle-Earth: Shadow or Morder successfully delivers an experience that you will enjoy from start to finish. The hours will just fly by as you fight through the detailed land of Mordor. The Nemesis system and Uruk Hierarchy in Saurons Army is something fresh and will keep you entertained throughout the experience. It’s a shame the story couldn’t have been a bit longer. The game is so much fun to play that it’s a real let down when you get to the end of it so soon. This game is a must buy for anyone who is a fan of fantasy hack and slash RPGs. Regardless of your knowledge of the Lord of the Rings franchise you will find your self hooked to this game.
Minecraft on the PS4 and Xbox One is a massive improvement over the previous generation of consoles. It is as close to the PC version of the game that we are going to get. The lack of mod support is a let down as this is a major part of what I love about the PC version of the game. PC perks aside, this release of Minecraft has no major drawbacks in terms of what you get from the core game.
White Night is a simple, scary ghost story and it’s absolutely fantastic. Horror stories have lost their way over the years, White Night takes a simple approach to a classic idea and it works perfectly. The game has a real charm that I have not found in another game for quite some time. It’s ascetically pleasing which enhances the experience so much. Whether you like horror games or not, I highly suggest you face the fear and play this game. It’s a welcome break from the norm and is such an enjoyable treat to play.
The Turing Test has quite a few flaws that hold it back, but for a game that is a low budget, digital only game, it has a huge amount to offer for it's price. Depending on how quick you get through the puzzles, you could get close to 10 hours from this game, which is great value. None of the issues with the game are game breaking. There was a lot of potential for this to be a much better game than it was, but overall, it was still a good game that I enjoyed playing.
People always say that there is no such thing a perfect score, but Uncharted 4 deserves nothing short of a full 10/10. The game is completely flawless. There are always going to be opinions that vary, but when it comes down to faulting Uncharted 4, there is nothing you can say. So much care and attention has been put into making this game absolutely perfect. It is very clear to see that not a single corner has been cut with the development of this game. The standard of quality is incredibly high and consistent from start to finish. I have never given a game a 10/10 before and I am generally quite the nit picker when it comes to game reviews, but i don't think i can pick out a single thing to fault about Uncharted 4. The game is just perfect.
Uncharted : The Lost Legacy is a really enjoyable game that continues with the successful formula we have come to know from previous Uncharted games. Overall the game is not as good as Uncharted 4, but it is still an absolutely brilliant game. The visuals are some of the best I have ever seen, the story is enjoyable and just about everything else is finished with such a high level of polish that you will be in awe of the game from start to finish. Nathan Drake set the bar very high and I was delighted that Chloe was able to fill his shoes. At a discounted price, you still get good value for money with this title, but it still left me wanting more, maily because it was so good! I would really love to see Chole make a comeback in the future as there is a lot of adventures left for her to play out.