NoobFeed's Reviews
Even with its technical and gameplay hiccups, Filthy Lucre is a great example of how a game can be challenging and teach players the ropes of the game with its level design. The AI certainly won’t slack off and it’s going to keep any gamer considering their strategies the whole way through.
The best thing about Little Nightmares is the disturbing, terrifying aesthetic it masterfully presents and uses to unsettle the player. It never feels like it’s overused, either. You get just the right amount, so that the idea that you’re part of a little girl’s nightmare is maintained until the end.
As fun as it was to play this game, it didn’t come without a few annoying elements here and there. Darkness in the game acts as its own entity and often times will frustrate the hell out of you, but the urge to dredge on will captivate you.
In the end, Fallout: Shelter is good for what it sets out to do. It’s a great time waster and it certainly will hook you with its visuals and presentation.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is by far the best representation to why certain retro games deserve a makeover. Not just because they can, but developers such as Lizardcube have taken careful thought and conducted lots of research, love and time into this game.
The Signal From Tölva will find its crowd in those patient enough to sink into the planet’s atmosphere, into its silence and barrenness while engaging in the occasional firefight and lore reveal hidden inside objects that aren’t always in sight.
It’s as if building just one tight game wasn’t enough, Slime-san goes above and beyond in its cute platform game and gives its audience a completely new world on top of that.
The moment you accept that you’re just another critter trying to survive and hopefully reunite with its family, is the moment you’ll be able to enjoy the title properly. As long as you can push through the frequent setbacks that death brings with it, Rain World will be a great experience of survival and discovery in a world that’s quite unique.
Mass Effect: Andromeda attempts to build upon the foundation of the previous games. We see that in the presence of all the weapon ammo patterns and the Nomad. In some ways, like the large explorable areas and the cover-based combat system that’s been infused, and subsequently refreshed, with a good bit of movement and versatility on the skill front, it succeeds.
Super Bomberman R is easily one of the most addicting games on the Nintendo Switch, especially considering its versatility, but it’s hard to justify its price.
Length is not an issue when it comes to Vikings - Wolves Of Midgard, especially as you’re offered a New Game+ mode that strips you of your gear but allows you to keep your skills once the campaign is completed.
Games like Grim Legends seem to resonate more toward those that own tablets, PC’s and smartphones. Not that I believe it doesn’t belong on consoles, it just seemed like a chore to play with buttons and analog instead of a touch or click option.
Those who haven’t played Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs can now pick up a cleverly built mix of RPG and visual novel on PC. From its animate characters to the toys and fights the game offers, there’s a lot of effort put in to make its audience a participant, instead of a passive element.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing does have some pretty good visuals for a PS Pro game and reluctantly, once you look past a few of its flaws, is a pretty addicting game.
It nails down atmosphere like few other games do, providing some truly haunting ruins and boss fights that, once learned, become akin to a violent balet that unfurls in front of you. In the end, Hollow Knight is a title which was given much attention and care by its developers and which grew into a Metroidvania experience worth going through at least once.
Desync could’ve been the best shooter since Bulletstorm, especially since that road hasn’t been trotted to death, but it simply doesn’t get past its own vain design issues.
Zombie Vikings is better than most Indie games on the market right now and that’s saying a lot. That being said, the game is hilarious and the artistic touch on each prerendered background is simply beautiful.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a beautiful and absolutely gratifying experience that will make you glad to own a PlayStation 4. It has issues but these minor problems are smothered in an avalanche of positive features. Every aspect of Horizon Zero Dawn is done with near-perfection and when combined charges your desire to keep fighting and exploring.
Sniper Elite 4 is going to be a favorite for those who love shooting through a rifle scope. It cleverly injected strategy and cooperative play to suit its crowd. Unless you’re specifically looking for some sniping action and are able to play in high difficulty mode, Sniper Elite 4 can wait.
What a bittersweet duality this game has, because when everything clicks, it’s so easy to get completely immersed in adventuring towards the bottom of the dungeons.