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1047 games reviewed
76.9 average score
80 median score
81.6% of games recommended

NoobFeed's Reviews

Jul 9, 2024

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a masterful and engaging addition to the Dragon Ball franchise. There is nothing quite like Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and it surpasses expectations for any fan of Dragon Ball. Creating and training your own character, reliving iconic moments with a twist in the same vein as Marvel’s “What if…?”, and exploring the ever-expanding content keeps the game fresh and exciting while capturing the true essence of the Dragon Ball universe.

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78 / 100 - Until Then
Jul 8, 2024

Until Then was missold as a mystery, instead, it tells an intense and beautiful story of coming of age, dealing with loss, and making hard decisions in friendships and relationships. It is an experience that is begging to be replayed, not just because it is a great story, but because each subsequent playthrough comes with its own ending.

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Jul 3, 2024

Looking back at Nintendo's general course and the HD remake of Luigi's Mansion 2, it's easy to see why fans are becoming more frustrated. Those who have stuck with Nintendo through the good times and the bad will feel slighted by the $60 price tag for a version of a game that has hardly improved from a decade ago.

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Jul 2, 2024

With the strong presentation, Noreya: The Gold Project might draw you in, but be aware of some of the clunkiness that gets delivered to you regardless of your taste on 2D side scroller and platformer games. Luckily, the current times allow you to reach out to developers and give your feedback too, so depending on some of the community requests, some problems we mentioned earlier can be reduced or completely wiped out in the future.

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68 / 100 - Blockbuster Inc.
Jun 22, 2024

For what stands, it is just better to go back and play the original The Movies game as it provides more content and freedom over players’ choices. As for Blockbuster Inc., I’d say there is still time for it to be worked on before a full release. The mix of lacking options and ease of dominating the whole business might just throw off people right away. Since there are a very small amount of people who are working on pushing updates for Blockbuster Inc., it might take some time until it provides a worthy time to invest your time in, but for now, it is better to just stick to originals.

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Jun 21, 2024

Shadow of the Erdtree is a well-executed and thoughtful expansion of Elden Ring. There is nothing quite like Shadow of the Erdtree, and it's way more fantastic than any DLC can be. Just like Elden Ring did, Shadow of the Erdtree re-created the sensation of a first playtime and will remain in my mind for quite some time. The fighting possibilities are endless, the bosses are mind-blowing spectacles that are a blast to master, and the legacy dungeons are fabulous, and the new upgrading system allows you to relive the base game's progression. I can't help but recommend Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree high enough to anyone who is still unsure of their tastes; it's incredible.

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78 / 100 - Wuthering Waves
Jun 21, 2024

Wuthering Waves avoids the pressure to spend seen in some gacha games and offers a deep combat system that is both accessible and rewarding for free-to-play players. While the story and world can feel a bit sterile at times, the combat mechanics are a blast to master, and the endgame offers a solid challenge for veterans. The upcoming Zero Point Research Station and the potential return of the Depths of Illusive Realm hint at a bright future for the game's content. If you're looking for a fresh open-world adventure with a focus on fast-paced action and strategic team-play, Wuthering Waves has great potential and is worth checking out.

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Jun 20, 2024

As far as a city builder, Republic of Pirates doesn’t reinvent or improve anything. It uses a lot of the same systems and rules from other proven games from the last decade. The main draw is the pirate theming and sailing aspect. If the idea of pirates and raiding appeals to you, you might want to try the Steam demo first. Then from there, decide if Republic of Pirates is worth the full price.

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Jun 19, 2024

Still Wakes the Deep delivers a masterfully crafted horror experience. While the game does not innovate upon what has already been done before, it delivers the classic horror package well. The oppressive atmosphere, the grotesque creature design, and the relatable characters combine to create a rather memorable journey. While the walking simulator format and concise story may not appeal to everyone, the game's strengths make it a solid choice for those looking for a brief horror experience.

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Jun 16, 2024

Alan Wake II: Night Springs isn't very substantial or long-lasting unless you're a huge fan of Alan Wake II. And the DLC ends with so many unanswered questions. Perhaps the second DLC will answer all these, but for now, unless you're a huge fan of Alan Wake, you won't find it satisfying. So far, I would recommend holding off till the second DLC drops unless you are an absolute Remedy fanatic.

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Jun 15, 2024

For fans of the franchise, this iteration feels like a refined homage to what made SMT beloved. For newcomers, it serves as a perfect entry point into the complex, thrilling world of Shin Megami Tensei. In a landscape crowded with RPGs, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance stands out as a must-play title, blending challenging combat, strategic depth, and a compelling story into a cohesive package that’s hard to put down.

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Jun 12, 2024

Bungie wrapped up the 10-year saga with a gripping story with Destiny 2: The Final Shape. This is one of the best expansions Bungie has ever put out. The story felt complete and the closure it brought felt right. There are still some questions up in the air, but that is the purpose of a live service game where some of it is told in the lore and the rest is up to interpretation.

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85 / 100 - Nine Sols
Jun 12, 2024

Nine Sols is one of the more beautifully crafted Souls-like releases for this year but it does come with its flaws that make it a little too unforgiving. It could be that the developers are possibly taking a shot at reimagining the genre with a new twist but that will more than likely throw off many fans of the genre when they discover the randomness in combat.

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70 / 100 - Manor Lords
Jun 10, 2024

Although it is currently in early access, Manor Lords is still likely to be a solid city-builder real-time strategy game. But it isn't the game for you if you're looking for nonstop action. The game's difficulty spikes and its micromanagement might be a common complaint, but that's the nature of real-time strategy games. But these aren't an issue when this genre has the most demanding player base. To satisfy the RTS veterans, Manor Lords still requires a substantial amount of content during its final launch. Otherwise, after 30–50 hours of play, you would forget about the game.

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55 / 100 - F1 24
Jun 5, 2024

In its current state, F1 24 is not worth the $70 price tag for the avid fans who buy the F1 games every year, and the same applies to the ones chasing a close-to real-life experience with their racing setups. If you are an F1 fan who buys a game from the series now and then to see what changes have been made, then maybe it’s worth it.

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May 30, 2024

The Rogue Prince of Persia is far away from being done at this rate. It is currently in early access and the developer team, Evil Empire, pretty much listens to the feedback of the players. In fact, they are readying up some nice updates for a few issues, especially about slowdowns and getting the game optimized better. The game itself is fun if you are very much keen to playing 2D roguelike beat ‘em ups, but if you haven’t dived into the roguelike craze since it started, you might have problems getting used to how it plays and reacts to your choices.

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May 30, 2024

Astor: Blade of the Monolith is shaping up to be an absolutely amazing RPG, aside from that one major flaw with combat. If you can look past the issue at hand, there’s a magical world that’s just waiting to be explored and secrets to discover throughout its rich story, and let’s not forget the mountains of side quests just waiting to be conquered.

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90 / 100 - Botany Manor
May 30, 2024

Botany Manor is definitely a must-play for anybody who enjoy a little brain scratching through puzzles but also for anybody who enjoys simplicity’s strength. Between the relaxed environments and the unique flowers and their odd growing conditions, there’s never really a dull moment to be had as you explore.

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90 / 100 - Hades II
May 29, 2024

Hades II can be kind of a bummer sometimes when you find yourself sucked in with a really good build only to realize the game isn’t finished. If you are the kind of player who appreciates complete experiences, you may want to wait, but if you are the kind who enjoys seeing the journey of a game that is being actively worked on, playing Hades II seems like a no-brainer.

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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door probably has one or two issues that might annoy you, but it's also one of the greatest and wildest role-playing games ever made. It's undoubtedly one of the finest and most adored role-playing games of all time. The remake adds several renewed concepts that make it stand apart even more. It's hard not to admire the way it continues the unique turn-based combat mechanism of the previous installments while adding gorgeous visuals, a wide range of characters, and hilarious scripting.

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