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1193 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
82.2% of games recommended

NoobFeed's Reviews

Feb 25, 2017

With a mix of action, puzzle and building, aided by a creepy hand-drawn environment, the game actually succeeds to put you back into your childhood memories. When it comes to a challenging platforming experience, Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found worth a try.

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79 / 100 - Ride 2
Feb 21, 2017

Ride 2 is a game full of tight turns and unexpected challenges. The developers listened to their fans and took down every element that made the original game great and made his game shine.

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Feb 13, 2017

Whether you're new to the franchise or a veteran fan, Hitman: The Complete First Season will have you planning, replaying missions, and coming back countless times simply to satisfy the perfectionist in you.

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88 / 100 - Pix the Cat
Feb 10, 2017

With daily challenges, various game modes, local multiplayer, online leaderboards and hundreds of levels to traverse through, Pix the Cat will make gamers repeatedly magnetize toward its addictive style of play.

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No matter how interactive finding hidden objects is, it always leads to boredom. Having said that, if you’re still looking for a chance to get some detective works done, give Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek a try.

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Feb 2, 2017

Undoubtedly it’s one of the more clever games that I’ve played in many years. Many have compared The Flame in the Flood with Don’t Starve due to the nature of both games, but I’ve found this gameplay experience quite unique.

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Jan 26, 2017

Resident Evil 7 is exactly what fans of survival-horror games have wanted from this franchise for years. The puzzles and enemy variety provide a little challenge but the constant fear that something could burst out kept me alert.

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Jan 17, 2017

Siegecraft Commander is a refined RTS with a lot to offer. Its combination of RTS and tower defense offers a lot of content for those seeking challenging battles. If you’re not a fan of RTS or tower defense games Siegecraft Commander won’t change your mind but for everyone else, this is an excellent title for either casual or hardcore gamers.

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82 / 100 - Rise & Shine
Jan 12, 2017

It is a game that shows awareness of the past, both through mechanics and the inclusion of classic characters in its universe. I only wish there would have been more of Rise & Shine’s adventures before the credits rolled.

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88 / 100 - Pavilion
Jan 11, 2017

Pavilion is a competent puzzler with exceptionally good visual design and a wonderful soundtrack. I’d also recommend it to everyone else, for the overall experience of passing through a brilliantly designed world, while having a wonderful soundtrack as faithful companion.

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Dec 23, 2016

Getting proper enjoyment out of Space Hulk: Deathwing requires one to jump through some hoops. Luck needs to be on your side so that you won’t run into performance issues, with a good tolerance for repetitive content and, preferably, some friends to play multiplayer with also being required.

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85 / 100 - Lara Croft Go
Dec 22, 2016

Lara Croft Go captures the original essence of the Tomb Raider games, filling each new chapter with a sense of adventure and mystery. If you’re more a fan of the action saturated gameplay found in the reboot series from Crystal Dynamics then this game won’t cater to your taste.

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The Walking Dead Season 3 Ties that Bind is a step in the right direction for this franchise. Not only does it deliver the iconic decision system but the refreshing pacing made thrilling moments more frequent.

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Batman: The Telltale Series is another wonderful addition to Telltale’s growing library of games. The fantastic story is fully realized thanks to a wonderfully constructed soundtrack and excellent voice-acting.

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80 / 100 - Dead Rising 4
Dec 15, 2016

Dead Rising 4 isn’t a challenging game but it’s a blast to play. The single-player story is exciting and encourages you to move forward while the side missions unlock unique weapons for you to use.

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75 / 100 - The Dwarves
Dec 14, 2016

The Dwarves is a high fantasy RPG with great sound design and cutscenes but which is dragged down by its combat mechanics and short length. Fans of the books may feel differently about The Dwarves, however, to those approaching the universe for the first time through this title, some caution is recommended.

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67 / 100 - Root Letter
Dec 8, 2016

Root Letter does offer something for Nipponophiles and fans of the genre. People used to this kind of pacing might find refreshing a story like this one, one that feels even mature compared to similar games, and that invites the player within the plot so they can be part of the mystery solving process.

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78 / 100 - Tyranny
Nov 24, 2016

It has its faults, but its approach to magic and reputation, alongside predominantly good writing make Tyranny a valid choice for cRPG enthusiasts. With all its missteps, I want to go back and replay Tyranny, simply for the sake of making different decisions and seeing what happens if I support the Scarlet Chorus or, why not, nobody. While not flawless, writing outshines combat and, for me, that’s enough to warrant a replay.

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Oct 31, 2016

Part of me wishes Through The Woods stuck to being a “walking simulator” where you read about forsaken people, hopelesness and monsters while unraveling the troubled history of the main character in a beautiful-if-somewhat-samey setting with great atmosphere. Sadly, all that’s on offer is a debut title that fails to deliver on any of its promises.

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72 / 100 - Aragami
Oct 25, 2016

Aragami is still a decent game to play. It requires patience, scheming and strategy to get past the 10-12 hours of gameplay and its story. It has great potential for crafting a fine game, especially for the Tenchu fans.

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