NoobFeed's Reviews
0RBITALIS is a fun game, one that you can lose yourself in a while but never quite get completely lost in. It can be fun, but it can also be frustrating because of its shortcomings.
Monstrum is a game that is built around its environment, and monsters entirely dictating what experience you will have.
Sym is a strange platforming puzzle game with heavy themes, a beautifully simplistic art style, and some keyboard snapping difficulty. While not all of the difficult moments in this game are warranted, it still provides a rewarding experience in this dark disturbing world of Sym.
Life Is Strange: Episode 3 - Chaos Theory is an amazing entry into the series, taking everything from the previous episodes and upping the emotional weight of each.
Sunset does have some shortcomings in the terms of the story, but it is a game that should be played at least once by those who truly love playing games that, despite their small scope, have a narrative so delightfully weaved that it sucks you in and never lets you out again.
The Weaponographist, while fun in a sort of mindless way, isn't a game that you'd want to play over and over again. The controls are too floaty, the environments are too repetitive, and while creative, it just doesn't work when it's put all together.
Despite some callous priorities in ensuring paychecks, Mortal Kombat X is a sturdy fighter with sound technical design and enough auxiliary choices to stay exhilarating for dozens of hours.
Life Is Strange - Episode 2: Out of Time surpasses the previous episode in the emotional and storytelling aspect. If this series gets any better, then we may a company on par with TellTale Games when it comes to this type of story based gameplay.
Life Is Strange: Episode 1 - Chrysalis has exceeded all expectations of a seemingly humble story like this. It takes an older concept and adds some freshness to it to make it seem new again.
Pillars of Eternity is a fantastic game with a straight forward story and engaging characters, but its problems lie in the fact that it is so determined to root itself in the past.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 was a short roller-coaster ride, but a fun one none the less. It gave closure to the plot of the series overall and it provided its audience one last set of terrifying nights with a killer animatronic.
Dead Synchronicity is a truly brutal experience from start to finish, making the player question humanity, morals and the fabric of space and time itself.
Short but oh so sweet, Shelter 2 is an experience that is meant to be felt more than it is an endurance test. It has some technical kinks and could be a bit deeper, but the tradeoff in emotional value is more than satisfactory; it’s downright beautiful and not just visually.
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow is a dark point and click adventure game with an art style inspired by Giger and a story that seems to come straight from the mind of a twisted philosopher.
Although the turf-war element is fun to experience, the role-playing features of the game are completely uninspiring and feel like replicas of previous RPGs. No, I don’t think the game is a failure, as it is a decent follow up to the first Blackguards.
Regardless of foibles, there is a ton of entertainment value to be found in the wacky shooter that is Screencheat. Looking at an opponent’s screen and trying to collect that kill with a weird weapon, while another player might be doing the same, is exhilarating.
The tile mazes, the bomb constructions, power-ups and hectic arcade gameplay; it works as it always has. It’s not an extravagant mastery of the genre, but it isn’t a horrible cloning effort and if it is, at least it’s a diverting one.
Some technical kinks aside, Lords of the Fallen is a tough RPG with quite the bite. It has limited visual potential, but it masks it well and in return, it provides a varied open world full of fiends, each requiring their own approach.
Randal’s Monday should only be played exerting extreme caution and being advised that you are going to have an incredibly frustrating time and that all of the effort you put in each puzzle will go poorly rewarded.
Reflex gameplay, risk and reward moments, strategic choices, loot options; it may not look like the five or six colors of its universe have a lot to offer, but Heavy Bullets actually has it all.