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297 games reviewed
82.1 average score
83 median score
99.7% of games recommended

NoesPaisparaFrikis's Reviews

Apr 12, 2021

Monster Truck Championships da lo que promete diversión absurda y sin cortapisas, como su homónimo real, y este humilde servidor es justo lo que necesita.

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Mar 30, 2021

Sigue siendo uno de los mejores títulos del año pasado y todo amante de los plataformas debería darle un tiento porque hay juego y contenido de calidad para rato.

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7.3 / 10.0 - Hunting Simulator 2
Mar 26, 2021

an experience that the game of Nacon and Neopica is quite enriching

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Alejandro Soto
Mar 22, 2021

It is a game that I recommend to play if you are looking for a break from other more dense games, or why not, so that the little ones in the house spend a lot of hours playing caring for animals and crops.

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Mar 15, 2021

No me gustan los Souls pero” vive dios” que adoro Mortal Shell.

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Mar 12, 2021

Así pues, Brave Default 2 va a dejar más que satisfechos a aquellos que esperen un Jrpg de corte clásico con un sistema de combate sencillamente fabuloso y adictivo que tiene en sus decenas de trabajos y en el sabio equilibro de los comandos «Brave» y «Default» los reclamos para mantenernos enganchados decenas de horas. Todo ello, además, perfectamente traducido al castellano en una localización muy divertida. Embárcate en la nueva aventura de los Héroes de la Luz y déjate seducir por el aroma a rol japonés clásico que destila por sus cuatro costados: un canto de amor al género y un regalo para los seguidores del mismo.

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Alejandro Soto
8.2 / 10.0 - The Nioh Collection
Feb 22, 2021

A remastering that is worth buying as long as you do not own the previous games, but that is somewhat short of improvements if you already have them. However, I think it's a great opportunity to play them with all their DLCs (which are quite a lot) and optimized for the new generation.

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Feb 17, 2021

An essential game

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Feb 17, 2021

The best 3D platforms of the last decade.

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Feb 16, 2021

WindFolk is a title that we could define as "very nice" which, perhaps, has lacked focus and has had too much ambition. With two or three reviews of its main mechanics (improving certain aspects of combat and getting rid of areas on foot) we could be talking about an outstanding game. However, being a first film from a small national independent studio, we can only say that, as the subtitle of the game says, this is only the beginning.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Oniria Crimes
Feb 16, 2021

A world in which, if we decide to enter, we will be irretrievably trapped.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Ghost of a Tale
Feb 15, 2021

Ghost of a Tale has given us the emotion of feeling comfortably lost: there you are, facing a hostile world and not really knowing where to go or what to do. And yet, against all odds, we enjoy ourselves like a child.

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8.3 / 10.0 - PUSS!
Feb 15, 2021

PUSS! It is one of those games that some players may not last two minutes, but with its original artistic section, a gameplay that hits the center of the bullseye and a fun and madness that oozes from every pore, it certainly becomes a resounding success. Smoke and fly.

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After playing Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood I am left with mixed feelings. It's one of those games where a note is never really going to be fair. On the one hand, this is a playable proposal, which despite some shortcomings, is quite fun. It combines stealth, infiltration and action quite successfully, making none weigh more than the others and balancing each level so that we don't feel like we're doing the same thing for too long. It also has a script that knows how to tackle a world as big as that of the role-playing game from which it takes inspiration and that offers us quite epic moments. The problem comes in a technical section that remains at half throttle with some CGI and a main character that are visually very well worked but that are out of tune with the rest of the characters and scenarios that seem to have not had so much work behind and that ugly the result

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8 / 10.0 - Haven
Dec 25, 2020

One of the surprises of this 2020

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8 / 10.0 - Godfall
Dec 24, 2020

The balance in its combat systems is undoubtedly the greatest and best success of this Godfall, which also covers its solid systems with a very colorful artistic section that moves smooth as silk, with a multitude of details, reflections, brightness, flashes, and particles flooding the screen. And it controls itself wonderfully. They just lacked that little bit of ambition to take the game a little further in terms of scenario design, and try to alleviate a little the repetitiveness of a title that, on the other hand, is the first game of the studio and a new IP . It is something that makes us expect more and better things from Counterplay Games for the future. And also something that they should and I hope they are proud of.

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9.3 / 10.0 - The Pathless
Dec 23, 2020

It is The Pathless, I said it at the beginning, a game that makes its simplicity a strength. He makes some committed decisions that are always according to the playable and narrative intentions and ultimately, he leaves a second Giant Squid Games title that, after Abzû, is consolidated as one of the most solid and stimulating indie alternatives, and one of the best games open world this year.

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Alejandro Soto
Dec 22, 2020

We are facing the remake of the game that would mark a before and after, which would open the doors to an entire genre of its own

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Daniel Garrido
7.5 / 10.0 - Twin Mirror
Dec 16, 2020

Dontnod proves he's in top form, which is fantastic news for a studio that has the talent to become one of the biggest in Europe. Twin Mirror is a remarkable game in all its sections, where perhaps its short duration or some slightly conservative playable mechanics are the small, tiny flaws that this work has. If you liked the previous work of the studio, especially Life Is Strange, buy it, you will not be disappointed.

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Dec 14, 2020

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is one of those deliveries that are marked in red because again Activision is able to offer an attractive and high quality product to its loyal audience, with news in the campaign and the zombies mode destined to offer us hours and hours of action and fun

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