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Digitally Downloaded

2710 games reviewed
73.1 average score
80 median score
55.9% of games recommended

Digitally Downloaded's Reviews

- Fe
Mar 5, 2018

Fe is a fairy tale: the sort of story that finds charm in its simplicity and familiarity, but has a lot to say to anyone willing to dig beneath the surface. In that, it's a resounding success.

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Mar 5, 2018

Totes The Goat takes one of my favourite retro games, and does a decent job of modernising it.

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Mar 2, 2018

Mulaka might not be your favourite game in 2018, but what you take away from it will be far more valuable than the couple of hours of entertainment you'll get from it.

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Mar 1, 2018

There's nothing that actually redeems Hollow. It's a B-grade Dead Space clone that follows the "rules" of horror without actually understanding any of them.

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In short, Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is an incredible achievement, and the latest in a growing body of games that really push the bounds of what the medium can do. It is, at its heart, a game about stories, and the incredible power that they have, brought to life in the most beautiful way possible.

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Feb 28, 2018

Immortal Redneck is a blast of a game in a genre that we don't see enough of. It's not the first roguelike FPS that we've seen on PlayStation 4, and I wouldn't say it's the best, either. It does, however, have an exceptional aesthetic, clever level design, clean action, a decent difficulty curve, and plenty of longevity. A very worthy action game indeed.

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If you've been been needing some lighthearted dungeon crawling or have already played the localised sequel and want to know how the series began, than you'll appreciate this one a great deal.

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- Moss
Feb 28, 2018

For a debut game, Moss is a remarkably mature, intelligent, confident and purposeful game by Polyarc.

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Despite the issues with balance, juvenile moments in the writing, and the occasional bug that suggested the ambition of the game slightly overextended its budget, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is the best video game entry in this particular franchise.

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Superola is just a whole lot of nonsense that aspires to be a funny and entertaining game.

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Ultimately, Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus is proof that bigger isn't always better. The additional gameplay mechanics only get in the way of how fun the original was, and makes the screen a busy mess at times. The saving grace is that the Switch version of the game is perfect for short play sessions, which makes it a decent purchase for those that want Pac-Man on the go.

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Feb 21, 2018

This won't be remembered as a particularly good remake, and it's tragic, because by itself, outside of the shadow of the game it's a remaster of, Secret of Mana has its charms.

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Feb 21, 2018

I can see myself playing Premium Pool Arena a lot while on trips or during short breaks. It's a clean, efficient, and largely no-frills take on the game, and in all that it's pleasant and enjoyable. And that's really all that can be said about a game like this.

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For every positive thing that Kingdom Come does with its storytelling, setting, and themes, it then lets itself down with childish writing, and then doesn't help itself out by being so ambitious that, even beyond the bugs, the game has structural issues that are difficult to ignore.

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This is an intense, clever, thoughtful and intellectually challenging JRPG that should remind people that when it comes to this genre, visual presentation and even the gameplay itself aren't the drawcard. It's that story that counts, and Radiant Historia manages to achieve something truly remarkable in giving players a time travelling plot that is genuinely interesting and worthwhile.

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Feb 16, 2018

The game's not going to draw the attention or community of "proper" fighting games, but Slice, Dice & Rice is distinctive, intelligent, rhythmical and, more importantly, intense.

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Feb 15, 2018

Tesla vs Lovecraft is enjoyable enough for what it is: a simple, energetic twin-stick shooter fat doesn't push any boundaries but gets most of the fundamentals right. At the same time, there's so much untapped potential in the idea of Lovecraft/Tesla crossover, and that leaves me wanting so much more from this game than it actually delivers.

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Feb 14, 2018

It's a testament to the development team that the game feels fresh and exciting after hours of play, where every subsequent upgrade still feels like a milestone achievement and each victory still feels like a demonstration of skill rather than avatar strength.

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It's never fun to play a game that's so fundamentally uninteresting that you really struggle to even watch the screen as you're playing. Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy is a painfully generic and completely forgettable action JRPG, and there's just so much better stuff out there that deserves a port to this console that I'm almost offended that this one, somehow, was singled out for a release on the Nintendo Switch.

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The developers haven't messed with the content. Because almost no one bought the Wii U, few people had the chance to play Bayonetta 2. With Bayonetta 3 on the horizon, giving people a chance to catch up is a really good idea on Nintendo's part. That's why these ports have been released, and they're that good that, even if you were one of the few with a Wii U, you may as well buy them again.

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