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163 games reviewed
74.9 average score
75 median score
74.8% of games recommended

GideonsGaming's Reviews

6.5 / 10.0 - Fade to Silence
Jul 10, 2019

Fade To Silence isn't a bad game really, it has some neat ideas. The winter landscape feels brutal, it drips with Lovecraft flair and I enjoy the base building and sieges. The cleansing and freeze mechanic work well and assuming you don't get tangled up on the terrain, the sled dog transport is neat. Some of its mechanics just work against itself. It would have been better as a sandbox, tossing away its linear nature. The time gating, lack of randomness and permadeath just don't work well in those circumstances. It is still worth experiencing though, especially if you like Lovecraft stuff, pick it up on sale.

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9 / 10.0 - Sea of Thieves
Jun 19, 2019

In my opinion, Sea of Thieves was always a great game, if a bit bare bones. But after a year of updates, it’s now the fleshed out pirate game we deserve and more updates are in the pipeline. If you can reconcile yourself with what the game is, which is a game about piracy, you will have a wonderful time. It is an experience you likely can’t find in another game. If you’re looking to sail the seas in peace, you should look elsewhere. Now get out there and get that booty!

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Jun 8, 2019

It can be frustrating at times, the game isn't always fair and a lot of its mechanics are downright frustrating. Yet after all the time I've put in, the bugs, and the horse crap. I still want to play it, because it is so much fun. I under no circumstances recommend you so just blindly buy the game, but I think you should try it. Catch it on sale or play the base game through Xbox game pass, if you like it, the rabbit hole is a deep one. I have over a thousand hours in and I'm still going strong.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Void Bastards
May 28, 2019

The price point is a wee bit high but overall if you like rogue-like elements and games where you decide how to play and what paths to take. You can't go wrong by being a Void Bastard.

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8.5 / 10.0 - For the King
May 25, 2019

For The King is overall a fantastic combination of game genres and emulates the tabletop experience quite well. Especially when playing with friends together on the couch. It has a ton of content and nature of the game and procedural generation makes the replay value sky high. The technical issues are really the only thing bringing the game down. Just keep in mind the game is challenging and even tells you outright that you are not always meant to win.

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May 19, 2019

Overall Eden Rising is a solid well-designed game that is really fun to play with friends. Its a nice blend of crafting, action, explorations, and tower defense. There is a lot to unlock and the tech trees are big. If the idea of it appeals to you, it is worth the money. But why not jump into the free to play version and decide for yourself?

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May 15, 2019

It's worth sticking it out though. Mushroom Crusher is a small, fun and adorable retro arcade game. Its design is solid and there is a lot to unlock and master. It's cheap and easy to recommend. Give yourself an hour to get the hang of the controls.

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7 / 10.0 - Moss Destruction
May 11, 2019

While I would like to see it priced at around $10.00, I can't say it is not worth the $15. It is fun, and addictive, especially when you unlock endless mode. Moss Destruction doesn't try to revolutionize any genres or break new ground. It tries to be a fun, action-packed arcade experience. In that, it succeeds very well.

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Apr 19, 2019

It’s a game that’s definitely a labor of love. It’s well made and the art is fantastic. Its systems are a little light for my tastes but I very much found myself enjoying the choose your own adventure style of writing.

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Apr 13, 2019

It is still very much good old fashioned EDF fun and its refined fun at that. However, being punished for using your hard earned and awesome gadgets by deducting money from your mission rewards is purely anti-fun and the complete disconnect of the on-screen action in multiplayer is unacceptable and disappointing.

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It’s fun and unique, it’s most certainly has replay value but is also a little bit shallow without any kind of progression to speak of. Yet the reality TV show aspect is so incredibly charming and well done that I’d say it is worth the price of admission.

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7 / 10.0 - Warparty
Mar 28, 2019

WarParty is a solid real-time strategy game in a market that’s dearly lacking them. Yet at the same time, I feel like I’ve played it before in years gone by, several times in fact. It does have a few things that make it stand out, the Dinosaur theme for one. It also has a lot of content between survival, the campaign, skirmish and multiplayer.

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Mar 20, 2019

The Division 2 is pretty to look at, detailed and mechanically strong. It's extremely content heavy to the end and more importantly beyond the end. It is the top of the line looter shooter of choice right now and it raises the bar for the genre. Its story and voice acting are disappointing and it has a couple of small design flaws, but they hardly make a dent in an otherwise brilliant game.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Anthem
Mar 9, 2019

The missions are ho-hum, but the combat more than makes up for it and the fact that all four Javelins play so differently is fantastic. Yet the games loading screen and bugs can put a serious damper on the enjoyment. It’s a decent foundation that will likely improve over time. But the latest patch that removed the respawn restrictions is a serious low blow for the hardcore crowd, and it has dampened my enthusiasm a great deal for it.

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Mar 5, 2019

Attack of The Earthlings is a great turn-based tactics game. Its gameplay, barring that one stage is very well done and it makes you think hard and plan to accomplish your goals. While it lacks any replay value, I enjoyed the time I spent with it and do not regret the experience at all. If you are fine with a somewhat shorter tactical game, buy it now. Otherwise, wait for a small sale.

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The game is wonderfully self-aware and melds that awareness together with well thought out and fun retro brawling. It's replayable, has several challenging secret bosses and local co-op. I can't recommend the game enough as long as you don't mind a challenge.

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Feb 20, 2019

In the end, New Dawn is still fun, it’s pretty to look at and the guns for hire system is still great. It just doesn’t do much with its new setting and the main story is a tad bit short. It feels like an expansion to Five instead of a sequel, but its price point reflects that fact. If you enjoyed FarCry 5, New Dawn will give you more to love. But if you didn’t, New Dawn isn’t going to win you over.

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Feb 17, 2019

The puzzles themselves are well designed, thought provoking and require teamwork, and the various mechanics are cleverly implemented. It's beautiful to look at and the narrator Kira Buckland does a stellar job. But it is a game of patience and easy-going temperament

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Feb 12, 2019

If you like card and board games, physically or digitally. You would be doing yourself a disservice by passing up Evolution. Its mechanics are tight and fun and the digital version brings it some additional charm and the ability to play whenever you want against well-crafted AI players, or folk from around the world online. Well worth the price.

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10 / 10.0 - Worbital
Feb 4, 2019

Worbital has a polish that isn't common in indie games. Everything about the game's design is so tightly knit, I'm not sure it could be easily added on to without breaking its porcelain frame. Its a game where every piece has a purpose and its difficult to imagine how it could be better.

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