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163 games reviewed
74.9 average score
75 median score
74.8% of games recommended

GideonsGaming's Reviews

Jan 28, 2020

Kofi Quest already feels unique. Furthermore, its gamer humor is spot on without feeling like it’s trying too hard. Playing Kofi Quest feels very much like playing a well done weekend cartoon series, and in a good way.

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The variety of well-animated machines and the combat system based around targeting different parts of them is incredibly well-executed and the selection of tools and ammo types is nice. The general combat and gameplay go a long way toward making up for the shortcomings of the game elsewhere.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Overcooked 2
Jan 1, 2020

If you are looking for a great co-op experience with trusted friends, you really can’t go wrong with Overcooked 2. It’s method to the madness gameplay will keep you entertained for hours. The short length simply leaves you wishing you had more of it in the first place.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Days Gone
Dec 13, 2019

If your patient enough to get through the opening hours, you have a great game in front of you. If Days Gone grabs you as it did me, it is a very long game full of content that will keep you entertained for quite a while.

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6 / 10.0 - Tools Up!
Dec 9, 2019

The game is at its best in levels that add something interesting, such as the dog or streams of lava. But those moments are far and few in between, despite the games short length. Most levels my partner and I didn’t speak a word to each other after we decided what rooms each of us would tackle. A dark contrast to other party games that have players constantly yelling at each other and laughing.

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Dec 2, 2019

The incredibly dynamic combat and simple to learn, yet intricate web-swinging will keep you entertained throughout your entire visit to Marvel’s version of New York despite its shortcomings elsewhere.

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Revelations features plenty of new content even without a brand new faction and is worth the price. Planetfall was already great, now it is even better.

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Nov 13, 2019

I can't understate how big of an issue the lack of challenge is, it impacts a lot of the game. Yet, that is the only real issue I have with Death Stranding. It is dang near perfectly executed in its design. It's gorgeous, well-written, and cinematic, the music is stellar, the world is immersive and the gameplay is phenomenal.

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Nov 1, 2019

If you have an interest in PvP. I think Citadel will provide you with an experience not found elsewhere. All while giving you a fun and fantastical magical world, great building system and marvelous spell crafting. Just keep in mind the baggage that comes with the genre. You will die, your base will be destroyed at some point. You will win and you will lose.

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6 / 10.0 - The Outer Worlds
Oct 31, 2019

The Outer Worlds has a load of mechanics put into place, and while they are functional, they aren’t cohesive. They were implemented with little regard for how they would interact with each other and the game is a mess because of it. They had to make it so a player could complete the game no matter how they built their character. Obsidian succeeded, but only by making those choices matter very little in the first place.

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7 / 10.0 - Bad North
Oct 23, 2019

It’s a shame because the game is fantastic, mechanically speaking, and is very enjoyable to play. It leaves you hungry for more and it nearly feels unfinished with its lack of archetypes or skill variety. This makes it a little difficult to recommend for the full price despite how excellent Bad North plays.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Driven Out
Oct 17, 2019

The retro graphics look great and the animations are superb. But I don’t feel like there is enough “game” there for the price of admission. If you really enjoy timing or pattern memorization, the 2D action game coating could be a nice change of pace. Otherwise, try out the demo on Steam if you can or pick it up on sale.

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I can’t find the entertainment in Stranded Sails. The quests aren’t fun, what little progression that exists is there to help ease the tedium of completing the repetitive fetch quests in the first place. I can’t even say it is a relaxing game because the energy bar is frustrating and the sole means of combating it lacks any kind of interesting engagement. Yet if it was removed the game’s existence would be that much more mindless bordering on an idle game.

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7 / 10.0 - Crying Suns
Sep 19, 2019

The world is interesting, the battle system is well done, tactical and fun. You have a lot of choices to make as you play, what to upgrade, how much to explore and how to handle events. Crying Suns takes a lot of inspiration from FTL, but twists the idea into its own unique set of game-play mechanics that set it apart.

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7.8 / 10.0 - GreedFall
Sep 16, 2019

If you want to take on the role of a diplomat with a lot of character and dialogue choices, GreedFall is still worth picking up. There is a great world and story here waiting to be explored if you can look past its shortcomings. If your the type of player that skips cut-scenes and dialogue, look elsewhere.

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8 / 10.0 - Gears 5
Sep 10, 2019

It’s a solid title, just not a perfect one. If you enjoyed previous titles in the series then Gears 5 is an easy sale. If you are new altogether, well, there is a ton of stuff for you to dig your chainsaw bayonet in!

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Aug 20, 2019

Remnant is overall a fantastic action RPG and great souls-like sibling. The enemy variety, stellar combat, and procedural aspect skyrocket its replay value and the meaningful loot is exciting in this gaming climate. It's challenging even on normal, but far less brutal than Dark Souls, but you can kick up the heat on a harder setting. If you enjoy games like Dark Souls or action RPGs this is an instant buy, especially if you have friends to play with.

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Aug 14, 2019

It is a much bigger game than FTL and because of that, its flaws are much more pronounced. Yet it remains fun and I can’t see any reason why you wouldn’t enjoy it if you liked FTL. It has a ton of variation to play with and a lot to manage. Just keep in mind that the randomness is all part of the fun and sometimes you can do everything right and still lose.

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It is deep, fun and has extremely high replay value. It's disappointing that the multiplayer has a couple of hiccups but the AI is solid and provides a good challenge with plenty of entertainment. Whether you're playing a custom scenario or the campaign, you are in for a good time. Planetfall may end up being my personal game of the year and I can't recommend it enough. Especially for console players who rarely get these type of games. If you like strategy or grid-based tactics, buy it immediately, you won't regret it.

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8 / 10.0 - Tidal Tribe
Jul 17, 2019

Tidal Tribe takes a small mechanic from other simulation games and built itself around it beautifully. It’s relaxing to play, simple to learn, but deceptively complex to master and it has a lot of content.

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