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163 games reviewed
74.9 average score
75 median score
74.8% of games recommended

GideonsGaming's Reviews

Aug 7, 2020

Fall Guys is silly and stupid fun, and that is perfectly okay. It just needs a bit more variety and the RNG feeling of the team based mini-games are a real downer. The game is a nearly perfect platform to be expanded upon and I hope that’s the case going forward.

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8 / 10.0 - Hellpoint
Jul 29, 2020

Hellpoint is a stellar souls-like, so much, in fact, that I don’t believe it to be an inspired child of its parent games. It can stand alongside titles like Dark Souls as an equal, matching its quality pound for pound. If the technical issues can be put to bed in a post-release patch, that fact will be cemented within the game’s legacy.

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Jul 27, 2020

I think if you had actually played the original, you may appreciate this upgrade on your walk down nostalgia lane. As a newcomer, it just has no proper place to sit beside the games that exist today and there is no room for it on the shelf. It can be an amusing romp, but you kick up the dust of this Dinosaur at every turn, and the new can of paint just can’t hide that fact.

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Jul 24, 2020

Ghost of Tsushima remains one of the most thrilling and entertaining open-world games to release this generation. It captures the feeling of Samurai perfectly through fantastic combat and fine details. It handles exploration in a way that does away with GPS style mini maps and radars while offering a great deal of quality content through and through. While it isn’t perfect, it’s still a humble ending for the current generation of PlayStation games.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Neon Abyss
Jul 20, 2020

Your mileage will vary depending on how much you enjoy the core shooting, which is indeed quite good. If the shallow nature or repetition doesn't bother you, you could easily get your money worth in hours played. More if you wish to truly master the game.

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10 / 10.0 - Streets of Rogue
Jul 1, 2020

How many games allow you to assassinate people as a Ninja, throw toilets at people as a Wrestler, and chloroform people as a Doctor in the same game? Just one, and it does so in complete expert fashion. At full price, the game is just $20, which is an absolute steal.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Waking
Jun 26, 2020

This is painful. Waking was made by one person and is a game of true passion. It contains a concept I would like to recommend to anyone who is comfortable enough to delve within themselves for the sake of an intimate video game experience. What Jason Oda set out to do is truly touching. Yet the vessel in which the experience is presented is badly blemished.

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Remnant is an incredibly solid souls-like shooter and Swamps Of Corsus is simply more of it. It isn’t perfect but the asking price isn’t steep and it can add a significant amount more playtime to the game. The new survival mode is incredibly fun to play and there is a lot to enjoy if you already were a fan of Remnant.

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May 29, 2020

Is it worth it? It is for me. Total Warhammer 2 is a complex game with deep mechanics, varied gameplay and I’ll never tire of watching my Carnosaurs thrash the filthy Skaven (Via viewing replays of course). It takes an investment of time to dig into the game but that investment pays off in spades when you know what you’re doing. It’s just a shame that you need to seek sources outside the game to truly grasp it.

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If Revelations was an appetizer, Invasions is the dessert to Planetfall’s main course and I have a sweet tooth. It’s a great addition to the base game and compliments it with every feature it brings.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Moving Out
May 15, 2020

Whenever the game starts to lose its luster, the next level throws a curveball at you to keep you engaged. The single-player is pretty pointless and for the price, I do wish the game was a bit longer. Overall Moving Out is a great party game that would make a solid addition to anyone’s couch co-op repertoire. It’s entertaining and depending on your company, hilarious as things inevitably go wrong.

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6 / 10.0 - Stranded Deep
May 4, 2020

Stranded Deep is a pretty chill survival game. I enjoyed the setting and my early hours with the game. It had a few high points such as building my raft and my first boss encounter. My enthusiasm didn’t last long, however, as the lack of variety and surprise combined with the game’s problems and inconsistencies wore me down.

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7 / 10.0 - Fort Triumph
Apr 24, 2020

Fort Triumph is a solid game and the physics-based combat is truly a blast, just don’t expect to get the same mileage from it like you would from the games that inspired it. It is a much lighter product but by no means a bad one.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Deep Sky Derelicts
Apr 17, 2020

Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is a game worth experiencing if you’re a fan of tactical games, especially card-based ones. Even with a couple of odd design choices. The bugs, however, dampen the fun a great deal.

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Mar 31, 2020

The lack of meaningful gameplay, try-hard humor, and day one DLC make it hard to recommend. You could get some laughs by getting some friends together and goofing off in the open world, but there are much better alternatives out there you could spend your money on.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Horizon's Gate
Mar 27, 2020

Exploring an open world with the freedom to do what you please with deep character customization and stellar turn-based combat is a brilliant idea and Horizon’s Gate is still fun in the end.

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8 / 10.0 - ARK: Genesis
Mar 11, 2020

The new creatures and items are fun, the missions and hexagon store are excellent additions and the varied biomes are seriously fantastic. Even with its flaws I still recommend Ark and especially Genesis as the amount of joy I siphon from the game is hard to quantify. Just be aware of what you are getting into and I highly recommend playing on a private server.

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7 / 10.0 - Out Of Space
Feb 26, 2020

So while the content is technically infinitely replayable, it feels like you exhaust it quite quickly. Despite that fact, I could easily see Out Of Space come out whenever you have friends over the same way that old favorite board game gets dusted off once a week. It isn't a game you will play for long stretches, but I could see its value as a party choice. Especially to tackle that new weekly challenge when they cycle in and out.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Sky Cannoneer
Feb 20, 2020

Some of the varied objectives and boss fights did a good job of breaking up the repetition but fighting the repeated bosses was a drag. Sky Cannoneer isn’t an expensive game, but it is a short one. At the same time if it lasted any longer it would have overstayed its welcome as mindless action is only entertaining for so long.

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9 / 10.0 - Mortal Glory
Jan 29, 2020

It’s a perfect game to play when you don’t have a lot of game time but still want something with meat on its bones. Its gladiator theme and roguelike gameplay are executed with such grace that even Caesar would have to give Mortal Glory a thumbs up. At such a cheap asking price, maybe even two!

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