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Cheat Code Central

435 games reviewed
81.0 average score
82 median score
60.7% of games recommended

Cheat Code Central's Reviews

4.5 / 5.0 - Sonic Mania
Aug 16, 2017

Everyone will find something to love about the hedgehog's latest outing.

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3.9 / 5.0 - Agents of Mayhem
Aug 15, 2017

Agents of Mayhem delivers high-octane action with an enticing character progression system that has you tweaking and testing out fun and efficient upgrades in combat. Once the battle is over, however, you're left to either wander a listless city out of the compulsory desire to complete every tedious task or grab a vehicle and drive 300mph to the next scripted objective simply to keep the adrenaline rushing. There's no denying Agents of Mayhem boasts enough content to last dozens of hours, but with no multiplayer and few surprises, what you get out of it all depends on your expectations going in.

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4 / 5.0 - LawBreakers
Aug 10, 2017

LawBreakers is a mess, but a good mess; it is one that tries to hit a ton of marks all at once and only misses a few. I worry about its meager content offerings in a crowded, already saturated genre. If LawBreakers can coast for a while on its solid core, hopefully its intended audience will find it and stick around.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Splatoon 2
Jul 18, 2017

The original Splatoon drew a lot of criticism for being light on content when it first released. Nintendo made sure the sequel did not draw that same condemnation. After hours in the single-player campaign, the cooperative Salmon Run, and dozens of Turf Wars, I'm still looking forward to every free minute I have to tackle a solo mission with a different weapon or hop into a quick PvP match for a few more coins to buy new weapons and fill my wardrobe. The closed off construction zones and empty alleyways have me intrigued as to what updates down the road will bring.

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Jul 3, 2017

When all is said and done, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy delivers and feels like one of the better remakes CheatCC has covered. You can tell a lot of thought and hard work went into making this compilation a solid product.

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5 / 5.0 - Arms
Jun 7, 2017

It's difficult to describe just how good ARMS is. The best analogy I can come up with is that it is to fighting games what Splatoon is to third-person shooters. ARMS is a bright, colorful, and welcoming game. Newcomers can easily hop in and enjoy most of the matches and modes available. Meanwhile, the more dedicated will find themselves developing complex strategies based on characters and ARMS loadouts and captivated by the opportunities to challenge others online. I would not be surprised to see it spawn multiple successful successors.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Tekken 7
Jun 5, 2017

Fans of Tekken should love Tekken 7. There's a ton to do, the roster is better than ever, and many of the new mechanics add even further to the depth and options players have at any given moment. The Treasure Battle mode and unlockable customization items add tons of hours and silly fun to Tekken 7's shelf-life, and the unlockable gallery items show a level of care and dedication to Tekken as not only a franchise IP, but a long-lasting art with an important, meaningful history. On the other hand, I doubt the sloppy, incomprehensible story mode will do much for anyone who doesn't care about, uh, Tekken lore, and a fighting game with the amount of depth Tekken has not having similar learning tools that most of the competition has is a glaring drawback. Ultimately, the core of Tekken is unlike anything else in the genre, and getting people together to figure it out and get your hands dirty is always a blast. Tekken 7 continues with the care and polish a series of its caliber deserves.

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Jun 1, 2017

As of now, Friday the 13th: The Game is unique and has its brilliant moments, but it's not a game I'd recommend picking up. It can be too dull of an experience. I think it's mostly diehard fans who will enjoy this the most at this moment. Despite all of this, I could see myself revisiting this game from time to time with some friends who are in it more for a laugh than a scare.

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Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers is getting a lot of attention as a release for the Nintendo Switch and for good reason

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4.5 / 5.0 - Injustice 2
May 18, 2017

Injustice 2 isn't the best fighting game I've ever played, but it's probably my favorite in recent memory. That says a lot, considering some greats released in 2017.

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3 / 5.0 - Prey
May 8, 2017

Ultimately, I doubt I'll remember Prey much after I stop playing it. There's too much else going on in games in 2017, and Prey does not stand out amongst its peers. Its fiction is self-serious, despite being so derivative, and its systems are frustrating and constantly in conflict with each other. It feels like dozens of other games I've played already, but enjoyed more.

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4.1 / 5.0 - Little Nightmares
Apr 25, 2017

Giving the story a few rounds of proofreading might have inspired the designers to add more obstacles and offered more flexibility to the players. Still, the well-presented aesthetic and emotional impact make Little Nightmares more than worthy of a playthrough.

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Apr 20, 2017

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a game that rekindles a fire you may not have even realized was fading. This racing game is absolutely incredible. It takes Mario Kart 8, an absolutely fantastic game, then improves upon it by offering the sort of Battle arenas and experiences we adored in previous games, the ability to play it anywhere in any way, and various quality of life adjustments. Everything has been tightened, fine tuned and is firing on all cylinders. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn't just here to help you coast through the launch window, it is a game that will offer comfortable cruising for years to come.

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Apr 6, 2017

LEGO City Undercover is an original, hilarious, and action-packed adventure that provides ample freedom and endless activities. It is apparent, however, that despite its revolutionary features back in 2013, the remastered version shows that many elements need retooling to be on par with current LEGO video games.

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5 / 5.0 - Persona 5
Apr 5, 2017

Persona 5 is special, even more so for people who have been paying attention to this series for the past few decades. Just, you know, clear your calendar for a while.

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4.9 / 5.0 - MLB 17: The Show
Mar 27, 2017

MLB The Show 17 as a collective whole, from a controls, presentation, and core game mode perspective, is incrementally better.

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Mar 27, 2017

Mario Sports Superstars could appeal to multiple demographics, but might not hold the attention for any of them. Each sport is fun, but the lack of variety in games and their respective courses wears thin.

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Mar 22, 2017

There's a decent game in here somewhere, but Mass Effect: Andromeda feels like a collaboration from Mass Effect fans rather than a group of known and established developers.

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4.1 / 5.0 - Sea of Thieves
Mar 20, 2017

Sea of Thieves plots a course in the opposite direction of most big budget, predictable affairs. Loot is not about gaining power, and the thrill is in the voyage, not the destination. This may alienate some gamers, but it is a breath of fresh air for those willing to embrace the change. However, Rare will soon find the community clamoring for more content and improved social options to keep players invested and using their freedom to create limitless and fascinating stories.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Nier: Automata
Mar 9, 2017

I'd tell you to expect the unexpected, but NieR: Automata steps outside of its comfort zone too often for you to become comfortable. For a game about questioning your purpose and identity, NieR: Automata seems comfortable in its own skin.

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