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436 games reviewed
81.0 average score
82 median score
60.6% of games recommended

Cheat Code Central's Reviews

4.5 / 5.0 - League of Legends
May 4, 2010

The time I spent with this game has been fun, and with a good community base, it can only get better with time.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Blur
May 25, 2010

Blur is certainly an expansive title, and the more you play it, the more you get lost in it. I expected a lot from Bizarre Creations, considering the Project Gotham Racing series is considered to be one of the best automotive franchises of the past. However, in many ways Blur surpasses its predecessor, both in terms of scope and in accessibility. Blur's mix of strategy-based power-ups, load-out menus, and largely varied challenges really make this game a must for all automotive fans. In a genre this oversaturated, it is good to know that there is still some innovation left. Though Blur borrows some of its biggest ideas from pre-existing games, it blends them together in a way that feels completely natural. It may sound clichéd, but Blur is a title that is easy to pick up but hard to put down, and it is a must-buy for all automotive fans.

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4.4 / 5.0 - DC Universe Online
Jan 30, 2011

I have to end this review, as I do every MMO review, with a caveat: It's early yet, and the quality of an MMO depends on how well it can update its gameplay and maintain a solid player base. However, enough money has been sunk into this project ($50 million) that Sony won't abandon it easily, and the early signs are that it's a terrific game. If you're a fan of action, MMOs, or comic books, and if you're looking to commit a lot of time to a single game, DC Universe Online will not disappoint you.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Bastion
Jul 20, 2011

With diverse, interesting gameplay, excellent production, and a world that sucks the player in, Bastion is a downloadable experience that's not to be missed. It's a game that every gamer should pick up, as it hits the core of why we all love our gaming hobby. Bastion celebrates experimentation, rewards exploration, allows room for growth and challenge, and never condescends. In the end, it leaves The Kid's motivations as an open issue. Are you a hero working toward a new golden age, a villain working out some major anger issues, or just a kid doing his best to muddle out of a bad situation? The Bastion ain't gonna tell you, son. That's gotta be up to you to decide.

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4.8 / 5.0 - Minecraft
Nov 21, 2011

Minecraft is so much more than a game by now; it's a potentially generation-defining phenomenon.

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4.7 / 5.0 - Fez
Apr 16, 2012

Fez is more than just a game. It's a perfect balance between platformer, puzzler, and explorable experience. It's a love letter to retro gaming. It's a hypnotic look inside the mind of one of gaming's more controversial figures. I would even say it's a masterpiece. Seriously, this one deserves your 800 MS points.

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Aug 28, 2012

Every time I launched CS:GO this week, I couldn't help but feel like it was a step backwards in my gaming evolution. It's new, but it's entirely familiar as well. The learning curve is shallow and I know I'm probably going to enjoy it before I even start.

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4.1 / 5.0 - Okami HD
Nov 8, 2012

Okami HD is the definitive version of Okami. It has the best graphics, fewest bugs, and most responsive controls if you are using a DualShock. It runs perfectly in widescreen 1080p without a hitch. At a budget price of $19.99, there's little reason not to pick up this game, especially if you haven't played the original. It's hard to conceive of any better version of Okami, except for perhaps a fourth release that utilizes the tablet of the Wii U for drawing purposes, and since Nintendo doesn't seem to be working on that, Okami HD for the PS3 is where it's at!

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3.5 / 5.0 - Resident Evil 6
Mar 22, 2013

What we have here is an incredibly long, incredibly flawed, and yet paradoxically engaging experience. I can't say you should go to Steam right now and pay $40 for this game. But sometime down the line, when you have a long weekend with nothing to do, you might notice it on sale and pick it up. And you won't quite regret it.

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May 28, 2013

A solid adventure game that genre veterans will undoubtedly eat up. Novices, however, may be put off by the game’s issues. If they are patient enough, however, they will find an enjoyable and enchanted world to explore.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Dota 2
Jul 19, 2013

Dota 2 isn’t for the faint of heart. It isn’t for everyone. But if you play MOBAs, then it is for you. This is the game in the genre you need to play. If you don’t believe me, then consider this: There’s a reason why the community has crowd-funded a total of $900,000-plus to the prize pool for The International 3.

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But it's beyond clear that Final Fantasy XIV has, in fact, been reborn. This is everything players wanted the original game to be--it might avoid pushing the boundaries, but it provides hours upon hours of well-designed quest sequences, breathtaking graphics, and a gripping plot. At last, we have a modern MMO worthy of the Final Fantasy name.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Rayman Legends
Sep 5, 2013

Rayman Legends' unique, quirky tune introduces new steps into an old dance. Although the absurd nature of the game might be a hurdle to some, Ubisoft crafted it with enough skill and confidence to tie together all the disparate strands into a cohesive, enjoyable whole. A lot of care went into making Rayman Legends, and the refreshing result of that care is a platformer that can proudly stand beside the genre's greats.

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It's always a thrill (especially for us gamers of the bit-war era) to see Mario and Sonic duke it out. Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games is as good a venue as any to support your preferred publisher as well as your country. The updated visuals and online functionality are welcome improvements, but if you've already spent hours nailing high scores and low times four years ago, the events haven't changed drastically enough to warrant two purchases.

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Crashing and burning has always been part of the fun of SimCity, though, and while these sorts of incidents are annoying, they're not game-breaking. Cities of Tomorrow is both a good expansion to the core game and a perfect entry point for a newcomer. Just don't let the power go to your head.

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Cheat Code Central
Angelo M. D’Argenio

Overall, BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 1 is solidly OK. In the end, it's much more of what we have come to expect from BioShock Infinite, awesome pieces of story broken up by uninteresting sections of combat. It's not a reimagining of the series. It's not a grand departure that examines BioShock's past. It's really not much more than some more BioShock Infinite with a Rapture coat of paint slapped over it. If that's what you are looking for, then the 15-dollar price of entry isn't bad. For everyone else, there is always BioShock 4.

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A Link Between Worlds captures plenty of that old Zelda magic with its excellent dungeon design and gameplay-first formula. Series fans will not be disappointed, although it may not deviate from formula quite enough for some. In my estimation, the developers stuck to the right parts of series formula while innovating in important areas, such as non-linearity and user-friendly interface decisions. This is yet another entry in a string of great 3DS games this year, making that device one of the best gaming investments out there.

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4.2 / 5.0 - Knack
Nov 15, 2013

With all this said though, Knack is a game you need to have. I say "have" because you will want to keep playing Knack. Much like Jak & Daxter, which I have gone back and played numerous times since originally completing, Knack has that same allure. It is an accomplishment not many games can tout. If you picked up the PlayStation 4, you owe it to yourself to pick this game up: You owe it to the kid inside you and the friends you know who don't know how to have fun anymore. Knack may not be the most revolutionary game, but it is yet another promise from team Sony for what the company plans to achieve with the PS4. A promise I am glad I experienced. You will be too.

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Nov 15, 2013

Killzone: Shadow Fall is a solid launch title for the PS4. It delivers the next-gen experience without cramming it down your throat too much, which is a great change of pace from previous console generations. While it obviously presents what the PS4 is capable of, the developer was careful after the beginning of the game to make sure that the Killzone experience was delivered, no matter what platform it was delivered on. This is definitely a good thing. All-in-all, Killzone: Shadow Fall brings more good things to the table than bad, and a robust multiplayer component gives it a lot of playability past the campaign. This exclusive next-gen shooter is one of the reasons to own a PS4 at launch, and even though it's not perfect, shooter fans will no doubt enjoy Killzone: Shadow Fall for what it is–a good game.

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4.3 / 5.0 - Madden NFL 25
Nov 17, 2013

One of the biggest complaints about Madden is that the game basically does the same thing every year. This next-gen iteration doesn't carry enough innovation to counter that argument. However, this new Madden perfects the classic formula. With the best visuals for the series ever, and near-flawless gameplay aided by powerful hardware, Madden 25 for the PS4 will satisfy Madden aficionados and casual sports gamers alike.

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