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The best 2D shooter for several years and a fantastic homage to the genre, with some of the best pixel art graphics of the year.
A colourful, silly and deliberately over-the-top first person shooter, with severely undercooked gunplay and a sense of humour that will test the patience of even Rick and Morty fans.
An excellent sequel that marries Metroidvania style exploration with a dizzying array of new combat mechanics, to make one of the best roguelike experiences of this or any year.
A fantastic mix of endless runner and racing game, which marries the aesthetics of WipEout with the challenge and difficulty of a hardcore roguelike.
Charming and relaxing is not how you'd describe the average action role-player but this wholesome Dragon Quest spin-off is an enjoyably undemanding, family friendly adventure.
This is likely to be the definitive version of a great game, and an excellent excuse to dive back into its gloriously rich and varied world, but at the moment it’s a bug-ridden mess that’s more trouble to play than the seven-year-old original. We’re sure by next Christmas it’ll all be running perfectly but all you get this year is a lump of 4K coal.
There’s not a dud here and while it’s still odd that none of these courses really have anything to do with Mario Kart 8, they’re still just as fun to play and represent great value for money. Given the DLC schedule is only now at its halfway point there’s at least a year to go before we get any sign of Mario Kart 9 but these, and the other courses to come, should keep you happily entertained until then.
An inspired piece of Final Fantasy 7 fan service, and a very good remaster, but as a standalone game the story and gameplay has very little value.
The best Need For Speed in a decade – but that says far more about the moribund state of the franchise than it does this workmanlike new entry.
Dead Space 4 in all but name, except with no puzzles and surprisingly little suspense. The Callisto Protocol has plenty of gritty action but that's not quite enough to sustain interest for its entire duration.
Although it feels more like an early access release at this point, this is a promising start for what should eventually eclipse Vermintide 2 and all the other Left 4 Dead wannabes.
For a 27-year-old game with only minor changes this is still an enjoyably taxing tactical role-player but it's new games this series needs, not more remakes.
A fantastically idiosyncratic approach to both superheroes and turn-based strategy, that manages to remain perfectly accessible without ever talking down to its audience.
An enjoyable combat system is left to flounder in an otherwise unambitious ode to Xbox 360 era shooters, that quickly gets too repetitive to enjoy.
Easily the best of The Dark Pictures anthology series, with a horror story that is deliciously chilling, surprisingly well acted, and far more interesting to play than its predecessors.
Being closer to a traditional video game does more harm than good, in a game that is all too proficient at making anarchic mayhem seem boring.
A significant advancement on Pokémon Sword and Shield and while it's not hard to see how it could be improved further this is the most ambitious and entertaining Pokémon has been in a long while.
A fantasy musical adventure which has big laughs to match its big heart, while being built around charming, if shallow, gameplay mechanics.
A disappointing follow-up to Limbo and Inside that lacks the same complexity of plot and puzzles, and yet struggles surprisingly poorly with the move to 3D.
A Dark Ages mystery whose gameplay and dialogue are as unique as it's daringly unconventional premise and visuals.