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A polished Metroidvania infused with Africana, whose linearity and overreliance on rote-learning action sequences undermine its otherwise high standards.
A wonderfully bizarre premise is spoilt only by frustrating motion controls, but this is definitely the best Victorian lady slapping simulator ever made.
It would probably make a better movie than a game, but there's still a unique charm about Harold Halibut and his slow-paced journey to discover his place in life.
A successful blend of Zelda and twin-stick bullet hell shooter, which sounds like a terrible mix but brings some welcome novelty to both styles of play.
The epitome of short but sweet, that is both a clever tribute to Drill Dozer and Ecco The Dolphin and a welcome alternative to bloated and overlong modern epics.
A barely-interactive movie that follows a mother and daughter road trip that is disappointingly short on both drama and meaningful choices.
A clever and well-structured interpretation of the classic TV series as a co-op brawler, that would be a fun diversion even without the licence.
An enjoyable counterpart to Ghost Of Tsushima, with some truly excellent combat, but the bloated open world elements can often suffocate your enjoyment.
A disappointingly shallow and unfocused adventure that is aimed solely at a young audience – and even they're likely to feel somewhat bored and patronised by the end.
An entertaining open world action role-player, with an interesting approach to AI-controlled companions, but which proves disappointingly similar to the 2012 original.
A spirited attempt to revive the former glories of gaming's original survival horror but a lack of scares and sub-par action can't defeat the ghosts of the past.
A polished, beautifully rendered Metroidvania with a huge map, plenty of upgrades, and moments of intense frustration.
An excellent remaster duology that's an interesting reminder of early online console gaming and one of the most feature-packed Star Wars games ever made.
A disappointingly timid reboot/remake that while competently made does little to add to the Contra formula or move beyond the original games.
A wonderfully weird console strategy game that's inspired by the past but forges its own very distinct legend, with beautiful visuals and deep but accessible gameplay.
A historical supernatural role-player whose portrayal of Warsaw under Russian rule is highly compelling but where the combat and simplistic detective elements fail to engage.
Another improvement after two stellar editions in 2022 and 2023, WWE 2K24 feels like the culmination of a WrestleMania-sized comeback for the franchise.
An expertly constructed and intricate roguelite deck builder that draws on the language and concept of poker, before twisting it with an infinity of modifiers, unlocks, and delicately balanced risk and reward.
A charming indie platformer with a fun central gimmick and excellent movement options, let down by garish visuals and some deliberate retro foibles.
Another fun piece of Splatoon single-player DLC, with an interesting mix of third person shooter and roguelike that would've been much better as the main story mode from the start.