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A surprisingly successful mobile spin-off becomes an equally enjoyable console download, that twists the key elements of Hitman to its own interesting effect.
The prehistoric setting adds little to the Far Cry formula, while taking away several key features – even if the overall experience is still enjoyable.
Don't let the name or presentation put you off: this is an impressive piece of interactive storytelling that gets more right than most other games with 10 times its budget.
The line-up of characters is the stuff of fanboy dreams, but the gameplay is enough to send you to sleep – if not give you nightmares.
The best entry in the series, but very far from being super – as the excitement of discovery is replaced with the drudgery of repetition.
A remake of a rehash of a disappointing sequel… that only hints at what Earth Defense Force could be if the series would only show some forward momentum.
Some clever visuals and a modern setting can't stop the third Chronicles game from being the least successful, even if it's the most ambitious.
Street Fighter transforms itself from just a game to an entire entertainment platform of its own, or at least it will do once all the content is up and running.
Just like the original Dying Light, nothing works quite as well as it should and although there are some interesting new ideas here none of them are realised without significant flaws.
The most bizarre narrative bait and switch in video game history, as a tense, emotional thriller sticks the worst landing since Eddie The Eagle.
Etrian Odyssey probably didn't need a second remake, especially with story and characters this unengaging, but the game underneath is still a superior dungeon crawler.
Between the gorgeous graphics, solid combat, and multiple game modes this impressive fighter isn't necessarily just for anime fans.
An astoundingly beautiful puzzle platformer, that's a little too frustrating in practice but far from the twee family game some may mistake it for.
A boldly inventive 2D shooter that asks a lot of its players but rewards them with one of the most versatile action games of recent months.
A superb sequel that improves on every aspect of the already excellent originals, and offers one of the most absorbing and unpredictable strategy experiences ever seen.
A solid start to Black Ops III's DLC schedule, with two standout maps and only one actively bad one.
A fun, funny, and wonderfully gory 2D shooter, but it's not quite as tightly designed as OlliOlli and certainly lacks the same longevity.
An excellent remaster of an imperfect but hugely endearing action adventure, that completely justifies the ongoing plans for a sequel.
Focusing on the movies rather than the comics has seen Marvel go from inspiring the best Lego game to one of the worst.
The old style Tomb Raider is never coming back, but this is a more satisfying compromise than the reboot and an impressive technical feat.