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Manga and anime fans will no doubt get some pleasure out of the game's endless array of cameos, but viewed on its merits as a fighting game this is a clear defeat.
Disgracing the name of Alone In The Dark is just one of the many crimes committed in this hatefully frustrating, and patently unfinished, survival horror.
The racing and visuals are good, but the scarcity of modes and options means this is another year where the official F1 tie-in barely makes the starting grid.
A superb multiplayer game that takes a very simple premise and crafts from it one of the best competitive arcade games in years.
One of the most interesting things to happen to both massively multiplayer online games and shooters in years, and already a hugely enjoyable game in its own right.
As charming and accessible as any Lego game but Jurassic Park doesn't suit the Lego formula terribly well and the ability to play as dinosaurs is underused.
Less consistent than the previous games, and the Batmobile is a surprisingly unwelcome addition, but even as the worst of the Arkham titles this is still a superior superhero adventure.
A perfectly competent platformer, perhaps Yoshi's best since Super Mario World 2, but one that is far less unique than its visuals suggest.
A less than impressive remaster, that still isn't up to par with the PC version, but there's a lot of content here and the bank-robbing co-op remains a fun novelty.
A strategy role-player that is filled with clever ideas and inspires great empathy with your characters, even if the battle system is a few steps behind XCOM.
A good collection of new maps, including one of the best remakes in the series. Exo Zombies still seems very derivative, but the co-op action remains solid throughout.
Ultra violent and desperate to shock, but this is far too boring and repetitive a game to either love or hate.
A wonderful throwback to '80s style British gaming, that has much to teach modern titles in terms of player freedom and open world design.
Not the revival Carmageddon veterans will have been hoping for, and far too glitchy and unrefined to draw in more casual fans of vehicular violence.
A terrible video game and still a terrible attempt at simulating owning a farm, with unbearably boring and bug-ridden gameplay.
A fun addition to the sandbox genre, that adds a more structured campaign and achievable goals – at the cost of only a little in the way of accessibility.
Whatever you think of the original games this is one of the best HD remakes ever, and a considerable improvement on the already excellent PlayStation 3 and Vita versions.
There's a lot of downtime at the start, but another shock ending does little to dilute what is the best piece of interactive storytelling so far this year.
Only a minor improvement on the last game, but still a hugely accomplished space strategy game – with an almost infinite range of customisation options.
The ingredients are there for a transcendent action strategy but the reality is that Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is disappointingly mundane and only fitfully entertaining.