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One of the best MOBAs on any console and a good introduction to the genre in general, thanks to its more console-friendly controls and fun premise.
An enjoyable homage to old school Metal Gear Solid, but a lack of challenge and an overbearing story means it isn't quite a stealth classic in its own right.
Mixing Tower Defense, third person action, and beloved '80s toys should've been a recipe for success, but this bland sequel doesn't do justice to any of its ideas.
One of the best survival horrors of recent years, that functions almost as well as the Wii U version and offers a mature-rated adventure that is as ruthlessly difficult as it is engrossing.
The worldless storytelling is some of the most compelling of the year and the purposefully frustrating control system an outrageously daring experiment.
A sci-fi short story masquerading as a video game, and while it's often fascinating and beautiful it makes even other walking simulators seem fast-paced by comparison.
A rare chance to celebrate a developer's work through three whole decades, and even if some classics are missing what's left still represents a laudable achievement in gaming.
The most peculiar HD remaster so far, that offers no obvious reason for its existence or why the original was though worthy of resurrection.
A clever spin on the Spelunky style of randomly-generated platformer, and although it asks a lot of its players its rewards are worth the effort.
A great first chapter and despite a few minor issues easily the most authentic interpretation of the graphic adventure in the modern era.
The definitive version of one of the most enduring indie games of the last decade, with great offline multiplayer and a near infinite array of levels.
A hugely disappointing penultimate episode, but if you enjoyed the first three it's still nowhere near enough to put you off from following things through to the end.
Behind the bizarre concept is one of the best scripts of the year, and a game that subverts your expectations with effortless regularity.
Macabrely original murder 'em-up that defies categorisation, and its numerous rough edges, to make being evil more fun than in almost any other game.
Less is most definitely more in this beautifully understated co-op adventure, that dares you to make sense of its enigmatic voyage.
A few flaws short of a modern platforming classic, but although Tembo isn't perfect he is exactly as badass as promised.
More Godzooky than Godzilla, this is not only a terrible game but a technically inept one – that can't even make stepping on tanks seem like fun.
A competent but completely unremarkable story mission that seems to exist more as an excuse to sell season passes, rather than through any creative justification of its own.
Hardly a game that was in desperate need of a makeover, but the original is still a solid action adventure and Kratos' story is given at least an element of closure.
The gameplay basics are fine, but this is the absolute bare bones of what a golf game should be – with less than half the amount of content of the last game in the series.