HomepageGamezo's Reviews
On the whole, Convoy is a fun-enough game to play. But rather than making me want to play Convoy more, it made me want to play other games similar to Convoy, instead. It pulled me into the concept again and how much I enjoy it, but not the game itself, which is a shame. I went into Convoy with a nostalgic hype from the days where I played FTL a lot more, but rather than being surprised and hooked, I was a little disappointed.
There is nothing I can say other than that I adore Starport Delta. The game has immense polish, solid writing, and strong gameplay. The team at Cloudfire built the city builder that they wanted to play, and it shows. Whether it’s some of the cheeky things you can do (like airlock a developer) or the addition of space worms, the game has charm.
The game is action-packed, chaotic and tons of fun, and it looks fantastic, too. Some great games are coming out across 2020 as well as the start of a new console generation, and this is a great way to truly kick off gaming in 2020.
Wunderling is a beautiful game that puts a twist on the story and mechanics you expect out of a platformer. I recommend Wunderling highly to anyone who likes the genre and wants something new and fun to play.
So, overall? I thought Shadow of the Colossus was fun, once I got past the several issues I felt I had with it. Each Colossi I killed was fairly satisfying, even if the method boils down to the same-y “stab in the head” route. Yeah, I would probably shadow a Colossus again.