Gamezo's Reviews
Fly Punch Boom is the perfect party game to play when friends are over! Fast-paced frenzied battles, amplified with the excellent soundtrack leaves you with thrilling encounters! Although, the long wait times to find an online match does mar the experience.
The environmental puzzles thrown at you by Those Who Remain really are tough. There’s usually a couple of things you need to do to progress, and it’s usually easy enough. However, there’s always that one item or interaction you need that can be easily overlooked.
Overall, I believe that Rising Lords has potential with some creative features. But the poor execution of these features makes the game a chore to play. Hopefully, Argonwood can fix a large amount of the issues this game faces to create a much more user-friendly game by the time of its release.
I’ll be honest, I came into this review not expecting much. However, Red Wings: Aces of the Sky fully surpassed my expectations! This is a pure game at heart. It offers up enticing gameplay, simple but charming graphics and hours of intense aerial battles!
Fury Unleashed delivers fast-paced frantic action, creating a perfect mixture of genres, to deliver an expectational gaming experience! It has my full recommendation!
This level of unexpectedness is a tad frustrating at times, but it is extremely satisfying to complete a level. The game is broken up into nine levels, each pulling parts from other levels while entering new terrain. One level may deal primarily with depth and another with scale and paradox.
Conglomerate 451 successfully merges the Dungeon Crawler and Roguelike genres together to create a highly enjoyable cyberpunk experience! For those wanting a taste of what Cyberpunk 2077 will be bringing later this year, it’s likely that Conglomerate 451 will satisfy your itches. Nevertheless, while the game doesn’t do anything particularly wrong, I can’t say it does anything amazing, either.
Arboria is a fairly fun hack-and-slash roguelike adventure game with all its potential coming from how long you’re willing to play it for. It’s easy to jump in and out but truly becomes rewarding when you spend time developing your Yotun and exploring the dangerous depths of the ever-changing Durnar.
Despite my initial reservations about Daniel as a protagonist and the narrative voice of the game, Someday You’ll Return is a fantastic psychological horror with enough extra gameplay features to keep it entertaining.
This game is fun. Like, really good fun. It’s challenging enough that it makes any successes rewarding, yet I wasn’t put off by it like I am by Valorant. Tidal Shock could be massive; for the sake of Moonray Studios’ small team, I really hope it is. They deserve it.
Deep Sky Derelicts adds a fresh take on the Rogue-Like Turn-Based RPG with a unique combat system and beautiful comic book aesthetic. Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is currently on sale for £10.83 on the Steam Store. Given the 20-hour main campaign along with the two additional DLCs, (New Prospects and Station Life) which add more planets, classes, and environments to explore and loot, you get extraordinary value for your money!
This game would be much better enjoyed as a Co-Op experience. It Came From Space is not exactly a party game in the same way Gang Beasts or Overcooked would bring a competitive spirit to game night, but it is definitely one where playing with others would help it to thrive. There is a lot of chaos when playing alone, but with another person contributing to the neon explosions and tight escapes… You can imagine that it would be a sight to behold.
A Fold Apart is a beautiful intersection of narrative storytelling and interesting gaming mechanic. Whether you enjoy solving puzzles, exploring emotional stories, or both, A Fold Apart is for you. Heck, if you are just looking for something good to play and don’t know what to grab next, prioritize A Fold Apart.
Although I did have a lot of fun while playing Tools Up! during the moment, I found myself wanting more from it upon reflection. It is a fun game, but the only challenge comes from timing, essentially. I can see why there would be more chaos with more players, as that would require more co-operation, but… It just felt like it was missing that little something.
Get grips for the Joy-Con joysticks. Shooters on Switch are hard at the best of times, and Vigor is no different. It plays similarly to PUBG, as discussed. Anyone who’s played PUBG, DayZ, or anything of that nature will know that accuracy is vital when involved in ranged combat. This is no different if you want to use your weapons to succeed in Vigor.
Sometimes, it can be a little slow, but that comes with the kind of game it is. It isn’t a bad thing at all. The narrative being told is gripping enough to carry you through these lulls. The text auto-continues to keep you moving forward, and the promise of further exploration means you don’t mind this.
Fort Triumph delivers challenging gameplay, witty dialogue and a unique twist on the genre to deliver a highly enjoyable experience!
Save Your Nuts is a great game, and I am glad I got to play it. Although it’s simple enough to play, there is a degree of strategy which helps keep it interesting. However, like many party games, you can’t play it for too long, as there is only so much to do. Still, with the addition of computer-controlled bots, it’s fun both with or without friends and something I can see myself going back to again and again.
Unrailed! is a delightful gaming experience perfect to play with friends either by your side or online, a game so charming and simple it will leave you with a smile on your face the entire time you are playing it.
While challenging at times, Crew 167 did offer a fun puzzler wrapped in a fairly interesting story. Parts of it echoed today’s society, much like any successful science fiction story does. It made you think, a little, about what we are doing to our own planet. The greed of mankind and its destruction of the environment acts as the backdrop to the game’s story.