Fly Punch Boom!

WeakFly Punch Boom! header image

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Nintendo Life
7 / 10
The Games Machine
7.7 / 10
Critical Hit
6 / 10
6 / 10
Video Chums
3 / 5
7.7 / 10
Creators: Jollypunch Games
Release Date: May 28, 2020 - Nintendo Switch, PC
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Fly Punch Boom! Trailers

Fly Punch Boom! OUT NOW launch trailer - PC & Nintendo Switch thumbnail

Fly Punch Boom! OUT NOW launch trailer - PC & Nintendo Switch

Fly Punch Boom! "Moon's Butt" Trailer thumbnail

Fly Punch Boom! "Moon's Butt" Trailer

Fly Punch Boom! Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Fly Punch Boom!

Even with all that accepted, we suspect many will bounce off Fly Punch Boom due to its frenetic pace. It's genuinely difficult to keep up with all the button prompts, especially as they're constantly changing their orientation on the screen. There's no anchor or reference point for your eye to fall back to, which can leave you floundering. But if you really stick at it and warm to its zany tone, you'll discover a bracingly fresh and empowering couch multiplayer brawler.

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Fly Punch Boom! it's a fun and colorful smash bros like. It has an excellent online mode, thanks to the large community, but the lack of longevity undermines the fun over a long period..

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Fly Punch Boom is the fighting game love letter to epic anime showdowns that you want to love, but its flawed execution and hyper-active QTE combat derails all the charm that this brawler brings to the table.

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Fly Punch Boom is a unique take on the fighting genre with a host of over the top combat effects, quick reaction button presses, and some zany characters that are quite entertaining. The rock paper scissors battle resolution system may not appeal to players looking for a more skill based fighter, but Fly Punch Boom is definitely a nice diversion that can keep you busy for several hours.

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Smashing your opponent around destructible stages can be quite entertaining but this quick-time-based brawlfest doesn't have much longevity. πŸ‘Š

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Fly Punch Boom is the perfect party game to play when friends are over! Fast-paced frenzied battles, amplified with the excellent soundtrack leaves you with thrilling encounters! Although, the long wait times to find an online match does mar the experience.

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Though it does have some online connectivity issues to contend with, Fly Punch Boom! more than makes up for its lack of properly engaging single-player content by bringing an incredibly fun multiplayer experience to the table.

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Fly Punch Boom is an interesting game. At it’s core it feels like a fun anime inspired fighting game to play with a friend provided you can both get the mechanics down. I enjoyed the wackiness of the graphics and general design of the game. However, my reactions were just not quick enough for the AI so I ended up failing to get to grips with it despite my best efforts. Not a game for me but I can see this being a fun time for a niche audience.

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