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593 games reviewed
76.8 average score
80 median score
56.2% of games recommended

NZGamer's Reviews

5.5 / 10.0 - King Oddball
Apr 13, 2014

Now with that out of the way, it's time to go see what all this fuss is about these "Wills" and "Kate" characters, whoever they might be.

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Apr 13, 2014

If you are into space combat action (and that's all you are looking for) then Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut might just scratch that itch for you. It's not a bad game and the general combat can have moments of fun. But as I said at the start, most of the time when I was playing this title, I just kept thinking to myself "I am not enjoying this and would rather be doing something else right now". Take that for what you will.

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Apr 9, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online is a solid, meaty title. It has hours of gameplay, satisfying character trees, and a wealth of online role playing experiences to churn through. It's safe and secure. It serves up the classic habitual MMORPG experience, albeit with a "Tamriel Twist". And for many gamers, this will be fine. But Bethesda have created an example - not an evolution - of the genre.

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8.9 / 10.0 - Fez
Apr 8, 2014

All that for $18.95? You'd have to be a Square not to.

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Apr 8, 2014

[I]t doesn't seem to quite live up what we've been led to expect from the new Kinect sensor, resulting in a lot of frustration the ultimately gets in the way of the experience. It'll make a great rental for when you have friends over, but it's hard to recommend for anything beyond that.

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Apr 8, 2014

Overall, Hearthstone is a well-executed and fun card game, one which lives the "easy to learn, hard to master" mantra to the utmost. If you like either card games or Warcraft, this is definitely worth checking out. And if you - like me - are a fan of both, you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.

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Apr 3, 2014

I've really enjoyed coming back to Diablo 3 with this expansion, Reaper of Souls. I had grown bored of playing through the same stuff, so having some fresh content to dive into has been great. It's still the same, fun game it always has been, but now with more stuff to do after you finish the story, and extra randomness that can hopefully stop its end game from becoming stale as quickly as the main game did. Whether or not this new Adventure Mode will be enough to keep away the boredom of repetition is something that is too early to tell. But after putting a good chunk of hours into it, I am hopeful it will.

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Mar 24, 2014

It's never dull, not even for a moment, and while technically repetitive (there are so many drug dealers and enemy bases) the variety afforded by both your abilities and the environment ensure that it never feels like a chore to play.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Yoshi's New Island
Mar 24, 2014

Yoshi’s New Island places almost all of its eggs in the nostalgia basket. It's a bold decision, but one that ultimately holds back the game by bringing with it some retro-inspired design best left to the 90s. Series fans will enjoy a trip back to this oft-forgotten Mario spin-off, and some of the newly introduced mechanics are good, if used too sparsely. Ultimately, though, Yoshi’s New Island is an enjoyable, but underwhelming, romp.

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The first episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two was undoubtedly great, but definitely had its flaws - partially due to being a pilot episode, and partially due to the writing being, though damn good, not quite up to the par of sheer excellence that Telltale have set themselves. The same can't be said of Episode Two: A House Divided - this is some of the studio's finest work.

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Mar 16, 2014

A great, simple shooter for all ages.

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8.9 / 10.0 - Titanfall
Mar 13, 2014

Titanfall is just so full of things. The world is beautiful and detailed, the maps are detailed and confusing, the giant robots have plenty of places to hide. Take your time to drink it all in as the bullets zing around and into you.

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Mar 7, 2014

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood offers a decent amount of entertainment for the price-tag and could appeal to fans of games like Limbo (including the similar, dark, horror-like themes.) It will take casual players around seven hours to complete, but there is little reason to come back to the game after the climactic finish, which makes this title difficult to recommend to everyone.

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7.1 / 10.0 - Thief
Mar 6, 2014

Thief isn't terrible, it's just not as good as other games, so in a way I want to say leave Thief for a while; come back to it when it's on sale, wait for it to be a steal.

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Mar 6, 2014

It really is more fun with two.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Blackguards
Feb 5, 2014

Be in no doubt that this game is tough to play, and - in places - with see you reloading over and over and again as you figure out the solution to some of the more complex encounters. There's a significant amount of gameplay hours and multiple endings, which is reflected in the price, but I would argue that it represents value for money if you like turn based tactical combat.

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Feb 4, 2014

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, is certainly not a misnomer - if you're picking up the game for the first time, this is absolutely the one to go for. It's the same brilliant game that came out last year, all polished up and looking its finest. For returning adventurers, on the other hand, there's so little in the way of new content that there's not much point buying the new version unless you had an urge to replay it anyway.

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Jan 29, 2014

Fun in the (rare) right circumstances.

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How long do I have to wait for Episode 2?

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Winter Olympics looks like it wants you to have fun; the bright colours, decent roster of events and characters, and the chipper commentator all make it seem like it's capable of creating entertainment. The poor online leaderboard, the confusing menu systems, and awkward control schemes, however, make the game a five-minute wonder that'll make you fear the next time Mario and Sonic get their friends together.

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