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593 games reviewed
76.8 average score
80 median score
56.2% of games recommended

NZGamer's Reviews

6.5 / 10.0 - Monochroma
May 30, 2014

Perhaps such questions aren't meant to be thought about too deeply, but as I struggled with the controls and watched the brothers die over and over again, I couldn't help but wonder what they - and subsequently I - were doing there in the first place.

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8 / 10.0 - Transistor
May 29, 2014

Overall Transistor certainly shows how far Supergiant Games have come from Bastion - which was a great effort. Unfortunately, it's missing some essential elements in an RPG (such as the aforementioned grinding) making a few bosses harder than they should be. Yet, as bad as those flaws may sound, I had a great time playing it thanks to the battle system, and the sheer charm of the characters.

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May 29, 2014

Always Sometimes Monsters, like many of its indie brethren, makes up for its low budget with lofty goals that would be too risky for a big time studio. In some ways, it nails these absolutely spot on; when it's pushing forward, the story is captivating and the choices players are forced to make are complex and lifelike - a rarity in games. Despite this, though, poor pacing, clumsy scriptwriting, and an overall lack of polish (even by indie standards) make it all to easy to bow out before this monster can sink its claws into you.

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May 25, 2014

It's not going to be the best first person shooter you'll play, but it'll be one you remember once it's over.

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8.9 / 10.0 - Super Time Force
May 22, 2014

Overall, Super Time Force is "Super Timely Fun!". Gunning and running and meeting up with your past selves to cause as much destruction as you can.

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This is certainly the most confronting chapter so far, which some will love, but may put off others (like it almost did me). Clementine continues to grow, and her strength is put squarely to the test, but in other aspects, Episode 3 just doesn't hold up to what's come before.

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4 / 10.0 - Bound by Flame
May 21, 2014

The ideas are great, but some are too complex, tightly packed and don't compliment one another. It's the simple ideas that have really stood out and the fact that you share your body with an inner-demon, but the general vibe of the game felt half-assed. It's another game that needed a second look-over before heading to market.

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May 18, 2014

BattleBlock Theater is a charming platformer. It comes loaded with a sense of style and humour that only developer The Behemoth possess. An incredibly funny narrator, adorable creature design, and cut-scenes that look like paper-doll puppetry all amount to a stylistically cohesive game that has tight platforming to boot (albeit with a few mechanical hiccups).

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May 16, 2014

Worth a go as a casual golf game, but offers little else.

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May 14, 2014

[D]espite my desire for a bit, well, more, The Last Tinker does seem to meet the company's own objective. For that they are to be congratulated.

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3 / 10.0 - Daylight
May 9, 2014

Daylight's claim to fame is its reported replay value; that no scare will ever be the same twice. While it is technically true that the level geometry does change from playthrough-to-playthrough, the scares certainly see some overlap, and the writing isn't worth a return visit. There are no nascent ideas in Daylight – just the desperate, flailing attempts to throw every horror cliché at the wall.

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May 9, 2014

It's hard to recommend a game that may or may not work each time you load it up.

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9 / 10.0 - Child of Light
May 5, 2014

I suppose, if I was trying to find a flaw and be picky, I would say that Child of Light feels like an incredibly good mobile game. But really that's such a minor criticism, I can't even put any weight behind my statement.

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A Realm Reborn was already a great game when it launched, though it admittedly ran out of steam after a few months. Thanks to a bunch of content upgrades and a new level of sheen afforded by the PS4 hardware however, the game is easily one of the best on the market right now.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Trials Fusion
Apr 27, 2014

If you enjoyed the other games, this is likely more of the same, but in a different setting and probably a bit prettier. However, if you're new to the series, like me, and curious to give it a go, you might be better trialing it out with one of the earlier, and cheaper, games in the series first.

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8 / 10.0 - Life Goes On
Apr 22, 2014

Cutesy and colourful, Life Goes On takes a core concept from most games, flips it, and embeds it in an environment with reciprocating elements. The result is an engaging puzzle platformer that delights more than it frustrates. The ending credits sequence is also one of the most charming things I've seen this year.

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Apr 21, 2014

If you enjoyed the movie, you will thoroughly like this game. You will see a number of cut-scenes again, all of which are taken directly from the film, but you'll relish at the opportunity to explore the worlds and re-live the characters (and jokes) all over again. As always in a LEGO game, there are bucket loads of brick-related extras to explore and unlock, including a massive cast of characters, many of whom I never even saw in the movie. The gameplay formula hasn't been changed from previous LEGO titles, and The LEGO Movie Videogame offers fun two-player madness with an energetic and creative vibe for all ages.

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7 / 10.0 - LEGO The Hobbit
Apr 16, 2014

Travellers Tales have created another sterling example of how to make a family-friendly platformer. There are challenges and puzzles that will test older gamers, and plenty of action for casual and younger audiences. While some of the maps aren't very well planned out, often leading to random running around until you see the way forward, LEGO The Hobbit is still accessible and fun. However for those who already own LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, or the recently released LEGO The Movie - there is nothing special on offer here, except perhaps for die-hard fans of the Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings.

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Apr 15, 2014

This leaves me wishing Dead Nation built more depth into its upgrade system. I wish developing your character in an RPG-style was a bigger part of the game. I wish the levels emphasized that, with more dynamics, exploration, and down-time. I wish it had these things because then I'd want to replay the game on harder difficulties. It makes me wish for a co-op zombie action RPG - a blend of Left 4 Dead and Diablo with twin-stick shooting. Ultimately, while Dead Nation is a decent game, its biggest issue is that it always left me wanting something more. As far as my last word goes, this is the best version of Dead Nation you can get. It isn't much different from the PS3 game though, so if you already played that you've seen most of what there is to see. The bigger issue is with the foundation of the game itself. I always found it to be falling short in one way or another. As a zombie twin-stick shooter it gets the job done, but its qualities are lessened by lost potential. Nothing jumps out at you, and everything seems to have been done better in other games.

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Apr 14, 2014

If you already have a regular get together, and you own a PS4 and a handful of controllers then you should definitely consider grabbing this to add to your group's schedule.

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