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2104 games reviewed
74.0 average score
75 median score
54.0% of games recommended

ZTGD's Reviews

Jan 22, 2024

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is a compilation title that succeeds thanks to the quality and quantity of content on offer more so than the effort it has been given to remaster each individual game. Having said that, it’s a great way for veterans of the series to revisit these classics as well as a nice way for those who have been following up on these re-releases to finally catch up to all the mainline entries released thus far. Surely, this means we’ll get a new Ace Attorney game in the near future, right? RIGHT?! CAPCOM!?

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6.5 / 10.0 - Troublemaker
Jan 18, 2024

Overall, I felt like Troublemaker is a solid but janky beat-em up. The atmosphere, presentation and story are all really well done, feeling like a Karate Kid type spin-off. It has its moments of over-the-top craziness but at its core tells a nice ‘slice of life’ story about an area of the world that I have never been. And if you were to tell me that this was an accurate depiction of Indonesia I would 100% believe you. Well minus the child fighting tournament that is school sanctioned of course.

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While I enjoyed my time with Song of Nunu, I did have a few small gripes. I wasn’t a fan of the stealth sequences; not that they were inherently bad I just am not a fan of forced stealth in games and wish it would go away. I would have liked some more time with a few of the side characters all of which come from LoL but that’s simply because I am a fan. What I really can’t wait for is the team to make a game on the Noxus Empire, specifically Darius. Oh man, he’s in the forthcoming fighting game but I really want a solo game to use ‘dunkmaster’ Darius. But I digress, as a fan of League of Legends this game is really a no brainer, but for non-fans looking for a fun, action-adventure title then you should look no further than The Song of Nunu.

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Jan 16, 2024

Last of Us II Remastered could have been a cash grab with the success of the TV show, but instead feels like a solid upgrade with a reasonable path for owners of the original. The added content is more than worth the asking price, and the game remains one of the most impressive technical feats of all time.

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Jan 11, 2024

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is hands down the best metroidvania that I have played in a long time. My gold standard has always been Castlevania: Symphony of the Night but Ubisoft has really knocked this out of the park. As a long time, fan of the series, I was elated to see the first trailer for this game and am so glad that the team stuck the landing. Sargon is a fantastic character in this universe and I for one am so proud of the fact that he is black and leading this game. I know that some people are upset at not playing as the prince but to those folks I just want to say give this game a chance, if you are a fan of the Prince of Persia series, I can almost guarantee that this game will make you smile. And after the banner year that video games had in 2023, it bodes well for 2024 that the first big game out the gate is as fantastic as Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

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Jan 10, 2024

Despite its few shortcomings, Fate/Samurai Remnant is a great addition to the Fate media empire that can be enjoyed by hardcore Fate fans and newcomers alike.

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9 / 10.0 - Alan Wake 2
Jan 3, 2024

Listen, I have waited a long time for this game and Remedy delivered a masterpiece here, flaws and all. The new creation of their own Remedy Universe shines brightly with the amount of crossover on display here with their last game Control. It was almost surprising how much the Federal Bureau of Control comes up against Saga and the FBI over the course of the game. I say surprising, but it is actually exciting to see what the future holds for these games. If Alan Wake 2 is any indication, Remedy is just getting started and whatever the greater story being told here I cannot wait for more. Fans of Alan Wake and its spin-off American Nightmare are going to love getting to reap the harvest of those seeds sowed so long ago. But Alan Wake 2 is also accessible for new fans alike and I would admonish anyone who genuinely enjoys weird, deep stories to check this one out.

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7 / 10.0 - Cotton 100%
Jan 2, 2024

Cotton 100% is the traditional horizontal shooter that was originally released on the Super Famicom. This was a direct sequel to the original game. The series is built around the mechanic of gems to power-up shots. There are also magic elemental attacks. These can now be swapped at any time allowing for more diverse game play outside of the standard shooting. This port has all the menus in English, but everything else is in Japanese. All of these ports are just that. The only work is done in converting the menus and adding a few features here and there, but they are basically just ports onto new consoles.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Panorama Cotton
Jan 2, 2024

Panorama Cotton is a little different, the most obvious change is the perspective. This entire game takes place from a third-person perspective that is more akin to a rail shooter than a shooter. The game handles the perspective really well. The original game was released on the Sega Master System, but this version is built on the original. This game looks really good, even all these years later. Games of this type make a really good impression and hold up well over time. Both Cotton games are must plays for shooter fans.

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Dec 20, 2023

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is a redemption and course correction that the series sorely needed to compete against some fantastic FGs out on the market already. If not for the overpriced DLC and lackluster single player content, it could have been “THE” anime fighter to beat. As it stands, it’s one I’m sure to go back to play from time to time and eager to see played at a high level during the majors coming later this year.

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Dec 19, 2023

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a fantastic game even if it leans heavily on its Far Cry roots. Graphically, Pandora is simply stunning to behold, whether running on the land and jumping from vines or soaring through the flying mountains; the visuals are just breathtaking at almost every angle. And while it has solid combat gameplay when it comes to the native weapons, I still can’t tell if the awkwardness of the human weapons is on purpose or not. Not to mention the awful objective markers, hunter vision and hunger system. Oh, I didn’t even tell you that you have to keep your Ikran feed as well. It’s all rather frustrating because I enjoy my time with Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and it would be a fantastic game but for those issues above. It all adds up and just amounts to being frustrated with the game which is devastating because there is a fantastic game buried under all these mechanics.

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Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion is a weird game that doesn’t feel like it fits into the Turok trilogy, yet here we are. All three games are now available, and remastered with so much love and care. I cannot get enough of these remasters and Nightdive deserve to be commended for their efforts. Cannot wait for Dark Forces and of course whatever else they have cooking up. Keep these remastered games coming, and I will continue snatching them up. If you grew up with nostalgia for N64 shooters, this is a must for your collection.

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If you are a fan of the Naruto or Boruto anime or manga then you will find loads to love about Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections. Touting the largest roster in series history and an in-depth encyclopedia that covers all the various titles and terms that are used in the series which makes it easy for newcomers to understand. Fights are dazzling and chaotic and developer CyberConnect2 has done an amazing job in that regard. But with the multiplayer being broken on Xbox and the fact the gameplay has been largely unchanged I can’t help but think that this series is in need of some sort of shakeup to push it forward into the future.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Gangs of Sherwood
Dec 7, 2023

There is fun to be had in Gangs of Sherwood but it is really only found playing multiplayer either with friends or strangers. Not only does this make each act not feel as long, since there will be more people to pummel enemies but when players fall in combat it is better to have a friend pick you up than lose half your gold that you need to upgrade your character’s attributes. The entire game just feels like a mix-mash of ideas and things and while some things work, others are done better in other games.

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As a RTS fan I don’t hate Realms of Ruin at all, its multiplayer matches are much more entertaining than the campaign; and they even have a ranked playlist for those who really wanna prove their stuff. But as a Warhammer fan I must say I am disappointed, while I am appreciative of the knowledge, I gained about the Age of Sigmar and some of these factions, I just felt that this game sacrificed the humor and over the top nature of the 40k universe for a stoic and very serious tale. But maybe that is just the nature of the Age of Sigmar side of things, as I said this was my first entry but if players enjoy multiplayer RTS games I would recommend Realms of Ruin for its fun and thrilling multiplayer.

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Dec 5, 2023

Rollercoaster Tycoon Adventure Deluxe is a stripped-down version of the past games for sure, but I had a blast with its minimal limitations. I hate games like this that require hours of investment before I get to the “fun” parts. I had a blast with the campaign and of course the sandbox mode. If these types of games have always made you anxious about playing them thanks to all the micromanagement, then this is the version for you. It really strips away all the barriers and just lets its players have a good time right out of the box.

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8.5 / 10.0 - My Time at Sandrock
Nov 30, 2023

I loved my time in Sandrock, it genuinely feels innovative within the farming/cozy games that have come out lately. As I said it My Time at Sandrock offers a ton of content for players to tackle, even though it can be overwhelming at times. The PC version also allows players to play the game co-op, at the time of this writing its not planned to come to the other platforms but that may change. The colorful art style, desert setting and memorable characters make for a fantastic adventure that players of the genre shouldn’t skip.

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3 / 10.0 - Quantum Error
Nov 21, 2023

Quantum Error feels like a game the team had passion about. There are good ideas here wrapped in a package that is executed poorly on all fronts. It doesn’t help that the developers decided to enrage fanboy wars on Twitter leading up to the release of the game. It put it in a spotlight the game wasn’t built to take. The price tag also hurts as this is a full-priced game in a budget game build. I could be a lot more forgiving if the sticker price was around $30, but at $60 I cannot recommend anyone lay down the funds for this one. It is disappointing in almost every aspect.

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Nov 13, 2023

Every game has its negatives and none of the negatives mentioned in this review should keep you from trying this game out. It’s an absolute delight and a ton of fun to be had. If you’re like me and stuck in your gaming ways, step out of your comfort zone a little and fire this game up. You won’t be disappointed, especially since the game is on Game Pass.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Robocop: Rogue City
Oct 31, 2023

Robocop: Rogue City is an absolute gem of a game. While not as polished as a AAA title, it still manages to look great in motion and function just as well. The bugs I found were minimum and usually happened when I killed an enemy near a guardrail, for some reason they are all programmed to fall over no matter how far away from the rail they may be. But I never ran into any real issues here, Rogue City is as solid as Robocop himself. I would be remiss if I didn’t shoutout the excellent audio in Rogue City, from the excellent Peter Weller reprising his role as Alex Murphy/Robocop to the inclusion of an EXCELLENT piano version of the classic movie theme if you are a fan of Robocop, Rogue City has been made for you. Playing Rogue City, I couldn’t help but think that Teyon has done for Robocop what Rocksteady did for Batman. They managed to highlight another side of the character in the interactive space by allowing players to really embody the ‘cop’ part of Robocop.

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