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2072 games reviewed
74.0 average score
75 median score
54.0% of games recommended

ZTGD's Reviews

7.5 / 10.0 - The Crew Motorfest
Oct 11, 2023

The Crew: Motorfest is just that, a celebration of (almost) all things that have a motor. There are a ton of cars from dozens of manufactures, even a DeLorean which I am currently saving for. I am not a race guy, but I had a lot of fun with Motorfest, especially once I unlocked the vehicle switching. Being able to go from a car into a plane at the press of a button is dope, while I wish the developers had tuned the controls for all the vehicles instead of just focusing on the cars; I never had a real issue controlling the planes, boats or off-road vehicles. But if you are looking to catch some beautiful Hawaiian sun, drive some of the most beautiful cars you’ve ever seen, then The Crew Motorfest might be for you.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Wild Card Football
Oct 10, 2023

Wild Card Football has pleasantly surprised me I must say, I was already intrigued with its blend of strategic card games and the game of football. But to finally play it and see that the card game doesn’t detract from the football game but instead enhances it and makes it something totally new and fun to play. The on-field action is quite solid as well, not as accurate as Madden and not the rules free slam fest that is NFL Blitz. But the play calling is tight, and easy to understand with a handful of runs, passes, trick and defense plays to choose from. Anyone who is burnt out with the simulation style football games should check out Wild Card as it’s a blast to play.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Blasphemous 2
Oct 6, 2023

Blasphemous 2 scratched an itch I didn’t even realize I had, I am not a fan of soulsbourne games, but I think I AM a fan of roguelikes, especially this one that took the best parts from the metroidvania genre and expertly weaved with the ‘Souls’ type combat. Boasting a strange and evocative narrative that is presented with beautifully painted and animated cutscenes that look like works of art hanging in the Louvre, Blasphemous 2 is itself a work of art.

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6 / 10.0 - High on Knife
Oct 5, 2023

I didn’t really talk about the story on purpose, and that’s because its extremely short. While I enjoyed my time with High on Knife, that time is only a few hours to see the story and maybe one more to wrap up side quests and things. And as fun as the new pinball type B.A.L.L. gun is, I had hoped for something that would add a new weapon and a new personality to my arsenal. Alas, the BALL gun is worked by three chubby members of the blue man group and only ever talks in ‘meeps’ and ‘oops’. Again, gun is DOPE and adds a lot to the gameplay, just wish it was voiced like the others. The most damning thing here though is the narrative just abruptly ends. I don’t want to spoil it but while the developer’s kind of make a joke about the ending and how it just fades to black; the overall experience just left me with a lot of questions and an unsatisfied feeling in my stomach.

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8 / 10.0 - Forza Motorsport
Oct 4, 2023

The production values are unmatched, but I found myself growing bored playing this game, and I really enjoy sim racers.

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Oct 4, 2023

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is an interesting entry in the series. On the one hand I adore the streamlined approach to the story. I like being able to invest in this world in a smaller, more focused package. The return to stealth is a turn-off for me though. I have truly enjoyed the more action-focused entries as of late. Still the quality is here and tying this into Valhalla was a smart idea since that was the most recent game. Fans of the lore will have a great time, but those that never clicked with the stealth approach of those early games may find this one a little hard to crack into.

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6 / 10.0 - Smurfs Kart
Oct 3, 2023

Smurfs Kart is a decent racer that is a nice alternative for consoles without Mario Kart. It simply doesn’t have a lot of staying power though. I was done with the game before I finished the main tournament mode and I didn’t find myself coming back to collect stickers. Some type of unlock system or some more unique and inspiring tracks would have gone a long way. Still if you love the Smurfs and enjoy Mario Kart, you can’t go wrong with this one.

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Oct 3, 2023

NASCAR Arcade Rush is disappointing in a lot of ways. I was really just wanting a simple Daytona-style arcade racing game and instead I got an uninspired and frustrating kart racing game with little to keep me coming back. I wanted to love it, I tried to love it, but at the end of the day I went back to better games in the genre. I really want the arcade racing game to have a renaissance, but with entries like this, I doesn’t look likely in the near future.

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5 / 10.0 - Wayfinder
Sep 29, 2023

As it stands, Wayfinder is by no means a bad game, it’s just an incomplete one at this point due to it only being in early access. Unfortunately, the combat just wasn’t enough to keep me coming back repeatedly lost zone runs and grinding for resources for new weapons. Also, the fact that the narrative has a stopping point due to the nature of early access is kinda lame; I mean I get it, but I don’t like the EA model. I think Wayfinder will be a great game when it finally sees its 1.0 release across all platforms but as it stands the game is but a shadow of what it could be, and it may be best to just wait for its launch later in 2024.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Gloomhaven
Sep 28, 2023

Gloomhaven was a tough one to review not because the game itself is bad, despite feeling clunky to navigate using a controller; no, it’s just after playing for many hours I realized that it’s just not for me. Its systems are deep and allow some great tactical plays to happen. The game allows for players to enjoy with four of their friends but much to my chagrin it doesn’t have a quickmatch function; so sadly, I was playing solo. I think with friends this would be more fun, just like playing a session of D&D is more of a blast with friends. I would recommend this version for those like me who were intrigued with the board game but just know that Gloomhaven is not for the timid.

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Sep 27, 2023

The very worst offense of it all is that normally, when a game is bad, I would have to suffer through it once and get to move on. In the case of Loop8, it forced me to experience the same exact terrible content over and over again by its very design, breeding a sense of resentment towards a game I haven’t felt in a very long time.

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Sep 26, 2023

The Expanse: A Telltale Series is a fantastic companion piece to The Expanse show, telling a prequel story with so many weighty decisions that include the lives of various crew members is “classic” Telltale. Even when players make a seemingly good choice you can’t help but think about what sort of negative connotations its going to yield later down the road. I enjoyed virtually every moment of The Expanse, this is Telltalle at their very best anyone who is a fan of their past work shouldn’t miss this series.

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8 / 10.0 - Mortal Kombat 1
Sep 26, 2023

Mortal Kombat 1 is a great game that feels like a step back in the extras. They are all here but shoved into one mode that I found more cumbersome than enjoyable. The grind to max character levels needs to be tweaked, but with the promise of support for years to come these are things that can be ironed out. The fighting itself is outstanding and the story mode is the best it has ever been. It is easy to recommend this game, it doesn’t quite hit the mark of best MK game of all-time, but it delivers where it counts the most. I look forward to seeing how the game evolves over time. A new MK game is always an event and this entry is no exception.

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6 / 10.0 - NBA 2K24
Sep 25, 2023

It’s a real shame that the reputation of this franchise has evolved over the last 5 years from the standard of the best of what sports games can offer to a shining example of its worst excesses. Comparing this game to MLB The Show, another game that offers microtransactions, only increases how egregiously 2K exploits players through rigging everything from the on-court gameplay to traversal from quest to quest to encourage additional spending despite already having collected the cost of a full priced game up front (plus that sweet State Farm money). While several of the changes present in this years game are disappointing (including the inexplicable decision to dumb down MyCareer) there are some good things here. Unfortunately (to paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, a first I believe for this site) the ever-present feeling that I’m being milked for every dime I can spare speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what any of the improvements say.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Sep 21, 2023

All the pieces come together in the end: the design, the story, and the gameplay. Despite brief hurdles with the combat sections this is one of my favorite games of 2023. I actually hope Team Reptile makes a sequel that fixes the combat and maybe changes up how bikes, boards, and skates play a bit because this game was so much fun to play. I went from having no interest in this game to being absolutely enveloped by it. I bought it for a friend. Forget Jet Set, go Bomb Rush.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Lies of P
Sep 14, 2023

Lies of P comes across as the ‘Bloodbourne we have at home’ from its gothic architecture and dark and gritty themes it feels very much like the Bloodbourne fans have been craving at 60fps. But Lies of P does enough to cut the strings that may be attaching it to Sony’s Bloodborne. Round8 and the team have carved out just enough to make this genre their own, from the tweaks to health and combat to the way recovering lost ergo works; Lies of P has become managed to indeed become a real boy.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Gunbrella
Sep 13, 2023

The only real complaint I had with Gunbrella was the map system, I always felt like I was lost as I wandered around cities, sewers and more, but due in large part to the fun of traversal with the Gunbrella I never really was too angry at being lost. A large part of Gunbrella’s charm for me is its atmosphere, as I said I love the noir genre; so much so that I am writing a neo-noir novel, so I thoroughly relished my time with Gunbrella. From its beautiful pixel graphics, its fantastically smart writing, and its amazing soundtrack, Gunbrella is yet another great game in the sea of great games that is otherwise known as 2023.

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6 / 10.0 - Enclave HD
Sep 12, 2023

Enclave is a quirky game that has some moments and I enjoyed revisiting it. I love this era where any game can come back and it is great for nostalgia. If you don’t have any fond memories of this game you might want to steer clear. This is not going to impress anyone in today’s world, but for those looking for a trip down memory lane of this obscure title, this version achieves what it set out to do.

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9 / 10.0 - Sifu
Sep 7, 2023

Whew… I mean if you are a martial arts fan this game is – as cliché as this sounds it’s really made for you. A special shoutout to developer Sloclap who has certainly honed own their skills to the level of ‘Sifu’ since the already amazing Absolver. With this final update you all have sent this off into the world like Caine from ‘Kung Fu’ for all to experience and as we all hone our martial arts skills; I think I speak for all the fans when I say we can’t wait for the next fight.

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Sep 6, 2023

Trine 5 has no reason to exist. I was shocked when the series progressed past the third entry. Still, I get excited whenever a new entry drops. I find the ten-hour campaigns a blast to play solo and even more enjoyable when friends are added to the mix. This is just a game that knows what it is and rarely tries to be anything else. I think they should dial back progression and combat and focus more on the puzzle solving mechanics as they are clearly the highlight of these games every single time. Definitely recommend this one, it was a blast to play in between so many serious open world games.

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