Michael Merchant
Overall, it’s a fun game, especially if you have someone you can play with! Hopefully, the implementation of online co-op will be coming sooner rather than later to have an easier time teaming up with other warriors.
Ys Memoire: The Oath of Felghana is an excellent experience. It is easy to see why so many rate this as one of the best Ys games of the series. There is a lot to enjoy through the game with multiple tiers of difficulty, and challenging boss fights, and it is rather streamlined. Unlike the later entries which tend to be around 30+ hours, Oath is around 10-11 hours on normal difficulty which actually felt like the perfect amount of time for this type of game. Long enough to be engaging and provide new aspects to the game without overstaying its welcome and feeling repetitive.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered is a nostalgic return to a beloved series. While some elements have aged and the occasional bug dampens the experience, the remaster’s updates breathe fresh life into these classics. For newcomers, it’s a fantastic way to dive into Raziel and Kain’s epic saga, while longtime fans will relish revisiting Nosgoth in enhanced detail. With its mix of timeless storytelling, engaging exploration, and thoughtful updates, this collection is well worth a look for both new and returning players. Let’s hope it paves the way for a new entry in this iconic series.
Overall, Touhou Spell Carnival turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t sure how they would blend bullet-hell mechanics with RPG elements and strike a balance, but they managed to pull it off. Fortunately, the game offers difficulty levels that make it easier to experience the story without getting stuck replaying challenging levels repeatedly. However, for me, the real highlight was embracing the challenge. My enjoyment came from overcoming the difficulty, mastering my characters’ moves and abilities, and optimizing my team composition.
Goblin Slayer Another Adventurer: Nightmare Feast delivers a solid tactical RPG experience. It achieves what it sets out to do, offering an engaging, albeit straightforward, story. Fans of the Goblin Slayer franchise will likely appreciate the narrative and character interactions more than newcomers, as familiarity with the source material enhances the experience.
If you are looking for a Metroidvania-lite, are interested in Kaiju, and are looking to support developers that are working in the Monsterverse you might find value here with Kong: Survivor Instinct. However, it just lacks that special moment that really gives us that “wow” moment when we get to destroy some buildings or even fight another Kaiju.
While some might find the early stages of the game a bit slow, I’d recommend sticking with it or focusing only on essential interactions to progress the quests—it makes the pace feel more manageable. Although I haven’t played many of the previous Ys titles, this one has definitely inspired me to revisit earlier games and further explore the adventures of Adol Christin!
Funko Fusion has enough there for both children and adults to enjoy, and I think that it is definitely worth checking out.
ASKA has a pretty decent foundation. The mechanics are all there, it has a good system with the villagers and a built-in co-op as well. With a little bit more fine-tuning over the next few months, I think that ASKA can hold its own against some of the more established survival games out there currently. With a current price of $25, I can see people wanting to wait just a bit longer for the developers to polish the game just a bit more and add more things to explore and fill out the world before investing their time.
Personally, I really enjoy Earth Defense Force 6 and think it is definitely one of the better entries in the series. See you on the battlefield soldier! EDF! EDF! EDF!
The Monster Hunter gameplay with the added Pokemon style of collecting monsters and building a well-rounded team to help you along the way is an excellent way to experience the Monster Hunter franchise that I think is easily accessible as well to those that are put off by the more hectic and less forgiving nature of Monster Hunter in general. If you are a fan of Monster Hunter or even turn-based RPGs in general, I think Monster Hunter Stories 2 will be an excellent addition to your library.
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord is an absolute love letter to the original game that creates a perfect balance of old-school brutality and modern quality of life adjustments.
At the end of the day, Capes is a very serviceable tactical strategy game. A lot of the elements in terms of the gameplay come together well and provide a deep enough challenge to keep you engaged throughout the story even though it lacks just a bit in that area. Leveling up your heroes and unlocking new skills is always fun and learning how those heroes can then interact with each other in new ways keeps it interesting. I don’t think Capes will fill the boots of a game like XCOM for anyone, but if you give it a try, I think you will be surprised with it!
The Chain Saw Massacre has a lot of potential but the limited licensing, the budget, and content release schedule all severely hamper the potential of the game itself. Compared to a game where you can play as almost every horror icon you can think of, it is very hard to hold your head above water.
Robocop: Rogue City is a love letter to the films and one of the best movie-to-game adaptations I can think of. It is definitely worth exploring at full price if you are a fan of the genre and the films.
Lies of P is one of the most challenging, well made, solid executions of a Souls-like game and I know it will be a favorite amongst many!
Remnant 2’s tactical combat, level variety, and rich secrets come together to deliver something extraordinary.