Lucas Barreto

Rio de Janeiro

Favorite Games:
  • Pikmin
  • Signalis
  • A Space for the Unbound

10 games reviewed
79.5 average score
83 median score
90.0% of games recommended

Lucas Barreto's Reviews

Linguistics and Literature bachelor; Writer on NintendoBoy and short stories author.
Feb 5, 2025

Despite its excellent aesthetics and sense of humor, and its competent level design full of surprises and challenges, which are generally well-designed, Moons of Darsalon's technical limitations limit it. Perhaps, with enough patches, we'll be able to experience the game as it was intended, but for now, bugs get in the way and hinder progress at various points.

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Dec 13, 2024

In summary, Pine presents itself as a game that talks about grief but is not intended to be used as therapy or aid. Its existence seems more like an exercise of empathy to the player, putting us in the place of this tragic character and, regardless of our individual decisions, making us absorb his process, which may or may not be replicated, but does not have that goal (of being replicated) in mind. Just go through this short and beautiful experience and enjoy it; hopefully we'll feel enough appreciation to miss it when we hit the credits.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Animal Well
Dec 7, 2024

Frankly, there's nothing particularly new here. The way the individual elements are organized is the thing that builds this interesting work. ARGs in games has been a thing for a while now, so hidden endings can't be called new. Still, Animal Well presents everything with a new look, as it is capable of reorganizing references, creating a world of its own, with solutions that depend on the "collective playing". Therefore, there is no way to classify Animal Well in any way other than as the best experience of its kind in 2024.

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9 / 10.0 - Balatro
Nov 29, 2024

Balatro offers a fair experience within its propposal, inovating taking as basis a simple and intuitive system. Everyone should experience it the same way how a good Solitaire should be experienced: as a logic exercise.

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Nov 6, 2024

Overall, Shin chan: Shiro and the Coal Town definitely works better for players that can deal with repetition, and appeals directly to the cozy games public. It's an excellent title in-between big games, but with a last remark: Shin Chan's hammy humor sincerely didn't age well and can be eye-rolling at a few moments.

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Oct 17, 2024

A new PopSlinger would usually mean an unforgettable soundtrack and a charming cast of characters. However, PopSlinger Vol 2's technical issues and elements that are narratively questionable turn it into a game that is unfortunately frustrating to play.

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Here's what I have to say about the whole package: Repeating the feats of previous collections, Capcom did an excellent job of preservation, remastering assets originally intended for the tiny DS screen and making them readable on modern platforms, in addition to recreating all the character animations in HD chibi assets, which can be exchanged at any time for the original pixelated assets from the previous ones. It's a detail that greatly enriches the overall experience, and frankly cannot be ignored; a new "Investigations" game with this style would be incredible.

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Jan 25, 2024

To all fans of this series, I wholeheartedly recommend this collection. The level of quality invested here is noticeable, and the rescue of titles now lost due to the death of the Nintendo 3DS eShop must always be acknowledged. Talking specifically about Apollo Justice, the quality of the series remains the same, and it is worth it as a continuation of a trilogy as tender and beloved as the previous one, with simple but moving tributes. Even though the other titles don't reach the level of quality of Shu Takumi, I believe the experience is still worth every second.

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Dec 22, 2023

Despite the pleasant aesthetics and interesting proposal, Mineko’s Night Market is not able to stand out. I still believe it to be a pleasant experience for those looking for farm sims with a focus on DIY, but don't expect anything huge, especially in terms of customization. Technical problems significantly affect performance on the Nintendo Switch.

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I'm still not able, and maybe I never will be, to pinpoint what makes a game memorable. What I can try to explain, on the other hand, is what makes Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation -The Endless Seven-Day Journey- a title that will remain in my heart. Its presentation, both visually and sonically, is simply sublime, with memorable frames for each screen, providing the player with a very unique perspective of the world created by the developers. The characters are captivating and comical, making us interested in their demands, and making us happy with each objective achieved.

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