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Chris Wray


Favorite Games:
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Battlefield 2
  • Rome: Total War

260 games reviewed
72.6 average score
75 median score
40.2% of games recommended
Apr 30, 2020

Predator: Hunting Grounds reminds me very much of Evolve and Illfonic's previous Friday the 13th game. That is to say it has a lot of potential. The core gameplay can be fun, though the time between the fun

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gears Tactics
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics is, simply put, an excellent turn-based tactics game that stands up well against titles like XCOM and others at the top of the genre.

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6 / 10.0 - Iron Danger
Mar 26, 2020

Iron Danger is a compelling real-time tactics game that's held together by its core feature and a few interesting characters. Sadly, the story is bland other than a few interesting characters and while the core gameplay elements result in a strong tactical game, the controls frequently frustrate and impede the fun you can have.

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8.5 / 10.0 - DOOM Eternal
Mar 17, 2020

Doom Eternal is a brilliant game, one that is a worthy successor to the previous release. While the game does stumble here and there, trying to be something that it really shouldn't be, the outstanding gameplay more than makes up for any issues. Going by the campaign alone, Doom Eternal is well worth your time and money, particularly so if you liked Doom. I'm not sold on the multiplayer, as it feels just a bit too threadbare.

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Feb 29, 2020

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV represents a marked improvement on recent outings from the franchise, offering great strategic gameplay and strong characterisation. All of this is done with a strong focus on ease of access, made easier by a clean UI that allows people to pick it up easy.

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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics is, at its very best, a mediocre game with some decent ideas

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Jan 29, 2020

All in all, playing multiplayer with everything available in Warcraft III: Reforged is a great experience. It's a smooth, attractive and altogether great experience for those who are wanting to see the game that started the DOTA craze as well as a game with one of the most thriving and energetic modding communities in the world.

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Mandate of Heaven is a strong DLC for Total War: Three Kingdoms, offering a selection of new mechanics for particular factions, a host of new units and a brand new scenario for you to begin with, one that seamlessly fits in with the rest of the game. There are a few issues that have been exasperated, such as diplomacy and the AI can't seem to handle the new mechanics well, but overall the DLC is still well worth picking up as for the most part, it offers even more engaging stories that allow for emergent gameplay and just more of Total War: Three Kingdoms, one of the best strategy games ever made.

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7 / 10.0 - AO Tennis 2
Jan 9, 2020

AO Tennis 2 is most certainly a great step in the right direction, with large improvements to animations, physics and general gameplay.

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Jan 5, 2020

Unity of Command II makes for one of the most tactically engaging and challenging strategy games ever, enhancing an already excellent original with new features such as special attacks, a headquarters system which adds a levelling up system - working with the myriad of side objectives - and a very different type of war found on the western front to the east. It has quite the learning curve and may seem as impenetrable as the Maginot Line, but with a little time you'll come to love exactly how it works.

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Dec 22, 2019

Railroad Corporation is a mixed bag, to be generous to the game.

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Dec 15, 2019

Transport Fever 2 is a toothless but still ultimately enjoyable simulation of all things infrastructure. As you set up resource lines, passenger routes and more, you'll see the world develop and grow around your inputs and influence which is enjoyable and even an addictive thing. Simple and easy to get into, the core problem is that it takes simple a little too literally, with the game offering no real challenge throughout any game mode. Still, if you enjoy this sort of game, you could do a lot worse than Transport Fever 2.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Phoenix Point
Dec 8, 2019

In the long run, this is a great game and one that is well worth spending your time with.

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Dec 1, 2019

Narcos: Rise of the Cartels is the perfect example of one decision ruining any chance a game had of being reasonable.

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Nov 24, 2019

Kingdom Under Fire II is one of the most internally divisive games I've ever played. Some parts are genuinely fantastic while others are mind-numbingly horrible.

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7 / 10.0 - Skybolt Zack
Nov 17, 2019

Skybolt Zack is an action-packed, engaging but all-together a little too unforgiving action-platformer-rhythm-thing. Despite its unforgiving nature, It is a game that even the most useless of people (me) will have fun with and will offer a huge amount of replayability for those looking for a challenge due to the unique difficulty system. Looks, sounds and plays great, the first outing from Devs Must Die is one well worth giving a go.

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Nov 14, 2019

Football Manager 2020 is the purest, most engrossing and also the most accessible football management game yet and marks yet another high point for the series. From improved accessibility and usability to improved AI and long-term gameplay functions in new features like the development centre & club vision, this is a game that takes a longer more realistic look at the beautiful game than any before it. Slight issues still prevail, but this is the closest to perfect the series has ever been.

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This is what the original Age of Empires: Definitive Edition could have been. As a standalone title, it's fantastic and one that I'd recommend to anybody and everybody.

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8 / 10.0 - Cricket 19
Nov 10, 2019

Cricket 19 has enhanced beyond Ashes Cricket, Big Ant Studios previous outing and then the best cricket video game around. Enhancements to AI have further improved this, though doesn't completely perfect the game with a few issues here and there. Altogether though, this is still a very strong and polished game and one that any fan of cricket should be interested in.

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7 / 10.0 - Dawn of Man
Nov 3, 2019

Dawn of Man is a competent city building game set, as the name explains, during the dawn of mankind. Moving through the ages, the slow progress early on leaves a real sense of achievement, made possible thanks to a strong resource system and the way knowledge is gained, working with the rest of gameplay to create an enthralling gameplay loop. Sadly this does falter towards the end of any game, even becoming boring at times, but for the most part Dawn of Man is one city building game that fans of the type won't want to miss, despite any flaws it has.

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