Neal Chandran

71 games reviewed
77.3 average score
80 median score
49.3% of games recommended
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Jun 21, 2024

A charming, if flawed, game best suited for established cozy game fans.

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A decent game that ends before it begins.

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Dec 30, 2023

A decent game whose second half is far better than its first.

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A stylishly contemplative visual novel.

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Nov 1, 2023

A memorable experience that left me wanting more (in a good way).

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Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands is a good game whose small development team has big talent. The music alone is worth the price of admission. Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands is an enjoyable, if challenging, 12-15 hour (closer to 20 if you do all the sidequests) romp for those willing to invest in thoroughly learning and experimenting with the play mechanics. Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands is not for everyone, but if it sounds like your jam, you will love it.

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Crimson Tactics wants to be a sweeping epic but is instead a cumbersome slog. Even the most patient and forgiving gamers who can look past slow pacing, terribly written dialogue, and myriad other issues will not see much potential. Crimson Tactics is an unbearably dull, poorly designed, and unfinished game that fails to deliver on any of its promises. I’m glad to be done with this game and have no intention of looking at its sequels, DLC, or any subsequent content.

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Aug 22, 2023

A passionate love letter to traditional RPGs, pro wrestling, and upturned toy boxes.

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Jul 27, 2023

Arcadian Atlas is a solid, concise SRPG crafted with a lot of heart.

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Jul 8, 2023

Love Shore has ideas I would like to see expanded on in the visual novel genre.

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Jul 1, 2023

A decent game that could have been so much better.

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It's a fanservicey anime-style game with sinister underpinnings.

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A decent SRPG for existing series fans only.

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Apr 26, 2023

This game is more style than substance.

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Feb 24, 2023

Simply put, this game rocks!

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It’s half decent... literally.

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Nov 1, 2022

Manafinder is charmingly engaging game.

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67% - Airoheart
Oct 25, 2022

Airoheart doesn’t catch big air nor does it have enough heart.

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This game should be tossed into the depths of the titular abyss.

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