Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated

Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated header image
God is a Geek
8.5 / 10
6 / 10
3.5 / 5
Pizza Fria
7.5 / 10
Rice Digital
Creators: Shadow Layer Games
Release Date: Dec 12, 2024 - PC
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Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated Media

Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated - Official Trailer thumbnail

Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated - Official Trailer

Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated Screenshot 1
Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated

Breath of Death VII The Beginning is a superb remaster of a well-regarded Xbox Live classic that harks back to a simpler time.

A worthy upgrade to an indie favorite.

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6 / 10

It's hard to recommend Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated to anyone but fans of the 2010 original and maybe to a few of those diehard aficionados of super old-school JRPGS. Bad? No. It's actually a pretty good game, but it leans too much on comedy to be immersive, and its short length makes it feel more like a taste of something more epic in scale and scope.

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I love and appreciate an RPG that respects my time and isn’t afraid to be on the shorter side. While the game was a solid title for the time when I reviewed it initially, I can say with confidence that it has aged better than expected.

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If you didn’t play the original at the time, or are a new player finding it for the first time, Breath of Death VII is an easy recommendation.

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Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated is a remaster that lives up to the original's reputation, providing a fun, accessible, and nostalgic experience.

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Breath of Death VII: The Beginning: Reanimated is a strange re-release, one that I assume mostly just exists as a passion project for the newly formed Shadow Layer Games. It’s cheap enough, but by that merit you can pick up the original for even less. Even as someone who has fond memories of the Xbox 360 digital library, this just didn’t make for a particularly enjoyable experience.

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