Donald Theriault

128 games reviewed
73.1 average score
75 median score
54.1% of games recommended
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5 / 10.0 - Astria Ascending
Oct 11, 2021

If you're ready to go all-in on Astria Ascending… well, you probably already have. If not, there's plenty of fish in the RPG sea on Switch and some more marlins coming before the year's out. You'll be able to get your fill.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Olympia Soiree
Sep 18, 2021

There's been a fair few games where I've thought about the events of the game for a while afterwards. Maybe it's my choice of romance games, but Olympia Soiree is the first time the good route of a game still caused me to have a nightmare when I went to sleep that night. If you're ready to deal with this kind of story, then take the plunge.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Steam Prison
Aug 9, 2021

I suspect the regular price for Steam Prison was calculated by converting it from yen directly without the normal rounding down-it's too odd for me to think of any other reason. Was it worth the price? I had a good weekend with it, and it's technically solid but not as fulfilling as some of the other visual novels on the platform.

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Aug 2, 2021

I reviewed a compilation of Darius arcade games last year and found that it handled the use of multi-screen gaming better; if Another Chronicle was more in that fashion it would be a bit more comfortable to play. Still, it's another solid shooter in a system that's chock-a-block with them.

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Jul 26, 2021

2021 is quickly turning into an argument for the Switch being a top 3 RPG console ever, and we're only at the end of #JRPGJuly. NEO: The World Ends With You is living up to the hype I was feeling when it was announced and then some as it took everything I already loved about the original and made it work on a single screen in the modern day. Don't miss it.

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Jul 15, 2021

Suda-written games have a lot of author appeal in them; the wrestling fandom (he used to write story modes for Fire Pro Wrestling games), violence, and language are definitely Grasshopper trademarks. The Silver Case 2425 puts it into a unique package, and it's worth digging into if you're already predisposed to digging into some good mysteries. Just maybe play with headphones and not in front of younger people.

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That said, Stories 2 might end up being the game I get the closest to a "perfect game" in. There's plenty to play with here, and honestly I'd like to double back and check out the original to fill in some of the gaps in the story. This JRPG July is off to a pretty good start.

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May 25, 2021

The Famicom Detective Club has the feel of a modern adventure game, even if the gameplay still dates back to a time when I was in grade school. It's well voiced, looks great, and is a good if brief ride that shouldn't tire you out before we fall back in time about a century and a half in a couple of months.

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6.5 / 10.0 - R-Type Final 2
May 9, 2021

I didn't understand what R-Type Final 2 was doing with its Practice difficulty-you'd think it'd be easy with unlimited continues. I mean, we're talking about PRACTICE. It took me several days to get the idea of what the game was doing, so I'm probably going to bounce off it. It's only really recommended for those with way better reflexes than me-which to be fair, is probably everyone reading this.

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Apr 25, 2021

The House In Fata Morgana had a profound effect on me: I now have an answer to the question of "what was the last game to leave you in tears", and they went from tears of sadness to joy after the main story's stinger. I'm not sure there's going to be another visual novel on Switch that hits me this hard - but I'd love to see someone try.

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Apr 2, 2021

Maybe it's because of my age, but Crimzon Clover: World Explosion is one of the non-Ring Fit games where I felt exhausted after a session. It's surprisingly demanding if you're not used to these kinds of space shooters. I can see why the hardcore fans eat this game up, and it's a very well designed game. It's just not something I'd recommend for relaxing after a tough day at work.

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Mar 23, 2021

I put about 280 hours into Generations Ultimate and was playing it even up to the time this review goes live, but for mostly lack-of-PC reasons I never got into World. Monster Hunter Rise has enough content that I feel like I'll be able to go all the way with it, and be able to take on the new hunts as they're delivered. Even those who are just looking for a good action game, and have no history with the series, should jump in. If nothing else, I could use some help with Rathalos.

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My final typo count was only in the single digits. There's two things I can credit for this: Wintertide Miracles did get localized previously, and with the release schedule slowing down from the "six launches in ten months" pace of 2020, it does allow more time for squashing editing bugs. Last week's announcements that the next otome from Aksys that's coming out won't be until "fall 2021" is raising my hopes for the editors when that wave comes crashing in.

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8 / 10.0 - Gnosia
Mar 6, 2021

Gnosia is a game that's going to test your deduction skills, imagination, and ability to lie like a cheap rug. It's a game that I will definitely keep around if I want to knock off a quick loop on a break, or even if I need to warm up for the next time I have tasks to do on stream. Don't cold sleep on it.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Taxi Chaos
Mar 3, 2021

In a city the size of New York, you'd think there'd be two things: a massive city and all kinds of people. Taxi Chaos doesn't really have either at the end of the day, and it leads to a barely-above-average experience as a result. I suppose you could rip through a podcast backlog just driving around the city, but if I wanted to do that there's plenty of options for open world driving on Switch as it stands.

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Jan 26, 2021

A lot of people missed Tadpole Treble the first time around, but it's definitely worth doubling back to now that it's been rescued and brought to Switch. There will be moments of frustration (thanks, piranha) but I spent more time smiling and bouncing to the music than I have in most of the games I've played in the last year.

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4 / 10.0 - Wrestling Empire
Jan 18, 2021

However, Wrestling Empire isn't quite "so bad it's good" territory, nor is it the worst. It's basically the small indie wrestling company bringing in a guy with TV exposure to sell tickets. And with more competition coming in the short and hopefully longer terms for Switch wrestling games, it'll be one of those "Oh yeah, that happened" games in short order.

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7 / 10.0 - BIT.TRIP RUNNER
Dec 18, 2020

And honestly, what Runner has done now is made me look forward to the Switch port of Runner 2 coming next year, because I prefer its art style and it has checkpoints. Even if they are optional. Runner's still my favorite of the original BIT.TRIP series but if you pick up Runner you get a big discount on the other ones so it may be better to explore those instead.

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Dec 17, 2020

The Space Invaders Forever might keep me playing forever between grabbing everything in the Arkanoid game and trying to boost my scores in Extreme. But it's impossible to ignore what's been left out to try and get people to shell out for a physical game: you can't really call it "Forever" when the oldest game of the bunch debuted after I graduated from university. Keep an eye out for updates, but as for what's available in December 2020? Wait.

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If you've got any doubts about visual novels in general, Root Double isn't the best starting point on Switch. The structure is going to be intimidating at first, and the environment is as oppressive as the design suggests. But if you've gone and turned a Switch Lite into a visual novel reader, Root Double will keep you up late at night trying to get to that next ending.

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