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Rebecca Smith


Favorite Games:

92 games reviewed
72.8 average score
75 median score
51.1% of games recommended

Rebecca Smith's Reviews

Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueGaming Network. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. You'll usually find her playing story-driven adventure titles, although she will venture into several other genres when duty calls.

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City is a concluding episode of a trilogy that really bears little resemblance between the three episodes, although the darker story found in this episode is perhaps the most befitting of the trilogy's moniker.

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Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends provides a fitting conclusion to the trilogy, but while it has its own tale to tell, it borrows mechanics from other entries in the publisher's catalogue.

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Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders may well tell a storyline independent of the publisher's other titles, but the game mechanics will be more than familiar to those keeping up with them.

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Unfortunately the episode is let down by the less than subtle way it deals with delicate subjects like racism, as well as gameplay that means this episode feels like quite a slow start to the story. There are several hints throughout the episode to suggest the gameplay may be spiced up in the future, and it may need it if players are going to make it through to the end of the story.

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Feb 10, 2021

The story is approximately double the length of that in Little Nightmares but doesn't overstay its welcome. Players will take slightly longer if they look for the hidden areas that contain hats or holographic Kids that Mono can absorb into himself. While the story is concluded completely, things are left open for the possibility of a third game in the franchise. Maybe by the time that rolls around, there won't be as much need for trial and error puzzling, or for accidental platforming deaths. For now, those who enjoyed the first title will likely love the second. Others will perhaps find it a bit too frustrating to see things through to the end.

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7 / 10.0 - BIOMUTANT
May 24, 2021

While this review may well make it sound like Biomutant is full of bugs, the one thing I might not have made clear is just how easy it is to lose hours to this game. With so much to do, time can fly by without you noticing. Yes, the graphics may not be the best with stuttering and pop-in in places, and there were occasional game crashes, but nothing is game breaking and it's a lot of fun. The humor will especially appeal to children, while the game is complex enough for adults to enjoy too.

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Nov 2, 2021

Tandem's world of shadows is an intriguing place with clever obstacles that are fair although not very challenging. Emma and Fenton make a great pair as they navigate the chiaroscuro dimensions even if you know little about either. It's just a shame that the Tale of Shadows' narrative is underdeveloped and even non-existent in places-so much more could have been done. Those wanting a simple puzzle platformer will enjoy their time. Those wanting a story need to look elsewhere.

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Overall, Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is a relaxing game where players can spend hours tending their farm without even realizing it. The experience never gets frustrating but there are a few design decisions that stop it from being great, mainly the machines that become time wasters while players wait for resources. The residents of Olive Town could be more interesting, but then the point of the game is to build a farm rather than socialize into the night. There are far worse farm sims out there, but this isn’t the best of them either.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Windbound
Aug 28, 2020

The overall result is a game that doesn't quite achieve what it wants to be. The story isn't given as much airtime as it needs. Exploration is thwarted by the survival elements, and although the latter are the most satisfying of them all, clunky combat, the driving need to find food, and constant resource management means that there are better and more balanced survival titles out there.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Oddworld: Soulstorm
Apr 26, 2021

Oddworld: Soulstorm should have been the definitive version of the second entry in the Oddworld quintology, while the new story and characters hold their own, the gameplay lets it down. A plethora of bugs make the game far more difficult and frustrating than it should be, ranging from inconsistent enemy movement and teleportation to traces of elements no longer in the final product. There are more than 1300 Mudokons needing your help, but it might be worth waiting a while before you take on this mammoth task.

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6.5 / 10.0 - 12 Minutes
Jan 12, 2022

Twelve Minutes starts off well but eventually descends into chaos. The game’s premise of trying to rewrite 12 minutes of a couple’s time is a great idea but the execution varies in success. Twelve Minutes starts well with a convincing story loop and gameplay that makes sense. Unfortunately that story loop becomes confused with a controversial twist that muddies timelines and morals. Gameplay starts to lean heavily into trial and error and some will give up before they see some of the later outcomes. Those that persist will likely remain confused. Luis Antonio seemingly had a lot of ambition with this one, but it hasn’t completely paid off.

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Sep 2, 2018

It's a world to which you want to return, but it's also a world that throws up a new problem with every visit. With several patches, this game could be a fun experience, but right now it can often be an exercise in frustration.

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Sep 20, 2016

If ever a game felt like it was rushed to release, it is this one.

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Jun 29, 2017

You'll remember the story long after the game has finished, but you'll likely forget how you got there.

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At just 6-7 hours for a single playthrough and with little replayability outside of the achievements, I'm not entirely sure that it does justify that high a price, especially when there are other similar titles that offer more for a lower price point.

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Frogwares has taken the best bits from Crimes and Punishments and has added to them for The Devil's Daughter. The problem is that these additions aren't always good. Accompanying the improved point and click gameplay are action sequences that add variety to each case, but they are also clumsy and prone to outstaying their welcome. Unfortunately the game's engine is also showing its age and loading times can often feel interminable. This title offers a typical Sherlock Holmes storyline and an easy completion, but its issues turn this into a mediocre affair rather than the elementary experience that you would expect from Holmes himself.

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Nov 30, 2016

Yesterday Origins is a game that brings a retro feel back to the Adventure genre. It's a game that places emphasis on a decent storyline, a great cast of characters, thorough exploration and puzzles that actually make you think. While these factors will make the game appeal to Adventure fans, newcomers to the genre will likely be put off by the unforgiving nature of some of the puzzles.

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Jul 8, 2016

Kinect title will have even the fittest of players reaching for water and a towel as the game gives players a thorough workout. This surprising remaster will be great to keep children amused, although adults may become bored a little quicker due to the short throwaway story and lack of replayability.

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Aug 11, 2016

Momentum takes the premise of Marble Madness and adds its own touch. With the ball at the mercy of gravity, players must rotate the track to get the ball to the finishing line. While this may sound simple, the game's difficulty ramps up sharply after the tutorial levels are over and failure is inevitable. When you add the complications and unnecessary frustration presented by a free moving camera, casual puzzle players would probably be best giving this one a miss. Only the most patient players will succeed here and a completion will not be easy, but those that persist will be awarded with many hours of gameplay.

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Feb 11, 2017

An experience that is satisfactory for a single playthrough but becomes repetitive and boring across multiple playthroughs, which is something that the achievements encourage.

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