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Lou Contaldi


Favorite Games:
  • Bioshock
  • Tales of the Borderlands
  • Ori and the Blind Forest

87 games reviewed
75.5 average score
80 median score
52.9% of games recommended

Lou Contaldi's Reviews

The pride of New Jersey, Lou Contaldi wears many hats. Besides DualShockers' Reviews Editor and the DualShockers' ShockCast host, Lou enjoys his time studying law, expressing bad opinions, and calling himself a "Burger Connoisseur" -- whatever that means. Lou began gaming on the original Game Boy and hasn't stopped since. A particular fan of Metroidvanias, visual novels, and adventure games, he dabbles in practially every genre -- regardless of skill level, or lack there-of.
Nov 30, 2016

With all that said, Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS is still a great holiday buy for gamers that only own a Nintendo 3DS. The game acts like a quick Super Mario campaign with an accompanying endless collection of levels — and endless Super Mario levels is never a bad thing. Despite a fantastic new delivery system found in Super Mario Challenge, too may of the downgrades strip the components of Super Mario Maker that made it a breakaway success on Wii U.

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Nov 15, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are both fantastic additions to the series’ 20th anniversary. With an inspired new generation of Pokémon and a ton of variation, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are the freshest take on a tried-and-true series. However, just like a vacation, most changes are ones I hope are temporary — I’ll be happy to return to the formula again next year.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Just Dance 2017
Nov 12, 2016

It feels weird to assign a score to Just Dance 2017 — the game doesn’t stray too far from the path, but it’s never been a series that needs to. The game is all out fun and still a world-class party game, but treads the same ground as any other game in the last couple years. If you need to get the latest injection of pop music or haven’t touched the series in years, this game is an easy recommendation. While it isn’t too different from last year’s version (on the one before it), it is still the best Just Dance 2017.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition doesn’t set the bar for remakes, but it is the de facto entry point for one of the best games ever made. With mod support, all of the DLC, and noticeable stability and visual upgrades, Skyrim Special Edition is a welcome addition to the current console generation. However, given the inconsistent value of the versions, take a few moments and consider where you want to play it.

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Oct 25, 2016

Overall, World of Final Fantasy is one of the few PlayStation 4 JRPG’s I can recommend across the board. The game is light-playing, but incredibly enjoyable for Final Fantasy buffs while also being a perfect entry into the series. Beyond a few small annoyances – Tama more than anything – the game is easy enough to play for hours on end or in small, nightly sessions. More importantly, World of Final Fantasy is perfectly suited for both PlayStation 4 and Vita – if you need a light JRPG fix before FFXV, I couldn’t recommend this game more highly.

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7 / 10.0 - Shu
Oct 13, 2016

Shu is a no frills approach to the classic 2D platformer. With a beautiful artstyle, fine-tuned controls, and a brisk difficulty, Shu is a short but sweet experience. However, even with collectibles and time modes, some players will likely be turned off by the simple controls and lack of innovation.

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Oct 5, 2016

Paper Mario: Color Splash is a hell of a good time. If you are able to look past a gimmicky battle system and a couple of shoehorned mechanics, Color Splash oozes with both charm and humor. Sporting a great aesthetic, it is a title that should be in every Wii U owner’s library.

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Sep 28, 2016

At the end of the day, Destiny: Rise of Iron is more of the same. If you are new to the series, there has never been a better time to jump on board, especially at the premium for the base game with all expansions. Fans of the series will fall prey to the Destiny itch that has kept them hooked for hours on end. However, those who have felt burned or quickly lost interest after The Taken King can easily wait for Destiny 2 – there isn’t much new to draw you in.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Lichtspeer
Sep 27, 2016

Lichtspeer won’t have the mass appeal of the AAA games coming out this Fall, but it is more than worthy of your time. With a fun and over the top aesthetic mixed with simplistic game design, Lichtspeer is pure arcade bliss with all the hooks I’ve been looking for in an indie title.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Forza Horizon 3
Sep 20, 2016

Forza Horizon 3 is an unstoppable force of adventure and fun. Throughout my hours and hours of gameplay, I explored desserts, beaches, and festive cities, demolished my fair-share of farms, and blasted Beethoven over the speaker system, all with a goofy smile on my face. This isn’t a game to be missed by Xbox One or PC players, regardless if you are new to the genre or a Motorsport pro. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the Outback.

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Sep 20, 2016

Developer The Chinese Room is capable of capturing many highs and lows of human emotion through both their sound design and storytelling. With that said, Dear Esther: Landmark Edition feels more like a lukewarm experiment — a legacy precursor that paved the way to their more successful titles - an experience that is both significant, while also being entirely out-of-date by modern genre standards. Dear Esther was the baby step that aided in the creation of the genre — while you have to learn to walk before you can run, Dear Esther’s modern competitors have been sprinting for years.

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In short, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is as amazing as any other title in the series. Great for newcomers (who should still highly consider picking up the Ace Attorney Trilogy beforehand) and fans of the series alike, Spirit is consistently a pleasure and deserves a spot in your 3DS library.

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Sep 8, 2016

Packaged together, Champions of Anteria is neither awful nor the next best thing in RTS. Instead, it is a worthwhile title that makes a pretty successful experiment into some new RTS elements that I wouldn’t mind seeing in other titles. And although the moment-to-moment gameplay may be underwhelming to RTS fans, I’m willing to overlook janky control issues when the developer takes worthwhile risks.

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Aug 26, 2016

Despite the lackluster modes, a slow start to seasoned fans, and one-dimensional story, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X is likely the best rhythm game you can find on current generation consoles thanks to the great music and tight control scheme. Whether you are a longtime fan, or someone thinking about broadening their horizons,Project DIVA X should be on your shortlist of games out this Fall.

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Aug 19, 2016

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a testament to phenomenal world design and player freedom – matched with intense customization with impressive gameplay consequences, the majority of the game feels entirely personalized to your gameplay style. Despite the fact Jensen and his overarching story line are less engaging than the gameplay and world itself, there is an irresistible amount of fun to had in Mankind Divided.

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Aug 18, 2016

Hidden underneath the wonky control scheme and irreverent use of the source material, Metroid Prime: Federation Force is overall a good game, held back by limitations of the console as well as bizarre design choices. Fans of FPS’s will likely enjoy not only the experimentation the game has to offer, but also the fun you will find with friends.

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Jun 22, 2016

All in all, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is not only one of the best Wii U games I have played in years, but also one of the best JRPGs I put my hands on in a while. If you own a Wii U, Tokyo Mirage is a must-have in your library. Whether you are a die-hard Shin Megami Tensei or Persona fan, this game will scratch that itch. Despite some half-baked and unnecessary localization, the game is a unique spin on a tried-and-true formula, and one of the best JRPGs to ever grace a Nintendo console this decade.

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9 / 10.0 - SteamWorld Heist
Jun 21, 2016

While I still don't think the game is as successful or accessible as SteamWorld Dig, I applaud Image & Form for flipping the series entirely on its head while still being able to provide an amazing game. If you are new to the series or genre and want to try it out, SteamWorld Heist should be a no-brainer to pick up. Meanwhile, more hardcore turn-based strategy fans should be able to enjoy the interesting setting, light-hearted humor and graduated difficulty modes.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Asemblance
Jun 21, 2016

The fact of the matter is, there aren’t a ton of experiences like this around on PlayStation 4 (perhaps with the exception of SOMA): puzzle-driven psychological thrillers are fairly scarce. And though the puzzles aren’t as rewarding or playful as The Witness, a small collection of my friends have been spit-balling theories and ideas back-and-forth for the past couple of days in  an attempt to unravel the last mystery. For $9.99, it is an experience I highly recommend trying out, even with its faults and being for a niche audience.

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All in all, Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered is worth your time and money. While the gameplay is simple and effective, the RPG and customization elements manage to offer an invigorating spin that will attract nearly any gamer.

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