Keri Honea
- Mass Effect
- Gears of War
- Dragon Age
Keri Honea's Reviews
When a girl has the ability to go back in time a few hours and she actually uses her powers for good, naturally this means she’s going to be thrown in a situation with five hot guys. I don’t know what else to expect when you have that kind of ability.
While I loved every second of replaying Mass Effect for the fourth and definitely not final time, I have that history and nostalgia keeping me through the outdated gameplay. I would recommend anyone jump into this series if they love BioWare RPGs, but I’d have a string of caveats. A lot has not aged well, especially from the first game, even though the first game arguably has the best story of all three. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition is an absolutely incredible walk down memory lane, but that’s really all it is.
Even with these problems, I had an absolute blast in Enoch, and I still am. The game doesn’t end when the credits roll, and there’s still so much left I can do. Not to mention, I could always re-roll another class.
If you’ve always wanted to try out a Harvest Moon title, then Harvest Moon: One World is a great entry point. As I can attest, no prior knowledge of previous games is required. So go forth, farm, and save the world, one crop at a time.
Ys IX had a lot of potential to clean up everything Ys VIII did wrong with the series, but instead, the developers decided to double-down on those previous decisions. At least in Ys VIII, the hideout where Dogi hangs out and the tower defense elements to protect it make some sense. In Ys IX, the hideout feels forced, and the tower defense element for the Grimwald Nox feels incredibly out of place and forced.
I am seriously envious of my friends playing this game who aren’t having issues (mostly PC players), because I see glimpses of the greatness Cyberpunk 2077 has in store. Once CD Projekt Red works through these crashing and glitching issues, and maybe moves the console version of the game into at least a beta phase, it could be fantastic. I, for one, am looking forward to replaying the game with all new choices when Cyberpunk 2077 is fit for console launch.
Ubisoft Quebec has created an incredibly fun (and funny) open world experience for the realm of the Grecian gods. It has its own combat style, narrative style, dungeon-crawling style, and, yes, art style. And it’s delightful.
Overall, Ubisoft has created a very entertaining Vikings game, one that will only get better with patches for the visual weirdness. As long as you don’t expect Assassin’s Creed Valhalla to be like past AC games where the Order is tantamount to everything the main character does, AC fans will find plenty to enjoy.
If otome games are your jam, then you’ll pick this one up regardless. However, this isn’t your typical otome, and you’re in for a real treat with these characters, the setting, the art (look at her dress up there!), and story full of twists and turns. Highly recommended to friends and family.
In the end, after figuring out every Chapter was essentially second verse, same as the first, I stopped exploring. I stopped trying to get better gear. All I needed was enough food to keep me alive as I sail from one island to the next, climbing towers, activating beacons, rinse, and repeat.
Shenmue III deserved something better. The developers should have found a way to meld what makes Shenmue distinctly Shenmue with bringing the game mechanics into 2019. I’m all for remasters of old games and keeping those same clunky mechanics with those old games, including the punishing difficulty. However, I want my sequels to old games to adapt and grow with the times.
As it is now, it’s a bit half-baked and feels rushed. Perhaps the forthcoming DLC will improve upon it, but it’s too much of a shame that we don’t have a more robust product now.
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince definitely lives in a story gamer's wheelhouse, but there's plenty here to satisfy those who may not care about a story in games. But I bet you will care about this one by the time you reach the end.
This is strictly for the absolute hardcore fans who have been dying to know what happens next with Cardia and her beloved. There's a strong emphasis upon the word “fans,” mind you. Filthy casuals need not apply.
I had my doubts about this game, as I already mentioned. I never once thought there was a way Square Enix could live up to the hype the company has built up for this game. But bravo, it has done it and then some. The developer has refined and perfected the combat. It kept its silliness in tact. It kept in the darker themes and deep moments of self-reflection that we all need every once in awhile. It's, quite frankly, the best Kingdom Hearts game Square Enix has ever created.
My feelings about London Detective Mysteria are as mixed as what the game tries to be. It's not the best or the worst otome I've ever played, and most of the romance routes are rather sweet.
If you've been a fan of the LEGO DC titles in the past, then chances are you've already bought the game and aren't reading this at all. If you've never gotten into the LEGO genre before, then LEGO DC Super-Villains isn't a bad dropping-in point. The collectibles are easier to amass, the puzzles have some challenge, and the character creation is enjoyable. If nothing else, you get to hear Mark Hamill's sillier version of the Joker. That alone makes the price of admission worth it.
Ubisoft set out to create an Assassin's Creed game worthy of Odysseus' name, and bravo, they have done it. It's certainly as long as one of Homer's poems, but every minute of it is entertaining, and, well, fun. It never gets old Sparta kicking an enemy off a cliff. Clearing out Locations is always satisfying, especially when they require setting things on fire. Talking to Sokrates will make you question everything about your life and the game itself. Some of the choices you make will have a similar effect. You can't come away from Odyssey without feeling like you were actively part of that great journey, from the highs to the lows and all of the incredible twists and turns in between. This is a voyage you don't want to miss.
By the way, thanks, devs, for bringing to life my greatest fear as a child—the possibility of getting eaten by piranhas. I'm not going to be able to go swimming for a long time.
Technical issues aside, I greatly enjoyed my time in the Heretic Kingdoms. The hack-n-slash combat with puppeteering strategies always felt fresh, the enemies always presented a challenge on the Normal difficulty, and I never got tired of the vast exploration and puzzle solving. Playing again is inevitable for me, as I'm really curious how much choices affect the puppets and the world around me. I played the goody-two-shoes route this time, by not making pacts with other demons and offering to help everyone under the sun. But I can't help but wonder how differently the game would go if I played as Vlad the Heartless. How would that help me unlock puppets I missed this time? How would it change the already chaotic world? Does it have as many ending varieties as Dungeon Siege III? I also can't help but wonder about the backstories for the other soul puppets I didn't choose. With all of that replayability bubbling under the surface, it's nigh impossible to not recommend Shadows: Awakening to all hack-n-slash RPG fans, especially those who never tire of the tried and true Diablo III formula.