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John Rairdin

Cedar Rapids, IA

Favorite Games:
  • Star Fox
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X

165 games reviewed
73.4 average score
75 median score
61.7% of games recommended

John Rairdin's Reviews

John is the Site Director of as well as a major contributor to the site's YouTube channel NWRTV. He is an avid Star Fox fan and physically jumped up and down when he found out Star Fox 2 was being released. He also spends a lot of time playing Xenoblade and will happily tell you everything that is wrong with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sep 17, 2020

It draws on its inspiration in gameplay rather than presentation, which is very refreshing. Of course the difficulty will scare some off, but fans of the genre will absolutely want to give Super Punch Patrol a shot. Grab a friend, and fight your way through these crime filled streets as you punch your way to justice.

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Sep 16, 2020

Updated, sharper textures for Super Mario 64, widescreen support for Super Mario Sunshine, and diverse new control options for Super Mario Galaxy, each bring welcome additions to their respective games. While yes, the updates are restrained somewhat in their ambition, the end result is undeniable. Even if some elements show their age, this is without a doubt, the best, and most versatile release these three classic 3D platformers have ever received.

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Sep 1, 2020

There are the bones of a fun and inventive game here. I had a blast playing an earlier demo on PC but the Switch just isn't able to deliver that. While I can't recommend the Switch version, this may still be worth checking out in some other form.

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8.5 / 10.0 - The Last Campfire
Aug 30, 2020

Beyond its narrative value is an excellently designed puzzle adventure that manipulates a few simple mechanics in an incredible variety of ways. The Switch version does have some performance issues and wasn't without an odd glitch or two, but these were momentary setbacks in a wonderful journey. While the entirety of the Last Campfire only lasts around five hours, it is an adventure you're unlikely to forget anytime soon.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Darkestville Castle
Aug 27, 2020

While it brings with it some of their flaws, it is absolutely dripping with charm. Some of the corners are a little rough when it comes to character design and world building, but the story had me brushing past these inconsistencies without a second thought, not to mention that the Switch port itself is excellently done. If you're craving something in the vein of Monkey Island on your Nintendo Switch, I can't think of anything better than Darkestville Castle. Just brace yourself for the occasional esoteric puzzle solution.

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Aug 21, 2020

While Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time could ultimately do with some more focus on its core elements rather than its extensive side system, there is enough here to be enjoyable. For fans of the series revisiting these classic locations and characters years later can help push through the rough spots. It may not win over any new converts, but longtime fans shouldn't have too much trouble looking past some faults purely for the joy of seeing Jack once again.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Lost Wing
Jul 26, 2020

Lost Wing has a fantastic gameplay loop, housed in a shell that shows some rough spots. Actually playing Lost Wing is sublime, but progressing through it can be an occasionally frustrating grind. It looks and sounds fantastic once you get past its menus. In this way, Lost Wing perhaps presents more of a challenge than it intended, but it's a challenge I am happy to accept.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Biped
Jul 2, 2020

I went back to try co-op and realized that more than half of the game hadn't been shown to me. I could see plenty of players simply never realizing those levels are there. This would be a shame as Biped has a lot to offer, but you have to know where to look, and you'll need a friend.

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Jun 28, 2020

This is a very straightforward port of a game from 1999. Motion controls are its most substantial update and they ultimately fail to impress. That being said, even the most bare bones port leaves us with an amazing racing game with gameplay that has excellently stood the test of time.

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8 / 10.0 - Ancestors Legacy
Jun 23, 2020

The controls are excellently adapted to a controller, and bring up relatively few issues in terms of unit control. I do wish the core design allowed for more diversity in terms of unit production and strategy, but that hasn't kept me from having some great matches. While some of these issues are inherent to the game while others are exclusive to the Switch version, none of them kept me from enjoying my time with it. Ancestors Legacy isn't perfect, but it just might be the best RTS experience on Switch.

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May 31, 2020

That being said, the rest of its excellent design blows right past that oversight. The Switch version in particular brings with it its own unique issues, but once again the design outshines these issues. While I can't say the Switch is the ideal way to play this game, it is worth playing in whatever form you can.

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May 31, 2020

The worlds of Myst continued to be developed for years after the original's release, and while its sequels developed on the incredibly rich lore and plot, for my money none of them ever quite recaptured the feeling of the original. While the Switch version has some minor performance issues, they're more than made up for by portability and the option to play with touch controls in classic mode. If you've never played Myst, or if you grew up with the original, take this excuse to journey back to the ages of Myst and get lost all over again.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Star Horizon
May 25, 2020

Levels are often large and expansive but without the enemy layout to fill them up. There are plenty of fun weapons at your disposal, but the targeting system makes them all less functional. While it runs well on Switch and certainly has its moments where everything lines up just right, overall it is at best a mediocre rail shooter. Even if you're desperate for this underrepresented genre, there are already better entries available on the eShop.

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May 21, 2020

Arguably where it stumbles most is in trying to force in diversity via the bombing missions. When Red Wings accepts its own simplicity it is brilliant. The local co-op makes for a wonderful and unexpected addition, and strong art design helps to maintain its charm for many hours. Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is no doubt destined to become a hidden gem of the Switch eShop.

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May 19, 2020

The Elder Scrolls: Blades is a simple case of a mediocre game on mobile just not holding up on an actual console.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Ion Fury
May 13, 2020

It leverages a classic engine in new and exciting ways and is only very rarely hampered by it. While the humor may rub some players the wrong way, it's arguably worth suffering through for a game that is in many ways better than its source material. This is a '90s shooter the way you remember them, rather than perhaps how they actually were.

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May 7, 2020

It's visually quite stunning and features a solid but overplayed soundtrack. There are moments of brilliance sprinkled in with an otherwise thoroughly mediocre experience. I wouldn't say I hated my time with Spirit of the North, but I'd certainly have rather spent it elsewhere.

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Apr 30, 2020

G-LOC is by no means the best game of this type Sega’s released, but it's serviceable and fun. The Sega Ages port is, as usual, excellent. However, morso than many of Sega’s games from this era, G-LOC certainly shows its age.

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Mar 30, 2020

Does that mean it's bad? Not directly, but you may occasionally need to remind yourself what you're playing. It is merely unfortunate that with the same degree of care that was paid to its visual and auditory departments, the gameplay truly could have been given new life. I still find myself having a great time playing it, and look forward to improving my high score, but I can't help but dream of what could have been.

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8.5 / 10.0 - DOOM 64
Mar 24, 2020

Its gameplay is refined and this port in particular cleans up its most egregious rough edge. The maps are as confusing as ever but being able to see where you're going makes it much more tolerable. If you're a classic Doom fan and have never played Doom 64, you owe it to yourself to pick it up. This just may be the best classic-style Doom.

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