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John Rairdin

Cedar Rapids, IA

Favorite Games:
  • Star Fox
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X

165 games reviewed
73.4 average score
75 median score
61.7% of games recommended

John Rairdin's Reviews

John is the Site Director of as well as a major contributor to the site's YouTube channel NWRTV. He is an avid Star Fox fan and physically jumped up and down when he found out Star Fox 2 was being released. He also spends a lot of time playing Xenoblade and will happily tell you everything that is wrong with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Apr 20, 2022

As for this particular version, Krome Studios and Aspyr deserve immense praise for their efforts to preserve this oft-forgotten version. Outside of the missing bonus levels from the PSP version, this is the definitive version of this release. This is by no means a masterpiece, but it is an excellent version of a fairly good game.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Astrodogs
Apr 8, 2022

This is a game that understands on a seemingly effortless level what makes the genre work. It is able to build on those concepts while still staying entirely true to that core experience. Simultaneously, it offers an incredible package in terms of visuals and sound. I have some minor complaints about the camera in conjunction with the movement system, and some very select boss design issues, but overall it's hard not to absolutely love Astrodogs. Even with a couple blemishes this is easily one of the best games of this type currently available on Switch.

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Perhaps start with the prequels so that if you encounter this issue, you'll only lose a little progress as opposed to half the game. Though it should be noted that I did have the desire to push on. There are plenty of games where a bug like this would have simply stopped me from playing, and while I won't lie and say it didn't hurt my opinion, I still ultimately made the decision to start again and push past it.

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5 / 10.0 - Ikai
Mar 29, 2022

Even just catching a glimpse of an enemy can be hard from far away given the resolution, and effectively navigating the halls of the shrine to escape is much more difficult at twenty frames per second. So while I could forgive some of the more repetitive encounters and lackluster voice acting, everything compounds into a very unimpressive showing. This isn't necessarily a bad game, but I'd strongly suggest playing it elsewhere if possible.

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Mar 9, 2022

Even then, I struggled to put Aztech Forgotten Gods down once I started playing it. As I said at the outset, Aztech Forgotten Gods is perfect imperfection. While I can't ignore its faults, I found myself significantly more enamored with its successes.

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This Switch release certainly has some drawbacks, and it's arguable that a straight port of the original games at a higher resolution might have yielded better results than this down-port of the remasters, but the net result remains positive. Performance is overall a significant improvement over the original releases and still a superior way to play. It's unfortunate that Ubisoft has decided to work their way backwards through the original Assassin's Creed story arc with their Switch releases, but even if you haven't played the original, this trilogy holds up incredibly on its own.

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Feb 14, 2022

Even wandering your territory to build your relationships can be done entirely in menus, removing the need to engage with the openworld. Unfortunately you'll still need to take part in battles, which should not be a downside in a Warriors game. If you can laser focus on the strategy elements, and maybe favor diplomacy over direct conflict, there is a playable though still rough experience here. But if you're looking for satisfying Warriors combat, there are plenty of better options already on Switch.

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6 / 10.0 - Blackwind
Jan 20, 2022

It isn't downright bad by any means, just like going back and playing the original God of War on PS2 isn't bad either. But that design is really only excusable in the context of its time. Blackwind will have some appeal to hardcore fans of early 2000's action games, but without those rose tinted glasses, there isn't much here to help it rise above mediocrity.

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Dec 7, 2021

This Switch version, however, is just not very fun to play. It is poorly optimized to a damaging degree and turns what could be a meandering but enjoyable experience into one of the more rough experiences I've had on the platform. There is some fun to be had here surfing along the great wibbly-wobbly, but it's probably better done on a different system.

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Nov 24, 2021

Performance concerns are certainly worth being aware of on Switch, but they rarely hamper the actual gameplay. If you need a break from Animal Crossing or want something even calmer than Story of Seasons, Grow: Song of the Evertree isn't likely to steer you wrong. This is without a doubt one of the most pleasantly cozy experiences I've had playing a game.

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It provides a depth that few Star Wars games have and its place in the timeline makes it relevant to modern fans even if you otherwise have no interest in legends content. Yes you'll spend a long time running back and forth across the dunes of Tatooine but the payoff is always worth it. Save for the potential of the recently announced remake, this is easily the best experience I've had playing this game and I can now earnestly hope the sequel finds its way to Switch as well.

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8 / 10.0 - Demon Turf
Nov 3, 2021

The performance on Switch is largely great, but when it hits a snag it tends to do so at the worst possible time. But for the rest of the time it's a great looking, great sounding, and great-playing 3D platformer. This is one of those games where despite some flaws, you'll find yourself returning to old worlds to clean up every last collectible as you work your way up the demon ladder.

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10 / 10.0 - Metroid Dread
Oct 10, 2021

It is a testament not only to what the genre has always been, but the potential of what it could become. It is a triumphant return of Samus Aran as the undisputed queen of the genre. Long may she reign.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Darksiders III
Oct 4, 2021

If anything the Switch version actually improves on some elements of the original performance, but it can still be a bit of a rough ride. This was always a game that required more powerful hardware to push through its shortcomings and the Switch obviously can't totally deliver on that. At the same time, with slightly faster loading and solid handheld performance, I'd probably still take this over going back to the original Xbox One version.

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Oct 2, 2021

The second game isn't really worth it unless you're desperate. This is unfortunate as some basic quality of life updates could make it a much better game. There is some cool history here, and this is a collection that will appeal to arcade or rail-shooter enthusiasts, but is hard to recommend outside of those specific circles.

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Sep 27, 2021

For now, there is a lot of potential. Check back around the time that patch hits for my final scored thoughts on the game. In the meantime, if building tracks and customizing cars can make up for some rough edges in other departments, Hot Wheels Unleashed may be worth checking out.

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If you can put up with what feels like the same fight over and over again, there's something cool here, but that repetition can be a bit of a hurdle, and then another, and another.

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6.5 / 10.0 - King's Bounty II
Aug 23, 2021

Too often exploring the world becomes a game of walking in a direction until you realize you're not supposed to have gone that way due to high level enemies. Too often combat results in re-loading a manual save as you trial and error your way through various unexplained mechanics. There is a good game deep beneath the surface, but it lacks a lot of polish that it would need to be truly great.

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Aug 20, 2021

Heart Chain Kitty on Switch is a very rough port of a pretty rough game. What results is just uncomfortable to play. It would be one thing if the underlying experience of Heart Chain Kitty outside this Switch version was some sort of hidden gem, but it isn't. Heart Chain Kitty is technically a fully functional 3D platformer, but not one you'll actually enjoy.

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8.5 / 10.0 - The Falconeer
Aug 2, 2021

Even as someone who plays a lot of games that are theoretically in the same genre as The Falconeer, I have to say that I've never played anything quite like it. On top of all of that the Switch version itself is among the best Switch ports we've ever seen. This is a rare instance of a game that feels perfect on the go but also looks great on a big screen TV. Yes, the core gameplay loop is fairly simple, but The Falconeer never really pretends to be anything other than what it is and it excels wildly at it. If you're a fan of aerial combat games and want to try something outside the usual realm of fighter jets and spaceships, I can strongly recommend trying out The Falconeer. While it may get repetitive for some, the core combat loop and lore filled world drew me in and I'll likely be returning for more very soon.

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